2016 Time and Place changes
Our current system of collecting admit and discharge information is convoluted because it has slowly evolved and never really been updated since the start of collection. We have looked at all the fields involved (incl. concepts like "AMA") and are planning to implement a new system sometime next year. Please have a look at the new system below. We are looking forward to comments. If you see something that will be ambiguous or likely unavailable during your collection, make sure you let us know. Like all changes this will cause some disruption. As you review it, try to think of it from the perspective of a new collector you are training. We are hoping that, from that perspective at least, the new system will be clearer than the old. Many of the fields will draw from the S dispo table.
The following fields are being introduced as part of this change:
- Pre acute living situation field
- Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field
- Previous Location field
- Previous Service field
- Off ward field
- Service/Location field
- Dispo field
- Visit Admit DtTm field
- Accept_DtTm field
- Arrive_DtTm field
- Dispo_DtTm field
- Transfer_Ready_DtTm field
- Postal_Code field
Also related
- LOS()