S tmp table

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Revision as of 18:35, 2018 September 19 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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The S_Tmp table contains the possible values for the L_TmpV2 in CCMDB.mdb.

Data Structure

  • Study - name of study for which this variable is relevant
  • Value - think of this as the "field name" for that study
  • order - order in which the value entries will be listed after project/study is chosen
  • Instruction - this gets displayed for how to collect the specific variable
  • int_var_label - shows up as label for the integer in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • float_var_label - shows up as label for the float in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • bool_var_label - shows up as label for the boolean/checkbox in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • date_var_label - shows up as label for the date in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • time_var_label - shows up as label for the time in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • complete_send - no longer used, was related to sending pre-CFE
  • active - only active lines show up in the dropdown
  • hosp
    • gives location where dropdown should be available
    • if not entered, will be available for all locations
    • make several lines with locations if available only in some places
  • program
    • gives program for which dropdown should be available
    • if not entered will be available for all programs
  • auto_add_at_patient_creation - see Automatic Generation of TMP entries
  • auto_cant_add_manually - see Automatic Generation of TMP entries
  • auto_cant_edit - see Automatic Generation of TMP entries
  • MCHP - True/False whether this study will be included in the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy export

Cross Checks

Data Integrity Checks
Summary: There must not be apostrophes in the comment field as they would mess with Julie's data analysis.
Related: [[S Tmp]]
Firmness: hard check
Timing: always
App: CCMDB.mdb
Coding: query s_tmp_apostrophe_in_comment
Uses L Problem table: not relevant for this app
Status: implemented
Implementation Date: 2017-Apr-27
Backlogged: true
  • Cargo

  • SMW
"CCMDB.mdb" is not in the list (CCMDB.accdb, Centralized data front end.accdb, TISS28.accdb, SAP, DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb, not entered) of allowed values for the "DICApp" property. 
  • Categories: 
  • form:

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