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Julie's Sandbox

ADL ScoreADL ScoreCreated
ALERT ScaleAlert scoreCreated
APACHE Acute DiagnosesICU Diagnostic Categories by APACHE IICreated
Avoidable Days (Critical Care)Avoidable Days in ICUCreated
Bed occupancyBed occupancyCreated
Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Critical Care)Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Critical Care)Created
Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Medicine)Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Medicine)Created
CRRT DaysCRRT DaysCreated
Central Line Associated Blood-Stream Infection (CLA-BSI) rateCentral Line Associated Blood-Stream Infection (CLA-BSI) rateCreated
Central Line DayCentral Line DayCreated
Charlson Comorbidity IndexCharlson Comorbidity IndexCreated
Delirium daysDelirium days
Duration of Mechanical VentilationDuration of Mechanical VentilationCreated
ICU Acquired Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) rateICU Acquired Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) rateCreated
ICU Acquired Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) rateICU Acquired Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) rate
ICU Acquired SepsisICU Acquired SepsisCreated
ICU Acquired Ulcer RateICU Acquired Ulcer RateCreated
ICU Diagnosis APACHE Category RateICU Diagnosis APACHE Category RateCreated
ICU Interfacility TransferICU Interfacility TransferCreated
ICU Primary Diagnosis ICD10 Chapter RateICU Primary Diagnosis ICD10 Chapter RateCreated
ICU Resource Utilization - Chest XraysICU Resource Utilization - Chest XraysCreated
ICU Resource Utilization - Creatinine TestsICU Resource Utilization - Creatinine TestsCreated
Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs (concept)Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrsCreated
LOS Medicine per hospital admissionLOS Medicine per hospital admission
LOS Per RecordLOS Per RecordCreated
LOS Per ServiceLOS Per ServiceCreated
LOS per LocationLOS per LocationCreated
Length of Time for Transfer from ED to ICU within same facilityLength of Time for Transfer from ED to ICU within same facilityCreated
Medicine Primary Diagnosis RateMedicine Primary Diagnosis RateCreated
Night Time DischargesNight Time Discharge RateCreated
Nursing WorkloadNursing WorkloadCreated
Occupancy For Bed HeldOccupancy For Bed HeldCreated
Over Census at MidnightOver Census at MidnightCreated
Patient flowPatient FlowCreated
Readmission Rate to ICUReadmission Rate to ICUCreated
Readmission to MedWardReadmission Rate to Med wardCreated
Reporting Indicators
Reporting Indicators Documentation Status
Severity of illnessSeverity of illnessCreated
Sex RateSex Rate
Transfer Delay (Critical Care)Transfer_Delay_CC
Transfer Delay (Medicine)Transfer Delay (Medicine)
Unit MortalityUnit MortalityCreated
Ventilated patient flowVentilated Patient FlowCreated
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia RateVentilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) RateCreated
Ventilator Utilization RatioVentilator Utilization Ratio (VUR)Created