NOS codes in ICD10
ICD10 allows assigning diagnoses that are not on the list to more general "NOS" codes. Diagnoses for which we don't have a specific code should be coded as the next more general NOS code. This includes diagnoses that would be included in the standard ICD10 codes but that were not included in our subset (see here for more info).
List of NOS diagnoses
- (T) Eye, NOS
- Abdominal hernia, NOS
- Abnormal blood chemistry NOS
- Abnormal uterine or vaginal hemorrhage, NOS
- Acidosis, NOS
- Acute myocardial infarction complication, NOS
- Adrenal gland disorder, NOS
- Adrenal insufficiency, NOS
- Adverse effect of heat or light, NOS
- Allergic reaction (allergy), NOS
- Anemia due to nutritional deficiency, NOS
- Anemia, NOS
- Angina pectoris, stable or NOS
- Ankle or foot or toes, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Anoxic brain injury, NOS
- Anxiety disorder, NOS
- Aortic valve disorder, NOS
- Arterial aneurysm or dissection, NOS
- Arthritis, NOS
- Atherosclerosis of arteries, NOS
- Bacteria, NOS
- Bacterial infection, NOS
- Behavioral disorder, NOS
- Benign neoplasm, NOS
- Bladder, cystitis NOS
- Bladder, disorder NOS
- Bone NOS, nontraumatic fracture NOS
- Bone infection (osteomyelitis), NOS
- Bone, disorder NOS
- Bone, disorder of bone continuity NOS
- Bone, pathologic fracture NOS
- Brain disorder, NOS
- Breast, disorder NOS
- Bullous skin disorder, NOS
- Cardiac arrhythmia, NOS
- Cardiac conduction system disorder, NOS
- Cardiac septum, congenital malformation NOS
- Cardiomyopathy, NOS
- Cardiomyopathy, due to infection, drugs or external agents NOS
- Cartilage, disorder NOS
- Cerebral infarction/stroke, NOS
- Cerebrovascular disease, NOS
- Cholecystitis, NOS
- Cholelithiasis or choledolithiasis (gallstones), NOS
- Chromosomal abnormality, NOS
- Coagulation defect, NOS
- Cognitive impairment, NOS
- Colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, or gastroenteritis, noninfectious NOS
- Collagen-vascular disease, NOS
- Coma NOS
- Complication associated with artificial fertilization, NOS
- Complication of anesthesia, NOS
- Complication of labor and delivery, NOS
- Congestive heart failure, NOS
- Crystal arthritis/artropathy, NOS
- Cushing's syndrome, NOS
- Degenerative nervous system disorder, NOS
- Dementia, NOS
- Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, NOS
- Dermatitis, NOS
- Diabetes mellitus chronic complication NOS
- Diarrhea, noninfectious NOS
- Disease of blood or blood-forming organ, NOS
- Disorder of amino-acid metabolism, NOS
- Disorder of amniotic fluid and/or membranes, NOS
- Disorder of anus or rectum, NOS
- Disorder of appendix, NOS
- Disorder of artery/arteries, NOS
- Disorder of capillaries, NOS
- Disorder of conjunctiva, NOS
- Disorder of cranial nerves, NOS
- Disorder of digestive system, NOS
- Disorder of esophagus, NOS
- Disorder of external ear, NOS
- Disorder of eye(s), NOS
- Disorder of hair or hair follicles, NOS
- Disorder of intestines (small or large intestine), NOS
- Disorder of iron metabolism, NOS
- Disorder of jaws, NOS
- Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism NOS
- Disorder of liver, NOS
- Disorder of lung, NOS
- Disorder of lymph nodes and/or lymph vessels, noninfective NOS
- Disorder of mediastinum, NOS
- Disorder of middle ear, NOS
- Disorder of mineral metabolism, NOS
- Disorder of nervous system (any part), NOS
- Disorder of nose and/or sinuses, infectious or noninfectious NOS
- Disorder of oral mucosa (mouth, lips, tongue), NOS
- Disorder of pericardium, NOS
- Disorder of peritoneum, NOS
- Disorder of pulmonary vessels, NOS
- Disorder of respiratory system, any part, NOS
- Disorder of skin or subcutaneous tissues, NOS
- Disorder of spleen, NOS
- Disorder of stomach or duodenum, NOS
- Disorder of teeth and supporting tissues, NOS
- Disorder of the cardiovascular/circulatory system, NOS
- Disorder of the ear, NOS
- Disorder of the immune system, NOS
- Disorder of the inner ear, NOS
- Disorder of the lens of the eye, NOS
- Disorder of the optic nerve or neural visual pathways, NOS
- Disorder of thymus, NOS
- Disorder of upper respiratory tract, infectious or noninfectious NOS
- Disorder of vein, NOS
- Disorder of vestibular function, NOS
- Disorder of white blood cells, NOS
- Duodenal ulcer, NOS
- Edema, NOS
- Edema, localized NOS
- Effects of air or water pressure, NOS
- Elbow or forearm, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Electrolyte disorder, NOS
- Encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, infectious NOS
- Encephalopathy, NOS
- Endocrine disorder, NOS
- Eosinophilic pulmonary disease (pulmonary eosinophilia), NOS
- Esophageal varices, NOS
- Esophagitis, NOS
- Femur or pelvis, nontraumatic fracture NOS
- Food poisoning (due to foodborne bacterial toxin), NOS
- Fungemia, NOS
- Fungus or yeast, NOS
- Gallbladder or bile duct disorder, NOS
- Gangrene, NOS
- Gastric ulcer, NOS
- Gastritis, NOS
- Gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis, colitis), bacterial, NOS
- Gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis, colitis), bug NOS
- Gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis, colitis), protozoal, NOS
- Headache NOS
- Headache syndrome, NOS
- Heart disorder, NOS
- Heart failure, NOS
- Hemoglobinopathy, hereditary, NOS
- Hemolytic anemia, acquired, NOS
- Hemorrhage in early pregnancy, NOS
- Hemorrhage, NOS
- Hemorrhage, respiratory sites, NOS
- Hepatopulmonary syndrome, NOS
- Hereditary deficiency of clotting factor, NOS
- Hip or thigh, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Hydrocephalus, NOS
- Hyperadrenal state, NOS
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveoliltis), NOS
- Hypertension, secondary, NOS
- Hypopituitarism (pituitary insufficiency), NOS
- Hypotension, NOS
- Iatrogenic problem NOS, related to a surgery or procedure, NOS
- Iatrogenic, complication of medical or surgical care NOS
- Iatrogenic, dehiscence or rupture or disruption, surgical wound NOS
- Iatrogenic, hemorrhage or hematoma, related to a procedure or surgery NOS
- Iatrogenic, infection, cardiac or vascular prosthetic device or implant or graft NOS
- Iatrogenic, infection, following a procedure or surgery, NOS
- Iatrogenic, infection, internal prosthetic device or implant or graft NOS
- Iatrogenic, mechanical complication/dysfunction, cardiac or vascular prosthetic device or implant or graft, NOS
- Iatrogenic, mechanical complication/dysfunction, internal prosthetic device or implant or graft NOS
- Iatrogenic, puncture or laceration, related to a procedure or surgery NOS
- Immunodeficiency state, NOS
- Infection of skin or subcutaneous (soft) tissue, NOS
- Infectious disease NOS
- Infestation, NOS
- Inflammatory/immune arthritis, NOS
- Interstitial lung disease, NOS
- Intervertebral disc disorder, NOS
- Intestinal malabsorption, NOS
- Intra-abdominal organ NOS, wound/injury/trauma NOS
- Involuntary movements, NOS
- Ischemic heart disease, acute NOS
- Joint NOS, nontraumatic cartilage disorder NOS
- Joint disorder, nontraumatic NOS
- Kidney or ureter, disorder NOS
- Kidney, acute renal failure NOS
- Kidney, renal tubular disorder, NOS
- Knee or lower leg, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Knee, nontraumatic disorder knee, NOS
- Labor/delivery complicated by hemorrhage, NOS
- Leukemia, NOS
- Liver cirrhosis, NOS
- Liver disease/hepatitis, chronic NOS
- Liver failure w/wo hepatic encephalopathy, acute or subacute NOS
- Liver failure w/wo hepatic encephalopathy, chronic NOS
- Lower limb (leg), level not specified/NOS, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Lymphadenopathy, NOS
- Lymphoid leukemia, NOS
- Lymphoma, NOS
- Male genital organs, disorder NOS
- Malignancy (clonal disorder) of blood or lymphoid tissue, NOS
- Mass, lump or swelling, skin or subcutaneous tissue, NOS
- Maternal complications of pregnancy, NOS
- Maternal disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum, NOS
- Mechanism of injury: other NOS
- Mechanism of injury: transport or vehicle accident NOS
- Medical problem NOS
- Meningitis, bacterial, NOS
- Meningitis, infectious NOS
- Menopausal or perimenopausal disorder, NOS
- Mental disorder, of behavior, personality or emotion, NOS
- Mesenteric ischemia, NOS
- Metabolic disorder, NOS
- Mitral valve disorder, NOS
- Mononeuropathy, NOS
- Mood (affective) disorder, NOS
- Movement disorder, NOS
- Mucositis/ulceration of digestive system, NOS
- Muscle disorder/myopathy (primary or secondary), NOS
- Muscle, disorder NOS
- Muscle, wasting/atrophy NOS
- Myocardial infarction, acute (AMI), NOS
- Myocarditis, acute NOS
- Myxedema NOS
- Neoplasm of uncertain behavior (i.e. not clear if benign or malignant), NOS
- Nephritic syndrome, NOS
- Nosocomial infection, NOS
- Nutritional deficiency, NOS
- Observation for reason NOS
- Observation for suspected infection NOS
- Organic brain disorder, NOS
- Other type of infectious organism, NOS
- Ovarian dysfunction, NOS
- Pain, acute NOS
- Pain, chest NOS
- Pain, chronic NOS
- Pancreas disorder, NOS
- Pancreatitis, acute NOS
- Pancreatitis, chronic NOS
- Paralytic syndrome, NOS
- Parasitic infection, NOS
- Parathyroid disorder, NOS
- Past history, organ/tissue transplant NOS
- Past history, removal of organ NOS
- Penis, disorders NOS
- Peptic ulcer, site unspecifiied, NOS
- Perforation/rupture of esophagus, nontraumatic, NOS
- Pericarditis, acute NOS
- Peripheral nervous system disorder, NOS
- Peripheral neuropathy or polyneuropathy, NOS
- Pituitary disorder, NOS
- Placental disorder, NOS
- Plasmacytoma, NOS
- Pleural disorder, NOS
- Pleural effusion, NOS
- Pneumoconiosis, NOS
- Pneumonia, NOS
- Pneumothorax, nontraumatic, NOS
- Postpartum complications, NOS
- Primary malignancy (solid tumor) of site unknown or NOS
- Prostate, disorder NOS
- Protozoa, NOS
- Psychological developmental disorder, NOS
- Pulmonary hypertension, NOS
- Pulmonary valve disorder, NOS
- Rectum, wound/injury/trauma NOS
- Resistance to antimicrobials, drug NOS
- Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes, vapors, NOS
- Respiratory disorder, postprocedure/postop NOS
- Retinopathy or retinal disorder, NOS
- Rheumatoid arthritis, involvement of organs NOS
- Rupture/laceration of artery, NOS
- Seizure, NOS
- Septic Thrombosis or Embolism, NOS
- Sexually transmitted (venereal) infections, NOS
- Shock, NOS
- Shoulder or upper arm, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Sickle cell disorder or manifestation, NOS
- Skin ulcer, NOS
- Skin, rash NOS
- Sleep apnea, NOS
- Sleep disorder, NOS
- Soft tissue, disorder NOS
- Spinal cord disorder (myelopathy), NOS
- Spinal cord, congenital malformation NOS
- Spine (vertebrae, joints, ligaments) disorder NOS
- Spine or back, mechanical disorder involving bone or cartilage, NOS
- Staphylococcus, NOS
- Streptococcus, NOS
- Stroke, NOS
- Symptom or sign involving emotional state, NOS
- Testicular dysfunction, NOS
- Thrombocytopenia, NOS
- Thrombosis or embolism of artery, NOS
- Thyroid disorder, NOS
- Thyroiditis, NOS
- Tracheostomy complication, NOS
- Tricuspid valve disorder, NOS
- Ulcer of esophagus, NOS
- Upper airway obstruction, NOS
- Upper limb (arm), level not specified/NOS, wound/injury/trauma, NOS
- Upper respiratory infection, acute NOS
- Urethra, disorder NOS
- Urinary system, disorder NOS
- Urinary tract infection, NOS
- Vagina or vulva, inflammatory or infectious disorder NOS
- Vasculitis limited to skin, NOS
- Vasculopathy/vasculitis, NOS
- Vertebra, nontraumatic fracture NOS
- Viral hemorrhagic fever, NOS
- Viral hepatitis, acute, NOS
- Viral hepatitis, chronic, NOS
- Viral infection, NOS
- Virus, NOS
- Visual disturbance/impairment, NOS
- Vitamin deficiency, NOS
- Wound/injury/trauma, body region NOS
- Wrist or hand or fingers, wound/injury/trauma, NOS