
Revision as of 10:20, 18 November 2021 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)

This is a list of Indicators used in Reports from our database by the Statistician. Some of the indicators are at the profile level, some at the admission level and some are aggregates. Click on the links to see details for each indicator.

ADL Score
APACHE Acute Diagnoses
Avoidable Days (Critical Care)
Bed occupancy
Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Critical Care)
Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Medicine)
Central Line Associated Blood-Stream Infection (CLA-BSI) rate
Central Line Day
Charlson Comorbidity Index
Delirium days
Duration of Mechanical Ventilation
ICU Acquired Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) rate
ICU Acquired Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) rate
ICU Acquired Sepsis
ICU Acquired Ulcer Rate
ICU Diagnosis APACHE Category Rate
ICU Interfacility Transfer
ICU Primary Diagnosis ICD10 Chapter Rate
ICU Resource Utilization - Chest Xrays
ICU Resource Utilization - Creatinine Tests
Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs (concept)
Length of Time for Transfer from ED to ICU within same facility
LOS Medicine per hospital admission
LOS per Location
LOS Per Record
LOS Per Service
Medicine Primary Diagnosis Rate
Night Time Discharges
Nursing Workload
Occupancy For Bed Held
Over Census at Midnight
Patient flow
Readmission Rate to ICU
Readmission to MedWard
Severity of illness
Sex Rate
Transfer Delay (Critical Care)
Transfer Delay (Medicine)
Unit Mortality
Ventilated patient flow
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Rate
Ventilator Utilization Ratio


Pages are included here when they use the Template:Data element. To document additional indicators, go to Form:Data element and type the name there.

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