CCMDB.accdb Change Log 2023
See Log (disambiguation) for other uses of the term "Log". See the Development Documentation Category for other development logs. See Rolling out changes for the process of rolling out changes. See also requested CCMDB changes for the next version and CCMDB.accdb Data Integrity Checks.
not rolled yet Ttenbergen 13:10, 2023 May 3 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 13:10, 2023 May 3 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- tweak to Query check tmp BedHeld, it was looking for dispo = "AWOL" but needed "AMA (left against medical advice)"
rolled out Ttenbergen 11:50, 2023 May 3 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- tweaked Query check_ICD10_trach_dxs_consistent as per old request
- tweaked query check_ICD10_CLI_vs_CCI_CentralLine to only check cc patients
rolled out Ttenbergen 09:38, 2023 May 3 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
rolled out Ttenbergen 07:56, 2023 May 3 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- re-imported s_CCI_Categories_Collection_Mode table since the update I rolled out was actually missing things, see s_CCI_Categories_Collection_Mode table
- correction to query check_tmp_BedHeld, which wasn't working right for "AMA (Protocol)"
rolled out Ttenbergen 12:05, 2023 May 2 (CDT)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- added query check_tmp_BedHeld
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- removed query "z_ComoAdmAcqu_Primary_List" that had been built for Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes
rolled out Ttenbergen 12:03, 2023 April 18 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- updated functions that import Cognos data to give option to import from desktop file if import from email fails
rolled out Ttenbergen 21:22, 2023 April 5 (CDT)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- Changed the name of "Transfusion of FFP" to Transfusion of plasma products in S CCI Picklist table
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:31, 2023 April 5 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- updated code for (T) Brain's Meninges, Dura, Subarachnoid, Ventricles: it was "1.AA " with two spaces, and is now just "1.AA" as it should be.
rolled out Ttenbergen 13:47, 2023 April 5 (CDT)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- S dispo table: edited record for GH-Recovery Room to remove the categorizations and change it from RR to ICU
rolled out Ttenbergen 16:24, 2023 March 2 (CST)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- in s_dispo table, changed "GH-ER" to " GH - ER" which makes it consistent with how it's named at other locations, and which moves it to the top of how these are sorted in the previous location and other fields.
rolled out Ttenbergen 10:33, 2023 March 1 (CST)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- updated function ApScore_pH() to return 0 rather than Null when receiving a Null input Ttenbergen 10:33, 2023 March 1 (CST)
- changed Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) to Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) in s_ICD10 table Ttenbergen 09:52, 2023 March 1 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 18:04, 2023 February 9 (CST)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- added send dttm to logging to troubleshoot Error "Invalid SQL statment..." when sending Ttenbergen 18:04, 2023 February 9 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:58, 2023 February 9 (CST)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- deleted query check_CCI_if_no_admin_entries and replaced it with query check_CCI_Picklist_no_admin_entries and query check_CCI_Component_no_admin_entries
- ran a re-compile and removed code that is no longer required because of previous changes
- updated query check_Transfer_DtTm_after_paired_BL_and_before_later_BL so it will not allow transfer ready to be equal to next boarding loc start
- updated options for Pre acute living situation field in S pre acute living situation table to no longer allow "Assisted Living" and "Supportive Housing" which have been replaced by "Community Facility with support"
rolled out Ttenbergen 14:52, 2023 February 2 (CST)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- re-allocated some STB Med, see Processes_around_changing_a_PatientFollow_assignment#2023-02-02 Ttenbergen 14:52, 2023 February 2 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 11:17, 2023 January 26 (CST)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- re-activated the HSC Critical Care Service entries for Service tmp entry that had been inactivated in the past since we will now collect these verbatim
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- updated Charlson Comorbidities in ICD10 codes according to Allan's email from Dec 1; this should have been identical to what I have but somehow still had differences; the specific changes are a bit messy and there will likely be further updates since the list was incomplete.
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:13, 2023 January 25 (CST)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- added "Weird reason" to BedHeldEnd DtTm
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- retired Sudden cardiac death (and died) as per Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2023#ICU Database Task Group Meeting – Jan 11, 2023
rolled out Ttenbergen 11:26, 2023 January 25 (CST)
Changes collectors need to know about:
- added HSC ICU related Cognos services to s_tmp table to allow entry as it is in Cognos, rather than changed version; more may need to be added, let me know
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- updated S_laptops table to not allow duplicate entries. Three lines had accidentally been added that were causing records to not show up in CSS. Ttenbergen 11:26, 2023 January 25 (CST)
- changed the dropdown for the Previous Location to list the local entries first.
- updated entry for Selkirk Mental Hospital in s_dispo table to replace the nulls in its site etc fields with empty strings like all the other entries have
- updated the GH-ambulatory care to GH ambulatory care (- to space) so it sorts below the options collectors actually use
- updated created_AdmitDtTm query so it won't crash when there are nulls in all three dates
- disabled query check_tmp_ER_Boarding_Loc_should_exist_if_from_ER
rolled out Ttenbergen 11:04, 2023 January 5 (CST)
Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
- updated S laptops table to not allow duplicate entries. Three lines had accidentally been added that were causing records to not show up in CSS. Ttenbergen 11:04, 2023 January 5 (CST)