Postal Code field

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Revision as of 01:41, 5 December 2017 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: PostalCode
CCMDB Label: Postal Code
CCMDB tab: Dispo
Table: L_Log table
Data type: string
Length: 6
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 2012-01-01
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 33

The patient's postal code.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

The Postal_Code field can be edited in the Dispo tab. A postal code is collected for all patients admitted to a hospital within the WRHA. The postal code collected is from the address that a person permanently resides in any Province in Canada.

Collection Instruction

Enter the Postal code

  • no space
  • upper case letters
  • example only: X0X0X0

When the postal code is not available (e.g. John or Jane Doe patient or chart doesn't have postal code) enter "N/A" or click the "N/A" button to enter it for you.

Special Cases

Homeless with proxy address

If you have a homeless person admitted who lists their address as Siloam Mission or the Salvation Army/Booth's Place, use that place's postal code as provided.

Code "couch surfers" as "N/A".

Institutionalized patients

For institutionalized patients (e.g. Prison / Jail / Correctional Institution inmates, care homes), use the institution's postal code.

Out-of-Country patients

Our cross checks would flag the format of out-of-country postal codes, so enter "N/A" for these.

International Students

Patients who are here on a student visa for 6 months or longer are eligible for health coverage under the province. see For these, enter as you would a regular patient.

Relationship between Province, PHIN and Postal code

When collecting Postal Code, PHIN number and Province, think about the relationship of this information when you are collecting it.

  • if patient has a MB PHIN number, then Province code should be MB and the postal code should be for MB (MB postal codes start with an "R").
  • if Province code is not MB then the postal code should not be a MB postal code and also, there should not be an PHIN number.

Data Use

Postal Codes are used group patients geographically for purposes such as:

  • distribution of patients by MB RHAs outside of Winnipeg
  • linking to Stats Canada for socioeconomic stratification of population by geographic area
  • cross-checking our data's Province field for out-of-province patients

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks


  • will reject empty field
  • will reject invalid postal code

CFE-Postal code cross check

Main office weekly data check. data vetting process. Uses query NDC_Bad_Postal_Code and table Postal_Code_Master.

table Postal_Code_Master

This is the table that postal codes get checked again. It includes the MB RHA that a postal code is affiliated with. For the MB component we imported a version provided by Marc Silva to p:Julie Mojica 2016-09-08. The country-wide component was based on an older table I think we go it from Stats Can.

Start/end Dates

Start Date: new admissions on and after January 1, 2012 End Date: None / Permanent Collection

Wikipedia Postal codes listings across Canada

Wikipedia, Postal codes in Canada

  • at the top of the article shows the the first letter that a postal code starts with for a province.

Map showing first letter used in postal codes across Canada

Related Articles

Related articles:


Data started out being collected in the tmp field until June 1, 2016. The Postal Code from tmp populated the PostalCode field of Centralized_data on Jun 22, 2016.