
From CCMDB Wiki
Revision as of 15:51, 30 October 2018 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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In the context of the critical care and medicine database, the program is either critical care (CC) or medicine (med), ie the program that a record is collected on.

In CCMDB.mdb, the program is stored in Settings (CCMBD.mdb).

The program dictates what data is collected, which instructions on this wiki apply, and what cross checks are run.

Tmp Projects


 Currently active
Project Discharge Documentationaborted in planning
Project AHCactive
Allied Health Consultslegacy
Moves for Medicinelegacy
Decubitus Ulcer Studylegacy
Early ID studylegacy
Overstay Predictor Projectlegacy
ER Waitlegacy
Project MRplanned
Project Overstay2planned

Critical care:

 Currently active
Project ABO TEEactive
QA Septic Shocklegacy
Project Legacy HSC CCU Loclegacy
Project Legacy Co-managedlegacy
TISS form auditlegacy
CRRT Projectlegacy
IICU consultlegacy
Project Borrow arrivelegacy
Septic Shock Order Setlegacy
DeviceUse Studylegacy
Transfusion Auditlegacy
QA Infection VAPlegacy
QA Infection CLIlegacy
ACCU borrowlegacy
ACP Status collection in ICUlegacy
CCU Service Trackinglegacy
IABP projectlegacy
EuroSCORE IIplanned