edit | "cannot open any more tables" in Access | Pagasa |
- After 24 rows, open and closed assigning Pseudo Phin an error message pop up then I cannot assign Phin anymore. I closed CFE then open then I am good to go again. The second time the error message pop up not 24 rows it less than 24 like 15 rows then it will show again the error message. PTorres 16:09, 2022 June 14 (CDT)
- Is it the "cannot open..." error or the "enter parameter..." error you get at this point? Emailed Pagasa... Ttenbergen 10:49, 2022 November 16 (CST)
- Still shows "cannot open "so I clicked ok then it says run time error 3014 cannot open any more tables. Closed the CFE then log back in.
- After I continue assigning Pseudo Phin after 25 rows "cannot open" showed up again I clicked ok then error message shows again. Closed CFE then log back in.PTorres 14:42, 2022 November 30 (CST)
- Are you following the steps in Generating PseudoPHINs when this goes wrong? Which step in those instructions are you at when it stops responding and you need to restart the program? Ttenbergen 13:48, 2022 November 29 (CST)
- Yes, I am. I am clicking and assigning the new Pseudo Phin and not moving. PTorres 14:47, 2022 November 30 (CST)
| 2022-12-07 6:15:25 PM |
edit | "cannot open any more tables" in Access | Pagasa |
Assigning Pseudo Phin or working on the queries if I worked long enough opened closed it then the error message pop up "Enter Parameter Value". PTorres 17:01, 2022 April 14 (CDT)
- What is the specific action or button press after which this happens? I.e. which step in Generating PseudoPHINs? Ttenbergen 10:49, 2022 November 16 (CST)
- When I click the pseudo button to the left of the PHIN field label, nothing is moving.PTorres 15:23, 2022 November 30 (CST)
- I don't understand what you mean by that. What is the last thing you do before the "Enter Parameter Value" error happens? As in, what is the last button you click or last field you enter? Ttenbergen 12:15, 2022 December 7 (CST)
| 2022-12-07 6:15:25 PM |
edit | ABG Data | Allan |
Identified as something we should do to streamline data collection. I have made this page to document progress toward this import. Blood gas data is in DSM listing; need to compare to see if we can use it
- Allan will revisit with Lab people whether this is obtainable now Ttenbergen 11:34, 2022 February 9 (CST)
| 2023-05-17 7:00:40 PM |
edit | ACP Status Collection for LAU | Tina | at SOH the ACP form does not have a time, so I am putting the date and the time as 0001 is that ok? or should we just change it to a date? not sure about the other sites Lisa Kaita 12:38, 7 March 2025 (CST) | 2025-03-07 6:38:37 PM |
edit | Adding a drug to pharmacy collection | all |
This needs cleanup, just putting it here instead of email | 2024-09-11 6:06:53 PM |
edit | AMA | all |
I think this might be what is changing ti "Left Post Initial Treatment" after the email from 2025-02-20. Ttenbergen 11:00, 20 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-02-20 5:00:40 PM |
edit | APACHE Acute Dxs in ICD10 codes | Allan | You asked for a spot for this info | 2024-04-24 6:20:04 PM |
edit | Awaiting/delayed transfer to long-term care/PCH inside or outside of Winnipeg | Lisa |
These should be made consistent with Template:PCH Riverview Deer Lodge and should probably use that template to enforce consistent use. Ttenbergen 14:23, 2024 October 16 (CDT)
- and I have lost track of the details Ttenbergen 10:45, 2024 November 1 (CDT)
- There might be an easy way out of this question. We now only have one awaiting code; if waiting for any of them qualifies for this code then we may not need to know about the level of care. But then again, some of those sites also have acute/LAU type settings so we may need to figure this out after all...Ttenbergen 20:27, 2024 December 11 (CST)
| 2025-01-10 10:13:05 PM |
edit | Charlson Comorbidity Index | Julie |
Do we ever include the age in the Charlson score? Should we? If not, we need to clearly document that, since others looking at this score would expect us to use the original definition. Ttenbergen 11:03, 28 January 2025 (CST)
- No, the one I had provided with label =Charlson Score has no Age , just sum of all categories. The APACHE SCORE for sure has the AGE score and not Charlson Score. --JMojica 11:26, 28 January 2025 (CST)
Did we include age as part of the data used to generate the Overstay model? We need to use whatever we used for that in our score and generator.
- The problem is I did not see the final overstay model and I'm only relying on what was on the WIKI Overstay Predictor Project Algorithm showing the AGE and AgexADLmean. In Rodrigo's model, Age is included. I would presume Leigh Anne also included it.--JMojica 11:26, 28 January 2025 (CST)
- I just re-read your original answer, and it actually addressed my question: any Charlson Score you gave them did not include that age factor. I am pretty sure the official Charlson score does include an age factor, I implemented it in CCMDB (not CFE for some reason) "L_ICD10_Charlson_Agepts" query. We had this conversation before, but then I didn't document what was the reason to omit the age from the score. It makes a significant difference to the score, so whoever uses our data (eg is it included in our dump to MCHP) would expect it to include the age portion. Ttenbergen 18:08, 29 January 2025 (CST)
| 2025-01-30 12:08:01 AM |
edit | Chronic Health Facility | all |
These three need to become consistent and non-repetitive so they can't get out of synch. Ttenbergen 14:21, 2024 October 16 (CDT) | 2025-01-24 10:37:24 PM |
edit | ClientGUID field | all |
Lisa, any idea why this might be happening from a collection perspective? Is the problem in what we receive the right info from Cognos, or is there an issue in the collection process that makes this happen? Ttenbergen 09:52, 2024 December 5 (CST)
Julie, do we need to flag anywhere further that this data is suspect? Ttenbergen 09:52, 2024 December 5 (CST) | 2024-12-05 3:52:23 PM |
edit | Colonized with organism (not infected) | Lisa |
Do we need similar instructions or mechanisms as fro MRSA for this one? eg coding for Resistance to carbapenem antibiotics? Ttenbergen 11:18, 18 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-02-18 5:18:52 PM |
edit | Created TransferReady query | Tina | Still need to import this into master CFE, the version I have right now is messed up. Here it is: | 2024-11-22 6:08:24 AM |
edit | Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, stage not indicated | all | JALT Met with Andie and she asked if we can add deep tissue injury as a category for pressure ulcers, and also if we can add the options of a location with each stage, coccyx/buttocks, heels, and other. SICU has just finished a project looking at pressure injuries and the use of a preventative drsg. SBGH/MICU/IICU are also planning to adopt this drsg and would like this data. Lisa Kaita 11:58, 2024 December 20 (CST) | 2024-12-20 5:58:35 PM |
edit | Dispo field | Lisa |
you removed '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000203-QINU`"'; that template is also linked from Chronic Health Facility. The two will now show inconsistent content. When content is driven by a template like that it is always so it stays consistent across the wiki. Pls have a look at Template:PCH Riverview Deer Lodge and Chronic Health Facility to consider if (a) the two should really be inconsistent now or (b) we should re-instate the template and fix its content. Catch me on teams if you want more information or help with this. Ttenbergen 14:05, 2024 October 16 (CDT)
Lets set up a time to discuss this, I don't think I knew they were templates, I thought I was editing an article Lisa Kaita 13:16, 2024 October 31 (CDT)
we have pts discharged to AIA (alternative integrated accommodation) located at 698portage ave, opened April 15, 2024, should we add this as an option to the dispo dropdown? Lisa Kaita 08:39, 2024 December 17 (CST) | 2025-03-07 6:58:30 PM |
edit | Dispo field | Lisa | pls fill definition details above
well I'm not sure I should be the one to define this, I would think home with support would be HC services? but do we want to include if they have a nurse coming for say dressing changes?
supportive housing may be difficult to parse out but I assume for the LAU project that allied health will be heavily involved and would document this | 2025-03-07 6:58:30 PM |
edit | DSM Lab Extract | Tina |
A possibility to change the current Chart entry to be the same with SH format (see #DSM Inclusion Criteria/ Process for reason why in details). | 2023-07-05 5:36:20 PM |
edit | DSM Labs data.accdb | Julie | Emailed Julie:
found overlap in old file, what does it mean
proposed using labDtTm for split threshold
Ttenbergen 16:51, 2024 May 2 (CDT) | 2024-05-02 9:51:04 PM |
edit | ER Delay | all |
- I have re-updated Created_Variables_Common_maker_2021 query, for some reason the change I had made was not reflected in the master version. Ready to test. Ttenbergen 13:25, 2022 June 28 (CDT)
- emailed Tina some inconsistencies found in ER Delays Aug 15,2022. --JMojica 13:21, 2022 August 29 (CDT)
- are these still an issue? Ttenbergen 11:15, 2024 May 1 (CDT)
- I will re-check again. Can't remember if have been resolved. --JMojica 14:40, 2024 October 2 (CDT)
| 2024-12-18 4:35:26 AM |
edit | ER Delay | Julie |
I just had a look at that sas file (they open as text files) to see how you define transfer delay. If that file is still being used we may have a problem, it still defines tdelay different if a pt goes to a higher level of care, goes AMA or dies, and we changed that some time ago. So is this still the reference of how you calculate this? Ttenbergen 22:50, 2024 November 16 (CST) | 2024-12-18 4:35:26 AM |
edit | ER Delay | Julie |
This data is problematic before 2011-Q2,the only reason there are any is because it derives them for EMIPs. Some data may be available in Moves for Medicine, but that would still leave a gap. Ttenbergen 23:09, 2024 November 16 (CST)
- OK, will be working on this getting data from Moves for Medicine from period Sept 2007 to June 3, 2011. will give to Pagasa for upload to Arrive DtTm field. I will update the WIKI as soon as done. Conclusion: for Medicine, prior Sept 2007, no ER delay while for Critical Care, no ER Delay prior July 1, 2016 -- these are treated as missing. --JMojica 16:35, 2024 December 11 (CST)
| 2024-12-18 4:35:26 AM |
edit | Error "Invalid SQL statment..." when sending | all |
I have a hunch that this error may be related to a send failing for one collector and a second collector then also sending, leading to problems with the lock file.
So, when the error happens, please have a look at Regional Server\/output (full address: \\ad.wrha.mb.ca\WRHA\REGION\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\/output ) and see if there is a second centralized_data file there with an extension .lccdb. See Lccmdb and ldb files for details. Please log here about what you find. Ttenbergen 10:41, 2024 November 30 (CST) | 2024-12-01 7:32:52 AM |
edit | Gastrointestinal (GI) tract, foreign body in | all |
| 2024-12-12 5:43:33 PM |
edit | High-Obs Wards | Tina | Tina to add. | 2022-10-20 9:32:54 PM |
edit | Hospice | all | How about Jocelyn House? | 2024-11-12 5:57:37 AM |
edit | Instructions for importing a batch of DSM Data | Julie |
The old process used L_Problems_D_ID table. Does the new process still use and populate it? If so, can we update this with details? If not, can we retire it? Or, in any case, update the data on L_Problems_D_ID table? Ttenbergen 15:15, 2024 October 17 (CDT) | 2024-10-17 8:15:36 PM |
edit | LAU collection readmission data | Tina | I get an error when I leave the fields empty, I also tried to put in the Q column "not this time" but it still gave an error Lisa Kaita 15:00, 7 March 2025 (CST) | 2025-03-07 9:16:50 PM |
edit | LAU collection readmission data | Tina | We need to decide if we will use the criteria set out in Readmission to MedWard The criteria may be too restrictive for the LAU project.
waiting for Dan to weigh in | 2025-03-07 9:16:50 PM |
edit | Observation for SUSPECTED tuberculosis | all | I do not use this code if the AFB's come back negative...should we be using this every time AFB's are sent? Just double checking how others are using this codeMlagadi 10:05, 4 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-02-04 4:05:06 PM |
edit | Overstay2 data processing and reporting in CFE | all |
Nothing yet, fill in as it becomes available. | 2025-02-23 10:13:18 PM |
edit | Overstay2 data processing and reporting in CFE | Tina |
add functions/subs when I finalize this | 2025-02-23 10:13:18 PM |
edit | Overstay2 processes on the units to reduce overstay | all |
We'll need to fill these in as they become available; that may well be as links to other documents, since the unit documentation would not be on this wiki. If files are generated we should link to them at their home location, but also maintain files on this wiki, since link rot is inevitable for this sort of thing. Ttenbergen 15:45, 23 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-02-23 10:22:38 PM |
edit | Overstay2 scoring model | all |
add the content for the chosen model 8 here, with links | 2025-02-28 9:00:24 PM |
edit | PowerBI Data Model for CCMDB | Tina | ER Delay and Overstay
Need to make sure I do things this way and include this in the right pages, possibly Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry but a lot of other pages touch on this, so maybe it needs to be a template? It may not be consistent everywhere:
Note from email from Julie 2024-20-24:
I do not use any cut-off e.g. 2020-10-15 because the tmp has been populated by boarding data since July 2018 for ICU and Sept 2019 for Med. The cut-off Oct 2020 Patient Follow only applies for tmp Service but not for tmp Boarding loc. By the way. the patient follow started early at Grace Oct 1, 2020 (they piloted it), while HSC and STB started Oct15, 2020. Similar with EMIPs, I have two sources of ER-delay namely 1. from Accept and Arrive 2. from Tmp : first boarding dttm and second boarding dttm. If both have values, I use the one from the tmp source. | 2024-12-12 12:11:55 AM |
edit | Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field | all | We have Template:PCH Riverview Deer Lodge, but we have also discussed lately that we might want to become more nuanced about those locations. We really need to keep the info consistent, and I think the way to do it would be to put it into that template. Right now, some related info is also at Chronic Health Facility, Pre acute living situation field, Dispo field, Awaiting/delayed transfer to lower acuity site in Winnipeg other than home or LTC/PCH, Awaiting/delayed transfer to long-term care/PCH inside or outside of Winnipeg, Previous Location field. | 2024-10-16 7:25:09 PM |
edit | Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field | Tina | Hey T/Julie, I recently admitted a pt from day sx and did as the wiki instructions on Previous Location and put HSC_ward, which according to the article is not an inpt location, so put NA for pre admit pt institution, however I got an error saying previous loc and pre-admit must be the same if coming from an inpt location. Should we change the instruction and use HSC ambulatory care instead of HSC ward?, or do we need to rethink this? Lisa Kaita 13:04, 2024 October 16 (CDT)
- Yes I agree, Ambulatory care seems to be the closest scenario for day-surgery locations. --JMojica 13:38, 2024 October 16 (CDT)
| 2024-10-16 7:25:09 PM |
edit | Project Consults data | Lisa |
Lisa emailed she will follow up with Nick whether we want additional consults, and possibly for other than LAU. | 2025-03-08 2:50:55 AM |
edit | Project MR | all |
Do we want that to be the first time during a medicine program admission, or only the first time during a hospitalization? Ttenbergen 08:45, 26 February 2025 (CST)
Also, we define Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry to be able to do this per level of care to enable reporting separately for HOBS. I think there are problems with that concept since I doubt users of the data keep the detailed definition in mind, but we still need to decide if we want to be able to report this the same way. If so, we need the the same connector integer in the instructions. Ttenbergen 08:51, 26 February 2025 (CST)
- emailed DR about this Ttenbergen 11:36, 28 February 2025 (CST)
| 2025-02-28 5:36:05 PM |
edit | Project MR | all |
How do we want to define where to get this? Unless we get physicians to put this information into a specific spot we are right back to all the definition difficulties in Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry, only it will be worse because collectors will need to keep conflicting but similar instructions in mind. Ttenbergen 08:49, 26 February 2025 (CST)
- emailed DR about this Ttenbergen 11:36, 28 February 2025 (CST)
| 2025-02-28 5:36:05 PM |
edit | Project Overstay2 | all |
ADLmean_nh - in the CCMDB Script it is written -- Adlmean_nh = (ADLScore - 12)*(from a nursing home), what does 12 mean?
- Very good question. The function adl_sc used to get the individual scores just generates a score of 0, 3 or 6, or -1 if given bad input. That doesn't explain why -12. And I can't imagine why this would be. But it's consistent between two functions, so unlikely to be just a finger fumble. Ttenbergen 19:15, 25 January 2025 (CST)
- looks like ADLmean does not imply average of the 6 individual ADL categories (e.g. total ADL SCore/6) but (TOTAL ADL Score -12). I'm guessing here, maybe 12 is the Grand Mean of total ADL and Leigh Anne is trying to evaluate the deviation of the individual data point from the mean of the dataset of those from Nursing Home . --JMojica 09:29, 27 January 2025 (CST)
| 2025-03-05 1:56:38 AM |
edit | Project Overstay2 | Julie |
Charlson categories are provided but the CCMDB Script model only includes MI, Pulmonary, Connective, Renal
- It also contains the full score as part of Charlson_nh. Ttenbergen 19:15, 25 January 2025 (CST)
- correct, there are selected subcategories and also FULL CHARLSON SCORE for those from Nursing Home. --JMojica 09:29, 27 January 2025 (CST)
- I think "connective" became "Rheumatic disease" in ICd10, right? Ttenbergen 16:41, 24 January 2025 (CST)
- Yes it refers to Connective Tissue Disease-Rheumatic Disease. --JMojica 09:29, 27 January 2025 (CST)
| 2025-03-05 1:56:38 AM |
edit | Project Overstay2 | Tina |
OutsideWPG - I have used Previous Location because Leigh Anne specified the patient came from a facility outside of Winnipeg.
- MB - I would think Leigh Anne had used the Province because the data set has no Postal Code yet
- I just checked the query check_from_out_of_town I used to derive this and it only considered Pre-admit Inpatient Institution having geog like "out-of*"! Ttenbergen 16:57, 24 January 2025 (CST)
- Will ask Dr. Roberts what this was all about to better understand what to use now. Specifically, if we use previous location, would we only care about hospitals, or also e.g. nursing stations, PCH, hospice, "unknown/other" loc_types. Ttenbergen 16:51, 24 January 2025 (CST)
| 2025-03-05 1:56:38 AM |
edit | Query check has transfer ready date or checkbox | Tina |
This check doesn't seem to catch when a time is entered without a date. It would be good to update that. Don't have time right now, so leaving a note. Email exchange 2024-11-14. Ttenbergen 12:12, 2024 November 15 (CST) | 2024-11-15 6:12:47 PM |
edit | Query NDC Bad Postal Code | Tina |
I think this is the process where you said you are having problems with copy/pasting. Copy pasting isn't even mentioned here, so maybe update the process to show how you actually do this, so that someone like Sheila Rusnak would be able to follow the instructions. Ttenbergen 15:45, 2022 March 17 (CDT)
- Do you create that query each time? Would we be able to update the NDC query that finds these in the first place to include the info you need? We can discuss at our next meeting. Ttenbergen 16:23, 2022 March 17 (CDT)
- Taking this off Pagasa's list for now, since if we can get this data from DSS we won't need to do this any more. Ttenbergen 15:36, 2022 March 24 (CDT)
| 2023-05-04 5:03:24 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | all |
initial thoughts were "15-17% being red, with an aim to get 60-75% of overstay patients" | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | all |
the statistical tests that were done to evaluate the model
the factors leading to our decision on "Model 8"
links to files | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | all |
What was the consideration for the initial choice of, I think, 0.051? | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | all | add a table of admission numbers by year and site | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | all | Still needs:
values we considered and rejected
minimize duplication of Data definition for contributing factors for the Overstay2 project | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | Julie | {{{1}}} | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | Julie |
Does this page miss anything that is not addressed elsewhere as per pages either linked from here or from Overstay2 Overview? If not feel free to delete this question. Ttenbergen 15:19, 23 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | Julie |
is this really simply "to a non-hospital location" or is it the same as above: "to a destination outside of the hospital of the admission (can be to other hospital)"? | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | Julie | Do you have numbers for something like false positives/ false negatives/ positive predictive value/ etc? Will rely on you to make this something that would satisfy someone questioning this from a statistical angle. Ttenbergen 15:19, 23 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | Julie | where? | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model | Tina | still needs to be set up by Tina... | 2025-03-04 3:51:06 PM |
edit | Service/Location field | Lisa |
is this section still current? Ttenbergen 11:13, 6 March 2025 (CST) | 2025-03-06 5:13:53 PM |
edit | Template:ICD10 Guideline MRSA | Allan | z "It was decided that Allan with contact Dr. Embil after COVID is over and see if we can obtain this data from Infection Control. If so, we could import it into the database, and have our data collectors cease obtaining it." - did anything come of that? | 2021-01-12 8:59:00 PM |
edit | Template:PCH Riverview Deer Lodge | all |
we may want to consider a third level heading section with this content so the whole context can be given wherever this is used. Ttenbergen 14:24, 2024 October 16 (CDT) | 2024-10-16 7:24:32 PM |
edit | Visit Admit DtTm differences within same admission | all |
This came up again during Re-analysis and generation of Overstay2 model. We need to add here what we learned and what we need to do about this. Ttenbergen 15:12, 23 February 2025 (CST) | 2025-02-23 9:12:56 PM |