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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "DataElementDescription" with value "''True'' if drug in field name was given". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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List of results

    • Pharm influenza drugs  + (''True'' if influenza drugs were given)
    • 3rd generation cephalosporins  + (3rd generation cephalosporins contains manually collected doses of 3rd generation cephalosporins that were given.)
    • Arterial blood gas (labs)  + (ABG contains manually collected arterial blood gas counts.)
    • Albumin 25pct  + (Albumin_25pct contains number of doses of 25% Albumin that were given.)
    • Albumin 5pct  + (Albumin_5pct contains the number of doses of 5% Albumin that were given.)
    • Angio coronary field  + (Angio coronary contained the manually counted number of coronary angiograms done during a stay in our unit, or on the way there.)
    • Angio others field  + (Angio_others contained the manually counted number of non-coronary angiograms done during a stay in our unit, or on the way there.)
    • AP Dias BP Field  + (Ap_DiasBP is the diastolic blood pressure.)
    • AP Sys BP Field  + (Ap_SysBP is the systolic blood pressure.)
    • Sex field  + (Biological sex of the patient at birth; options are "male" and "female".)
    • CBC  + (CBC contains the number of CBCs done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • CT Scan (labs)  + (CT_Scan contains the manually counted number of CT scans done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Off ward field  + (Checked/true if the patient who meets the Checked/true if the patient who meets the [[Definition of a Medicine Laptop Admission]] or [[Definition of a Critical Care Laptop Admission]] spent '''any''' time in a bed that is not at their actual collection location between "Arrive DtTm" and [[Dispo DtTm]]. The patient must be covered by the attending of the service of the home unit that is credited with the "off ward" designation. credited with the "off ward" designation.)
    • CXR  + (Chest Xrays (CXR) contains the manually counted number of chest xrays (CXR) done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Abdominal ultrasound  + (Contains the number of '''abdominal ultrasounds''' a client has had during an admission to our unit.)
    • Sputum C+S  + (Contains the number of any sputum specimens (including endotracheal secretions) sent for "culture and sensitivity" for bacteria or fungus.)
    • Blood culture  + (Contains the number of blood cultures a patient has had during an admission to our unit.)
    • Echocardiogram  + (Contains the number of heart ultrasounds (echocardiograms) a client has had during an admission to our unit.)
    • ADL Continence  + (Control of urination and bowel movements; component of [[ADL]])
    • Creatinine (labs)  + (Creatinine contains the number of creatinines done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • R Filter Field  + (Critical care patients on a long term ventilator ([[LTV]]).)
    • TR info status field  + (Cross-check field that will contain data if [[Transfer_Ready_DtTm field]] is empty)
    • Transfer Ready DtTm field  + (Date and time the '''intent to discharge''' a patient to a lower level in the [[Level of care hierarchy]] was documented.)
    • Dispo DtTm field  + (Date and time when the patient changed status from what is documented in [[Service/Location field]] to [[Dispo field]]..)
    • Date of Birth  + (Date of Birth (DOB) is the data a patient was born.)
    • Start Date field  + (Date the record was created on the data collector's laptop; created automatically by [[CCMDB.accdb]].)
    • LastOpened DtTm field  + (Date/Time the record was last closed with the "Close - with updates" button. This will usually be the last time the collector updated the record.)
    • FiO2  + (FIO2 is the '''fraction of inspired oxygen'''[] in the gas mixture breathed by the patient.)
    • GCS sedated field  + (Field does not contain any relevant data.)
    • Accept DtTm field  + (First [[Service tmp entry]] DtTm for pts who came from the '''ER department''' only)
    • Arrive DtTm field  + (First non-ER [[Boarding Loc|Boarding location]] date and time, or start of ([[Service/Location field | Service Location]]) for legacy records.)
    • Record  + (Free choice use by collectors to help collection, this field has no consistent meaning.)
    • FFP  + (Fresh Frozen Plasma / FFP contains manually collected doses of FFP that were given.)
    • H2-Blockers  + (H2-Blockers contains manually collected doses of H2-Blockers that were given.)
    • Heparin SQ  + (Heparin SQ contains manually collected doses of Heparin SQ that were given.)
    • Pre acute living situation field  + (Info about the living situation of the patient prior to the current hospitalization.)
    • LMWH  + (LMWH contains manually collected doses of LMWH that were given.)
    • FirstName field  + (Last Name of patient)
    • LastName field  + (Last Name of patient)
    • LastChanged DtTm field  + (Last time the record was closed with the "Close - with updates" button)
    • Service/Location field  + (Legacy field replaced by [[Boarding Loc]] and [[Service tmp entry]])
    • MRI (labs)  + (MRI contains the manually counted number of MRIs done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Magnesium (labs)  + (Magnesium contains the number of magnesiums done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Mean BP  + (Mean Blood Pressure defined by round(((2x Diastolic) + Systolic)) ÷ 3))
    • ADL Bathing  + (Need for help with bathing; component of [[ADL]].)
    • ADL Dressing  + (Need for help with dressing; component of [[ADL]].)
    • ADL Feeding  + (Need for help with feeding; component of [[ADL]])
    • ADL Toiletting  + (Need for help with toiletting; component of [[ADL]])
    • ADL Transfering  + (Need for help with transferring; component of [[ADL]])
    • Hospitalization ID  + (Not currently used)
    • Notes field (L PHI)  + (Notes in L_PHI table is used by the data processor to comment on data ad-hoc where needed.)
    • PCO2  + (PCO2 (or PaCO2) is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the patient's arterial blood in mmol/L.)
    • PO2  + (PO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen in the patient's arterial blood.)
    • PPI  + (PPI contains manually collected doses of PPI that were given.)
    • PT PTT  + (PT_PTT contains the number of PTs and PTTs done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Pentaspan  + (Pentaspan contains the number of doses or Pentaspan that were given while in the unit.)
    • Platelets  + (Platelets contains number of doses of platelets that were given.)
    • Province field  + (Province in which the patient is registered with health care. If the patient is '''not eligible for health care''', it records the province that they reside in.)
    • SGPT ALT (labs)  + (SGPT_ALT contains the number of SGPTs and ALTs done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Registry Patient Type  + (Service of the attending physician for medicine data, and the type of admit diagnosis for critical care patients.)
    • Chronic Health APACHE  + (Specific chronic pre-existing conditions used for [[APACHE]] score.)
    • ARF (APACHE)  + (The ARF checkbox is checked/true if patient is in Acute Renal Failure as per the APACHE definition.)
    • Admit Type for APACHE II  + (The Admit Type for APACHE II is a way to classify patients' surgical status and one of the elements used to generate the [[APACHE_Scoring_table#Chronic_Health_Score | APACHE score]].)
    • CCI Picklist Code  + (The CCI code for and entry in the [[L CCI Picklist subform]], from [[s_CCI_Picklist table]].)
    • Dispo field  + (The Dispo field contains information about what happens to the patient at the end of their admission.)
    • ER Delay  + (The ER Delay is the difference between the pre-ER [[Boarding Loc]] and first post-ER [[Boarding Loc]], for patients arriving from the ER.)
    • Pat ID field  + (The Pat_ID field contains a unique-per-laptop identifying number for patient ward admissions. See [[Serial number]].)
    • PH  + (The acidity or basicity of the patient's arterial blood.)
    • ICD10 code  + (The actual ICD10 code.)
    • Px Date  + (The date/time of a [[CCI]] procedure)
    • Dx Date  + (The date/time of an [[ICD10]] diagnosis.)
    • AP Eye field  + (The eye component of the [[Glasgow_Coma_Scale]].)
    • s_dispo.loc_type  + (The list provides a broader description of service and/ location of the patient's [[Previous Location]],[[Pre-admit Inpatient Institution]] or [[Dispo field]] and found useful when providing reports.)
    • Previous Service field  + (The most recent "originating service" which sends the patients to their [[Service/Location field| current service location]].)
    • Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field  + (The most recent '''previous ''inpatient'' location''' of patients who were already '''inpatients''' elsewhere and who have been under medical care continuously before coming to our unit.)
    • Previous Location field  + (The most recent previous '''physical location''' (with [[#exceptions]]) of a patient before arriving at the collection location.)
    • AP Motor field  + (The motor component of the [[Glasgow_Coma_Scale]].)
    • Age  + (The number of years between [[Date of Birth]] and the last birthday prior to or on ([[Admit DtTm]] otherwise).)
    • Chart number  + (The number used by medical records to uniquely identify a patient's chart; it is different for the same patients at different hospitals.)
    • AaDO2  + (The patient's Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference level in .)
    • Creatinine (APACHE)  + (The patient's level in .)
    • HR  + (The patient's Heart Rate level in beats/min.)
    • PHIN field  + (The patient's PHIN .)
    • K  + (The patient's Potassium level in mmol/L.)
    • Serum CO2  + (The patient's Serum CO2 level in mmol/L.)
    • Na  + (The patient's Sodium level in mmol/L.)
    • Temperature  + (The patient's Temperature level in °C.)
    • WBC  + (The patient's White Blood Count level in x10<sup>9</sup>/L.)
    • HCT  + (The patient's hematocrit level in percentage.)
    • Postal Code field  + (The patient's postal code.)
    • RR  + (The patient's respiratory rate level in breaths/min.)
    • Dx Priority  + (The priority of an [[ICD10]] diagnosis, used to rank and group.)
    • Px Type  + (The type of a CCI Procedure as per [[CCI Collection]], ie admit or acquired)
    • Px Count  + (The type of a [[CCI]] procedure (comorbid, admit or acquired))
    • Dx Type  + (The type of an [[ICD10]] diagnosis ([[Comorbid Diagnosis]], [[Admit Diagnosis]] or [[Acquired Diagnosis / Complication]]))
    • CCI 1 Code  + (The unique identifier/index of [[CCI Procedure]]'s first component in [[s_CCI_1 table]].)
    • CCI 2 Code  + (The unique identifier/index of [[CCI Procedure]]'s second component in [[s_CCI_2 table]].)
    • D ID field  + (The unique identifier/index of records in the Critical Care and Medicine Database.)
    • ClientGUID field  + (The unique person identifier from [[Cognos]].)
    • AP Verbal field  + (The verbal component of the [[Glasgow_Coma_Scale]].)
    • Visit Admit DtTm field  + (This field is used only as an identifier to combine data from the same hospitalization and should not be used as a date.)
    • Start Time field  + (Time the record was created on the data collector's laptop; created automatically by [[CCMDB.accdb]].)
    • SentDtTm field  + (Time the record was last sent.)
    • Troponin  + (Troponincontains the number of troponins done during a patient's stay in our unit.)
    • Dx Date unknown  + (True for [[Acquired Diagnosis / Complication]] when [[Dx Date]] legitimately missing.)
    • Pharm Heparin cont inf  + (True if a continuous infusion of Heparin was given)
    • Ap Complete  + (True when patient APACH II data is complete)
    • Labs Complete  + (True when patient Labs data is complete)
    • Tmp Complete  + (True when patient Tmp data is complete)
    • Como Complete  + (True when patient comorbid diagnosis data is complete)
    • Diag Complete  + (True when patient diagnosis data is complete)
    • Pharm Complete  + (True when patient pharmacy diagnosis data is complete)
    • ClientVisitGUID field  + (Unique identifier of a hospital admission for a patient for use with multiple encounters and Cognos data.)
    • L ICD10 ID  + (Unique identifier of the [[L_ICD10 table]])
    • Person ID field  + (Unique random number id per patient that combines the [[D_ID]]s across admissions/encounters.)
    • Urine CS  + (Urine_CS contains the number of any urine specimens sent for "culture and sensitivity" for bacteria or fungus.)
    • Notes field  + (Used by data collectors to keep notes during collection.)
    • Venous blood gas (labs)  + (VBG contains manually collected venous blood gas counts.)
    • Voluven  + (Voluven contains the number of doses or Voluven that were given while in the unit.)
    • Antipseudomonals  + (antipseudomonals contains manually collected doses of antipseudomonals that were given.)
    • Azoles  + (azoles contains manually collected doses of azoles that were given.)
    • Benzodiazepines cont inf  + (benzodiazepines cont inf contains manually collected doses of benzodiazepines cont inf that were given.)
    • Carbapenems  + (carbapenems contains manually collected doses of carbapenems that were given.)
    • Ceftazidime  + (ceftazidime contains manually collected doses of ceftazidime that were given.)
    • Accept DtTm missing field  + (checkbox is checked/true when no Accept DtTm is documented for a patient who came from from the ER.)
    • Fluoroquinolones  + (fluoroquinolones contains manually collected doses of fluoroquinolones that were given.)
    • Fungins  + (fungins contains manually collected doses of fungins that were given.)
    • Furosemide cont inf  + (furosemide cont inf contains manually collected doses of furosemide cont inf that were given.)
    • Insulin cont inf  + (insulin cont inf contains manually collected doses of insulin cont inf that were given.)
    • Opioids cont inf  + (opioids cont inf contains manually collected doses of opioids cont inf that were given.)
    • Propofol cont inf  + (propofol cont inf contains manually collected doses of propofol cont inf that were given.)
    • Spare1  + (spare1 contains manually collected doses of spare1 that were given.)
    • Spare2  + (spare2 contains manually collected doses of spare2 that were given.)
    • Spare3  + (spare3 contains manually collected doses of spare3 that were given.)
    • Spare4  + (spare4 contains manually collected doses of spare4 that were given.)
    • Spare5  + (spare5 contains manually collected doses of spare5 that were given.)
    • Spare6  + (spare6 contains manually collected doses of spare6 that were given.)
    • RecordStatus field  + (status of the data in the record. Possible values are complete, sent, questioned and vetted.)
    • Tigecyline  + (tigecyline contains manually collected doses of tigecyline that were given.)
    • ADL Complete  + (true when patient ADL data is complete)
    • R Complete  + (true when patient registry data is complete)
    • Vanco alternatives  + (vanco alternatives contains manually collected doses of vanco alternatives that were given.)
    • Vancomycin  + (vancomycin contains manually collected doses of vancomycin that were given.)