- Admit Diagnosis (← links)
- Green sheet (← links)
- Complications (redirect page) (← links)
- Hypertension (← links)
- Comorbid Diagnosis (← links)
- Quality Assurance (← links)
- Critical Care and Medicine Database Core Curriculum (← links)
- Auto Data Dictionary (← links)
- QA Infection VAP (← links)
- L ICD10 table (← links)
- ICD10 collection (← links)
- Dx Date (← links)
- Dx Type (← links)
- Hallucinogen, acute intoxication (← links)
- Alcohol (ethanol) acute intoxication (drunkenness) (← links)
- Opioid/narcotic, acute intoxication (← links)
- Sedative or hypnotic, acute intoxication (← links)
- Cocaine, acute intoxication (← links)
- Solvent (organic, inhaled or ingested), intoxication, acute (← links)
- Psychoactive substance NOS, acute intoxication (← links)
- Myocardial infarction (STEMI), acute (AMI), transmural (Q-wave) (← links)
- Myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), acute (AMI), subendocardial/non-transmural (non-Q-wave) (← links)
- Myocardial infarction, acute (AMI), NOS (← links)
- Past history, myocardial infarction (old MI) (← links)
- Pneumonia, ventilator-associated (VAP) (← links)
- Respiratory failure (insufficiency), chronic (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CVC-BSI, CLI) (← links)
- Homelessness (← links)
- Chronic dependence on mechanical ventilator (← links)
- L ICD10 subform (← links)
- CCMDB.accdb Data Integrity Checks (← links)
- Infections in ICD10 (← links)
- Dx Date unknown (← links)
- Diagnostic Data available in the Critical Care and Medicine Database (← links)
- Stimulants incl methamphetamine, acute intoxication (← links)
- Data Integrity Checks (← links)
- ICD10 Dx Checks (← links)
- Acquired Diagnosis (redirect page) (← links)
- Palliative care (← links)
- Admit Diagnosis (← links)
- Acquired Diagnosis / Complication (← links)
- Hypercalcemia, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Comorbid Diagnosis (← links)
- Hematuria (← links)
- Syncope (← links)
- Hemoptysis (← links)
- Check CRF vs ARF across multiple encounters (← links)
- Query NDC VAP no TISS (← links)
- Check BRR/XBR vs cardiac arrest dx (← links)
- Pacemaker insertion (TISS Item) (← links)
- Hallucinogen, acute intoxication (← links)
- Acute myocardial infarction complication of Dressler's syndrome (postmyocardial infarction syndrome) (← links)
- Hypoglycemia, in diabetes (← links)
- Bacteremia (← links)
- Hyperphosphatemia, hypophosphotemia or other disorder of phosphate metabolism, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hypermagnesemia, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hypomagnesemia, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hypocalcemia, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hypernatremia / hyperosmolarity, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hyperkalemia, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hypokalemia, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Hyponatremia / hypoosmolarity, severe or symptomatic (← links)
- Alcohol (ethanol) acute intoxication (drunkenness) (← links)
- Opioid/narcotic, acute intoxication (← links)
- Sedative or hypnotic, acute intoxication (← links)
- Cocaine, acute intoxication (← links)
- Solvent (organic, inhaled or ingested), intoxication, acute (← links)
- Psychoactive substance NOS, acute intoxication (← links)
- Depression (major depressive disorder, recurrent depression) (← links)
- Visual disturbance/impairment, NOS (← links)
- Tinnitus (ringing of the ears) (← links)
- Supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal (← links)
- Ventricular tachycardia (← links)
- Atrial fibrillation and/or atrial flutter (← links)
- Ventricular fibrillation (← links)
- Sick sinus syndrome (SSS, tachy-brady syndrome) (← links)
- Cardiac arrhythmia, NOS (← links)
- Pneumonia, ventilator-associated (VAP) (← links)
- Constipation (← links)
- Hematemesis (← links)
- Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, Stage I (surface reddening) (← links)
- Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, Stage II (to fascia, just under skin) (← links)
- Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, Stage III (deep, to but not including muscle) (← links)
- Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, Stage IV (involves muscle, tendon, or bone) (← links)
- Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, stage not indicated (← links)
- Perimenopausal hot flashes / associated symptoms (← links)
- Tachycardia (← links)
- Bradycardia (← links)
- Palpitations (← links)
- High blood pressure reading (← links)
- Epistaxis (← links)
- Hemorrhage, respiratory sites, NOS (← links)
- Cough (← links)
- Dyspnea (← links)
- Stridor (← links)
- Wheezing (← links)
- Cheyne-stokes respiration (periodic breathing) (← links)
- Hiccoughs (← links)
- Sneezing (← links)
- Hypercapnia (hypercarbia) (← links)
- Pain, throat (← links)
- Pain, pleuritic chest pain (← links)
- Pain, chest NOS (← links)
- Hypoxemia (hypoxia) (← links)
- Pleurisy (infectious or noninfectious) (← links)
- Respiratory arrest (← links)
- Acute abdomen (← links)
- Pain, abdominal or pelvic (← links)
- Nausea or vomiting (← links)
- Heartburn (← links)
- Dysphagia (← links)
- Hepatomegaly (← links)
- Splenomegaly (← links)
- Jaundice (← links)
- Ascites (← links)
- Mass, lump or swelling, intra-abdominal or pelvic (← links)
- Fecal occult blood test, positive (← links)
- Skin, rash NOS (← links)
- Mass, lump or swelling, skin or subcutaneous tissue, NOS (← links)
- Tremor (← links)
- Fasciculations (← links)
- Involuntary movements, NOS (← links)
- Ataxia (lack of coordination) (← links)
- Tetany (← links)
- Dysuria (pain with urination) (← links)
- Urinary retention (← links)
- Anuria or oliguria (← links)
- Polyuria (← links)
- Urethra, discharge (← links)
- Prerenal uremia/state (← links)
- Somnolence, stupor or obtundation (← links)
- Coma NOS (← links)
- Disorientation (← links)
- Amnesia (← links)
- Dizziness (← links)
- Hallucinations (← links)
- Agitation, restlessness (← links)
- Violent behavior (← links)
- Symptom or sign involving emotional state, NOS (← links)
- Aphasia or dysphasia (← links)
- Dysarthria (← links)
- Dyslexia (← links)
- Fever or fever of unknown origin (FUO) (← links)
- Headache NOS (← links)
- Pain, acute NOS (← links)
- Pain, chronic NOS (← links)
- Pain NOS, not specified if acute or chronic (← links)
- Seizure, febrile (febrile seizure) (← links)
- Seizure, NOS (← links)
- Shock, septic (← links)
- Hemorrhage, NOS (← links)
- Lymphadenopathy, NOS (← links)
- Edema, localized NOS (← links)
- Edema, generalized NOS (anasarca) (← links)
- Edema, NOS (← links)
- Anorexia (poor appetite) (← links)
- Polydipsia (← links)
- Polyphagia (← links)
- Weight loss, abnormal (← links)
- Weight gain, abnormal (← links)
- Cachexia (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, related to vascular access other than central line (← links)
- Iatrogenic, hemorrhage or hematoma, related to a procedure or surgery NOS (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, following a procedure or surgery, NOS (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, heart valve prosthesis (incl prosthetic valve endocarditis) (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, cardiac or vascular prosthetic device or implant or graft NOS (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CVC-BSI, CLI) (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, urinary catheter (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, internal orthopedic prosthetic device or implant or graft or bone device (← links)
- Iatrogenic, infection, internal prosthetic device or implant or graft NOS (← links)
- Ileostomy or colostomy, has one (← links)
- Sepsis (SIRS due to infection, without acute organ failure) (← links)
- Severe sepsis (← links)
- Hypothermia, not due to low environmental temperature/exposure (← links)
- Red blood cell, abnormal shape or volume (← links)
- Hyperglycemia (← links)
- Liver enzymes, elevated (liver function tests) (← links)
- Tuberculin skin test (Mantoux), positive (← links)
- Toxicology, blood, alcohol, positive (← links)
- Toxicology, blood, opiates, positive (← links)
- Toxicology, blood, cocaine, positive (← links)
- Toxicology, blood, addictive drugs NOS, positive (← links)
- Proteinuria (← links)
- Glycosuria (← links)
- Myoglobinuria (← links)
- Hemoglobinuria (← links)
- Toxicology, urine, illicit drugs, positive (← links)
- Urine tests, NOS, abnormal (← links)
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tests, abnormal (← links)
- Testing of specimens (fluid or biopsy) from organ or tissue, NOS, abnormal (← links)
- Central nervous system, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Lung, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Breast, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Heart and/or coronary arteries, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Liver, biliary system, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- GI tract, NOS, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Urinary organs/tract, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Retroperitoneal area, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Musculoskeletal system, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Body structure NOS, diagnostic imaging, abnormal (← links)
- Brain,function test, abnormal (← links)
- Lung, function test, abnormal (Pulmonary function test, PFT) (← links)
- Cardiovascular system, function test, abnormal (← links)
- Organ NOS, function test, abnormal (← links)
- Hypoalbuminemia, severe (← links)
- Stimulants incl methamphetamine, acute intoxication (← links)
- Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes (← links)
- Data Integrity Checks (← links)
- ICD10 Dx Checks (← links)
- Respiratory secretions, abnormal (← links)
- Query check AIDS vs HIV (← links)
- Query check ICD10 date (← links)
- Query NDC VAP AcqDX but NoVAP DateinTMPV2 (← links)
- Query NDC VAP No AcqDX but VAP DateinTMPV2 (← links)
- Check VAP acquired only first encounter (← links)
- Cannabis/cannabinoids, acute intoxication (← links)
- Nosocomial infection, NOS (← links)
- Abnormal blood chemistry NOS (← links)
- Guideline for coding organ donation after death (← links)
- Attribution of infections (← links)
- 2020 GRA COVID unit transition (← links)
- 2020-04 HSC COVID unit transition (← links)
- 2020-05 HSC COVID unit transition (← links)
- ICD10 Guideline COVID (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2022 (← links)
- JALT Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2023 (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2023 (← links)
- Query cardiac arrest throughout admission (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2024 (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Como vs Admit (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Iatrogenic (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline acute intoxication (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Sepsis (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline repeated events (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Admit vs Acquired (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Decubitus Ulcer (← links)
- Query check ICD10 date (← links)
- Query NDC VAP AcqDX but NoVAP DateinTMPV2 (← links)
- Query NDC VAP No AcqDX but VAP DateinTMPV2 (← links)
- Cannabis/cannabinoids, acute intoxication (← links)
- Acquired Diagnoses (redirect page) (← links)
- Admit Diagnosis (← links)
- Acquired Diagnosis / Complication (← links)
- Query NDC VAP no TISS (← links)
- Visits to temporary locations (← links)
- Alcohol, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Opioid/narcotic, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Sedative or hypnotic, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Cocaine, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Hallucinogen, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Solvent (organic, inhaled or ingested), chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Psychoactive substance NOS, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Charlson Comorbidities in ICD10 codes (← links)
- Stimulants incl methamphetamine, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- Query check ICD10 trach dxs consistent (← links)
- Cannabis/cannabinoids, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction (← links)
- CCMDB.accdb Change Log 2019 (← links)
- STB ICCS Mortality (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2024 (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Chronic Substance Abuse (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline Admit vs Acquired (← links)
- Data dictionary (← links)
- Collector dictionary (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2019 (← links)
- ICU Acquired Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) rate (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2020 (← links)
- Query cardiac arrest throughout admission (← links)
- Template:ICD10 Guideline MI acute vs past history (← links)