View table: Indicators
Table structure:
- Description - Wikitext
- CreatedRaw - Wikitext string
- Program - Wikitext string
- StartDtTm - Date
- EndDtTm - Date
This table has 45 rows altogether.
Page | Description | CreatedRaw | Program | StartDtTm | EndDtTm |
ADL Score (edit) | Indicator of help needed with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) |
Created |
Medicine |
2003-10-01 | |
Age (edit) | See page |
Critical Care and Medicine |
1988-07-11 | ||
ALERT Scale (edit) | early predictor which patients will have an adverse hospital outcome |
Created |
Medicine |
APACHE Acute Diagnoses (edit) | This is about the disease category which is one of the components in the model of predicting hospital mortality. The other components of the model are the APACHE Score and the presence or absence of Emergency Surgery (concept). This is not about Chronic Health APACHE or the APACHE Comorbid Diagnoses. |
Created |
Critical Care |
October 2016 | |
Avoidable Days (Critical Care) (edit) | Avoidable Days in ICU is the proportion of ICU total patient days being spent occupying an ICU bed when the patient no longer requires the intensity of care provided in an ICU setting. Another term used to call it is % Wasted beds. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Bed occupancy (edit) | Count of full or partial days patients occupy beds. Partial days are reported in a decimal fraction of a day. There are also other ways to calculate daily bed occupancy. |
Created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Critical Care) (edit) | Beds Occupied by Transferable Patients is the average number of ICU bed per day being occupied by the patient no longer requiring the intensity of care provided in an ICU setting. Another term used to call it is Wasted beds. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Medicine) (edit) | Medicine beds occupied by transferrable patients |
Created |
Medicine |
Central Line Associated Blood-Stream Infection (CLA-BSI) rate (edit) | CLA-BSI defined using CDC case definition. |
Created |
Critical Care |
Central Line Day (edit) | Number of days pts have Central Lines |
Created |
Critical Care |
Charlson Comorbidity Index (edit) | The Charlson Comorbidity Index is a method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies. |
Created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
1998-09-14 | |
CRRT Days (edit) | Number of days pts have CRRT |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Delirium days (edit) | Nurse reported CAM positive (TISS Item) days |
created |
Critical Care |
Duration of Mechanical Ventilation (edit) | Duration of Mechanical Ventilation is the average number of days being spent by ICU patients on mechanical ventilation. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
ICU Acquired Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) rate (edit) | Identification of new MRSA, VRE or ESBL colonization in ICU patient |
Created |
Critical Care |
ICU Acquired Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) rate (edit) | Number of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) cases per 1000 ICU patient days |
created |
Critical Care |
2019-01-01 | |
ICU Acquired Sepsis (edit) | Number of Septic-Sepsis cases per 1000 ICU patient days |
Created |
Critical Care |
ICU Acquired Ulcer Rate (edit) | Number of ICU acquired pressure ulcers per 1000 ICU patient days |
Created |
Critical Care |
ICU Diagnosis APACHE Category Rate (edit) | Rate of APACHE Categories of APACHE Acute Dxs in ICD10 codes |
Created |
Critical Care |
2016-09-30 | |
ICU Interfacility Transfer (edit) | Percent of live ICU discharges that are transferred to an ICU located at a different hospital. |
Created |
Critical Care |
October 2016 | |
ICU Primary Diagnosis ICD10 Chapter Rate (edit) | Rate of ICD10 Chapters of Primary Admit Diagnosis |
Created |
Critical Care |
2016-09-30 | |
ICU Resource Utilization - Chest Xrays (edit) | Number of Chest Xrays performed per 1000 ICU patient days |
Created |
Critical Care |
ICU Resource Utilization - Creatinine Tests (edit) | Number of Creatinine tests performed per 1000 ICU patient days |
Created |
Critical Care |
Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs (concept) (edit) | Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs derived from various ways we have collected this over time |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Length of Time for Transfer from ED to ICU within same facility (edit) | ED transfer waiting to ICU in hours (median) |
Created |
Critical Care |
LOS Medicine per hospital admission (edit) | Length of stay in all medicine wards per HOSPITAL ADMISSION |
Medicine |
2003-10-01 | ||
LOS per Location (edit) | ... |
Created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
LOS Per Record (edit) | the difference between the Dispo DtTm(End Date/Time) and Admit DtTm |
Created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
1988-07-11 | |
LOS Per Service (edit) | ICU days (Mean and/or Median) |
Created |
Critical Care |
1988-07-11 | 2300-01-01 |
Medicine Primary Diagnosis Rate (edit) | Rate of ICD10 Primary Admit Diagnosis |
Created |
Medicine |
2019-01-01 | |
Night Time Discharges (edit) | The proportion of patients where Dispo is a ward or step-down and where where Dispo DtTm is between 22:00 and 06:59 |
Created |
Critical Care |
2007-04-01 | |
Nursing Workload (edit) | Average TISS28 score per patient |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | 2020-10-01 |
Occupancy For Bed Held (edit) | Actual extra hours occupying a bed per day for each patient with bed held from Dispo DtTm to BedHeldEnd DtTm |
Created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
2023-01-01 | |
Over Census at Midnight (edit) | Percent of nights where ICU is at or over census |
Created |
Critical Care |
Patient flow (edit) | Patient Flow is the number of patients per ICU bed per period of time. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Readmission Rate to ICU (edit) | Number of ICU readmission within 72 hours per 100 discharges to 1) ward only and 2) ward, home or elsewhere. |
Created |
Critical Care |
Readmission to MedWard (edit) | Number of Ward readmission within 7 days per 100 discharges to hospital. |
Created |
Medicine |
Severity of illness (edit) | Average APACHE Score per patient |
Created |
Critical Care |
Sex Rate (edit) | See page |
Critical Care and Medicine |
1988-07-11 | ||
Transfer Delay (Critical Care) (edit) | Transfer Delay is the difference between Dispo_DtTm and #Transfer Ready DtTm in use at different times in decimal days. |
created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
1999-01-15 | |
Transfer Delay (Medicine) (edit) | Transfer Delay is the difference between Dispo_DtTm and #Time patient is ready for transfer in decimal days. Other terms use to call it are Beds Occupied by transferable patients, Wasted Beds, Avoidable Days. |
created |
Medicine |
2003-10-01 | |
Unit Mortality (edit) | Percent unit deaths per calendar month |
Created |
Critical Care and Medicine |
Ventilated patient flow (edit) | Ventilated Patient Flow is the number of mechanically ventilated patients at any time during the ICU stay per bed per period of time. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Rate (edit) | Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (#VAP) Rate is the number of cases of per 1000 invasive ventilator days. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 | |
Ventilator Utilization Ratio (edit) | Ventilator Utilization Ratio (VUR) is proportion of ICU days being spent on invasive mechanical ventilation. |
Created |
Critical Care |
2013-01-01 |