R Filter Field

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Legacy Content

This page contains Legacy Content.
  • Explanation: This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past.
  • Successor: No successor was entered

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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: R_Filter
CCMDB tab: Dispo
Table: L_Log table
Data type: string
Length: 10
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 1988-07-11
End Date: 2019-01-01
Sort Index: 26

Critical care patients on a long term ventilator (LTV).

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

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  • Forms

Conversion from our old diagnosis schema to ICD10/CCI

Legacy Data

For legacy reasons the actual name of the field in ccmdb_data.mdb and Centralized_data.mdb is R_Filter.

B, H, BH


  • Started: Sept 25, 2003
  • Stopped 2005
  • B = CCU patient on B3 only
  • H = CCU patient on H7-CCU only
  • BH = CCU patient on BOTH B3 & H7-CCU during one admission

Purpose was to capture CCU patient location during ICU CCU bed closure and during some renovations.


HSC & STB-CCU patients only. Tags used for ICU:

  • CC - intubated/ventilated patient in MICU under care of cardiology service or co-managed with MICU attending
  • CCN - not ventilated but requires inotrope support, IABP or central lines in MICU under the care of cardiology service or co-managed with MICU attending

H1C, H1S, H1N

H1C and H1S are H1N confirmed and suspects when we are doing the H1N audit.

Other values

  • 1 22E
  • 5 DAN
  • 1 GRA
  • 1 H3N
  • 11 H4H
  • 9 HB
  • 2 LTR
  • 59 MR9
  • 130 MRT
  • 3 NP
  • 2 U

translation into other fields

Based on Julie's review 2017-04-18

LTV (Long Term Ventilated patients)

– 463 records from 1988 to present at all sites ICUs --> to Chronic dependence on mechanical ventilator
    • INSERT INTO L_ICD10 ( L_ICD10_ID, D_ID, ICD10_code, Dx_Type, Dx_Priority )
SELECT [D_ID] & "_LTV" AS L_ID, L_Log.D_ID, " Z99.1" AS ICD10, "Comorbid" AS tp, 28 AS Pr
WHERE (((L_Log.R_Filter)="LTV"));

H1S, H1C (i.e. H1N suspect and H1N confirm )

- 155 records, 2009 at all sites --> to H1N1

    • INSERT INTO L_TmpV2 ( D_Tmp_ID, D_ID, Project, Item, comment_var )
SELECT [D_ID] & "_H1N1_s" AS L_ID, L_Log.D_ID, "H1N suspect" AS tmp_p, "H1N suspect" AS tmp_i, "from R_Filter" AS c
WHERE (((L_Log.R_Filter)="H1S"));
  • INSERT INTO L_TmpV2 ( D_Tmp_ID, D_ID, Project, Item, comment_var )
SELECT [D_ID] & "_H1N1_s" AS L_ID, L_Log.D_ID, "H1N confirmed" AS tmp_p, "H1N confirmed" AS tmp_i, "from R_Filter" AS c
WHERE (((L_Log.R_Filter)="H1C"));


    1. U, u (2014) – 2 records only
    2. NP– 3 records only, 1990-1991, HSC
    3. MRT, MR9 - 189 records, from 1989-1992, at HSC MICU/SICU ---> can’t remember this, Trish. If needed, move to tmp.
    4. LTR – 2 records, 2012, at GRA N5
    5. H4H - 11 records, Apr 2005 at HSC H4 ---> start date of H4H is May2005. Do we want to make the service location= H4H?
    6. H3N– 1 record, 2010 at HSC MICU
    7. GRA – 1 record, 2013 at GRA N3
    8. DAN – 5 records, 1998,2000,2001,2003 at HSC MICU
    9. 22E – 1 record, 2005 at STB E5
  • UPDATE L_Log SET L_Log.R_Filter = ""
WHERE (((L_Log.R_Filter)="U" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="u" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="NP" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="MRT" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="MR9" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="LTR" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="H4H" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="H3N" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="GRA" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="DAN" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="22E" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="H1S" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="H1C" Or (L_Log.R_Filter)="LTV"));

All Done PTorres 14:48, 2022 August 29 (CDT)

Project Legacy Co-managed

  • R_Filter values CC or CCN
  • 633 records from 1989-2004 at STB/HSC MICU
  • Based on the D_ID, the physical location-service involves, CCU, MICU,SICU
  • transitioned into Project Legacy Co-managed, see details there

turn into Project Legacy HSC CCU Loc

  • R_Filter values H/B/HB/BH
  • (HSC CCU at H7, B3 or both) – 1100 records from 2003 – 2006 at HSC CCU
  • See Project Legacy HSC CCU Loc for details

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