Pre acute living situation field

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Revision as of 09:53, 2022 May 4 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (→‎Collection Instruction: There is no page for house, so I took out the link. When we made pages to list the others, house seemed straightfwd so no page seemed needed. If we need one I can add one.)
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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: Pre_Acute_Living_Situation
CCMDB Label: Pre Acute Living Situation
CCMDB tab: Dispo
Table: L_Log table
Data type: number
Length: long integer
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 2016-07-01
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 35

Info about the living situation of the patient prior to the current hospitalization.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

Collection Instruction

For each patient,

  • How should the following pre acute living scenarios be coded?
  • Residence in mobile homes/parks?
  • Residence in rooming houses?
  • Permanent residence in hotel rooms?
  • bungalow style condos?
  • Other, House, Other - my replies --JMojica 17:35, 2022 March 7 (CST)
    • is there a reason why "other - known but not listed" would not capture these? Is there a specific concern that drives this question? Ttenbergen 10:44, 2022 March 9 (CST)
      • The questions were asked with new collectors in mind; to promote clarity and support consistency with entries. These scenarios (along with any others) could be included as examples in the applicable category whether "other - known but not listed" or an alternative entry.
        • OK, we don't have a JALT scheduled so will put it on the list for the next task meeting. Ttenbergen 16:15, 2022 March 17 (CDT)
    • I'm not sure this needs to go to TASK, they should be listed as other known but not listed, and add those as examples Lisa Kaita 08:23, 2022 April 28 (CDT)
      • If Julie is OK with those definitions then it doesn;t need to go to task. It was initially designated as JALT but those don't seem to be happening. I will flag for Julie. @Julie:If you are OK with this the specifics that have been added above then please remove this discussion. Ttenbergen 10:53, 2022 May 4 (CDT)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

See Care levels in the community for information on ambiguous cases.

Data Use

Some of the concepts were broken down further, such as homeless or institutionalized status, since these questions keep coming up.

Start times

See infobox for med. For critical care this concept did not get collected prior to the 2016 Time and Place changes.

Data Integrity Checks

Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)

Check pre acute consistentCCMDB.accdbdeclined
Check function Validate Pre Acute Living SituationCCMDB.accdbimplemented


The field is populated with options from the s_pre_acute_living_situation table.

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