Once a question is answered it will be removed from any of the categories listed here .
How to add a question
- When you want to add a question or comment to an article, log in and press the EDIT tab at the top of the screen and start with typing in the following:
- '''{{Discussion}}''' . This is a question template and it will automatically put your question into THIS QUESTION CATEGORY.
- Another way to to make sure your question goes into THIS QUESTION CATEGORY is to add the following
- '''[[Category:Questions]]''' to the END of an article.
To be added
- more details on adding a question
- a protocol is needed for:
- notification
- review
- moving resolved questions out of the questions category once discussions are exhausted & clarification are complete and have been added to their article
Pages in category "Questions"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.