Patient viewer
The Patient Viewer is the form for editing patient data in the CCMDB.accdb. See components of this screen in Category:Patient Viewer.
To open the form do one of the following:
- click on the binoculars in front of a patient in the Patient List, CUS, CE, etc
- click the "+" or "O" in CSS
- click the "Add Patient" button on the Patient List
Patient viewer consists of several tabs that each have their own documentation. See:
- Patient Viewer Tab Dispo
- Patient Viewer Tab ADL
- Patient Viewer Tab ICD10
- Patient Viewer Tab CCI Comp
- Patient Viewer Tab CCI Pick
- Patient Viewer Tab APACHE
- Patient Viewer Tab Tmp
- Patient Viewer Tab Pharm_Flow
- Patient Viewer Tab Cognos ADT2
It also has some components in the top row:
- buttons:
- fields:
- Serial number
- Chart
- Last Name
- First Name
- First Service tmp entry DtTm (read-only)
- Dispo DtTm (read-only)
- RecordStatus
- Record field
- Notes
Tab Order
We have changed around the tab order in the past and found that there is no way that really works for everyone. Before any further changes to it we need to find consensus.