Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients

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This page explains how the components of Cognos2 should be used together to keep track of patients.

Cognos2 consists of the following components that should ideally be used in the following order during a shift:

All of these open to Patient Viewer Tab Cognos ADT2.


Finding new admissions

Any new admission will result in a new service start. Use the Cognos2 Service Starter (CSS) to find all new admissions. All lines in CSS should be dealt with on each shift, including records where the patient is still in the ER (i.e. not clear yet if they will ever reach a unit or become what we used to think of as an EMIP / ECIP). If it is clear from the information in CSS that a service admission does not need to be collected, you can exclude it from CSS, but if not clear, make the record from CSS and then do any further analysis from inside the record. Once you are in a record from CSS, deal with any additional service or unit/Boarding Loc entries while you are there.

Services for which no profile with that chart number exists yet will have a "white +" button. Enter these first, they are most straightforward. Simply click the white + to start the profile, even if you are not certain that you need to collect that patient. Once the profile opens you will see the unit the pt is on and other services. If you then realize this is not a pt you should collect, first use the "exclude" button to exclude the service that put them on CSS, and then use the ♻️ button to delete the record. This should be faster than first looking up the patient in EPR to make sure if you should start a profile.

Services for which there is a profile with the same chart number will have a "green O" button and a peach plus. For these, have a look at the profile start dttm and dispo dttm listed underneath the service dttms. Usually it will be easiest to click the "green O" for these. In Patient Viewer Tab Cognos ADT2 you can then add the service if there was a service change on the same profile. If it instead turns out you need a new profile, click the Patient copier button in Patient Viewer Tab Cognos ADT2 to make the new record.

Once you add a service to the profile, the line will disappear from CSS. If you enter the service with a different time than listed in Cognos, the line will not automatically disappear; exclude these services where you used a different time so they don't clutter your CSS.

See Service_tmp_entry#DtTm_to_use for what to do when real service start time and time in Cognos are different."

This process should also fill in the complete Minimal Data Set.

Exception: John or Jane Doe patient

Occasionally a patient will show up on the CSS with a service date that is well before the latest COGNOS data dump. The most likely reason for this is that the patient was originally a John or Jane Doe patient and was given a MRN (usually beginning with 300 or 301 at HSC) that chart number is changed on discharge if the patient was identified and has a pre-existing MRN. To resolve this, and to avoid the patient being entered twice, check with your fellow DC's and confirm that it has in fact been entered and then make a decision as to who will keep the profile. See John or Jane Doe patient for further instructions.

Exception: HSC IICU

See HSC_IICU_Collection_Guide#Workload_Sharing_for_HSC_IICU

Finding new unit arrivals

Patients who are already entered and have changed location after admission can be found on the Cognos2 Unit Starter. This would catch any patients that were still in the ER when they were processed in Cognos2 Service Starter. You can open patients from here to enter the unit, and to make any required changes to the Record field. Once a corresponding entry exists in Boarding Loc the record will disappear off the Cognos2 Unit Starter.

Finding discharges

Use Cognos2 Ender (CE) to find either discharges or changes to another service. Use it to find all records that have a service ending time that doesn't have either a matching Dispo entry or a matching new Service tmp entry; once one of those is entered the record will disappear from this list.

Finish older records

Use Patient List to complete discharged patients.

Occasionally check that nothing was missed

Occasionally check Cognos2_No_Service_or_Loc_in_some_time query to see if anything was missed.


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