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{{Category procedure list|CCI_Category=+}}

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Revision as of 18:46, 18 October 2018

CCI Procedures we collect as part of CCI Collection are each in exactly one CCI Category. There are the following CCI Categories:

Abdomen, Administrative Px, Angiogram, Arm, Back, Bone/joint, CCI 1 Procedure, Cardiac, Cardiovascular Px, Diagnostic Px, Ear, Endocrine system, Endoscopic Px, Excision, Gastrointestinal Px, Genitourinary Px, Head/neck, Imaging Px, Leg, Lymphatic system, Misc Px, Musculoskeletal/soft tissue Px, Neuro Px, Obstetric Px, Organ, Pharmacotherapy, Reproductive Px, Respiratory Px, Respiratory system, Soft tissue, Surgery, Therapeutic Px, Thorax, Transfusion, Vessel, X Procedure


Other procedure in +:
 Has CCI Picklist CodeHas CCI 1 CodeHas CCI 2 Code
(D) Abdominal, Pelvic or Peritoneal Cavity, NOS2.OT
(D) Adrenal Gland2.PB
(D) Ankle Joint2.WA
(D) Anus, Rectum2.NQ
(D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS2.GY
(D) Arm Vessels2.JZ
(D) Arm, NOS2.TZ
(D) Axillary Lymph Nodes2.MD
(D) Bone Marrow2.WY
(D) Bones, Joints of Foot, Toes2.WH
(D) Brain2.AN
(D) Breast2.YM
(D) Bronchi2.GM
(D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS2.MC
(D) Cervix2.RN
(D) Cranial Bones2.EA
(D) Ear, NOS2.DZ
(D) Elbow Joint2.TM
(D) Esophagus2.NA
(D) Eye, NOS2.CZ
(D) Facial bones2.ED
(D) Fallopian Tube2.RF
(D) Femur2.VC
(D) Gallbladder or bile ducts2.OD
(D) Heart, NOS2.HZ
(D) Hip Joint2.VA
(D) Humerus, Radius, Ulna2.TK
(D) Intervertebral Disc2.SE
(D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes2.MG
(D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS2.MF
(D) Joints of Fingers, Hand, NOS2.UL
(D) Kidney2.PC
(D) Knee Joint2.VG
(D) Large Intestine2.NM
(D) Larynx, NOS2.GE
(D) Leg, NOS2.VZ
(D) Liver2.OA
(D) Lung2.GT
(D) Lymphatic System, NOS2.MZ
(D) Mediastinum2.GW
(D) Muscles of Back, NOS2.SG
(D) Muscles of Chest and Abdomen, NOS2.SY
(D) Musculoskeletal System, NOS2.WZ
(D) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx2.FK
(D) Nose2.ET
(D) Ovary, Fallopian Tube2.RB
(D) Pancreas2.OJ
(D) Paranasal Sinuses2.EY
(D) Parathyroid Glands2.FV
(D) Pelvic Bones2.SQ
(D) Penis, Scrotum2.QE
(D) Pericardium2.HA
(D) Peripheral Nerves, NOS2.BX
(D) Pleura2.GV
(D) Prostate2.QT
(D) Rotator Cuff2.TC
(D) Sacrum, Coccyx2.SF
(D) Shoulder Joint2.TA
(D) Skin, NOS2.YZ
(D) Small Intestine2.NK
(D) Soft Tissue of Arm, NOS2.TX
(D) Soft Tissue of Back2.SH
(D) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS2.SZ
(D) Soft Tissue of Foot, Ankle2.WV
(D) Soft Tissue of Head, Neck2.EQ
(D) Soft Tissue of Leg, NOS2.VX
(D) Soft Tissue of Wrist, Hand2.UY
(D) Spinal Cord, Spinal Canal2.AW
(D) Spleen2.OB
(D) Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula2.SL
(D) Stomach or Pylorus2.NF
(D) Testis, Related Structures2.QM
(D) Thymus2.GK
(D) Thyroid Gland2.FU
(D) Tibia, Fibula2.VQ
(D) Ureter, Bladder, Urethra2.PM
(D) Uterus, Related Structures2.RM
(D) Vagina2.RS
(D) Vertebral Bones2.SC
(D) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum and Gluteal Region2.KT
(D) Vulva, Perineum2.RW
(D) Wrist Joint2.UB
(D) other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine2.JX
(I) Abdomen, Pelvis3.OT
(I) Arm3.TZ
(I) Digestive System, NOS3.OZ
(I) Head3.ER
(I) Leg3.VZ
(I) Neck3.FY
(I) Spinal Cord and/or Vertebrae (any segments)3.AW
(I) Thorax3.GY
(I) Total Body3.ZZ
(T) Abdominal Aorta1.KA
(T) Abdominal Arteries, NOS1.KE
(T) Abdominal, Pelvic or Peritoneal Cavity, NOS1.OT
(T) Adrenal Gland1.PB
(T) Ankle Joint1.WA
(T) Anus, Rectum1.NQ
(T) Aorta, NOS1.ID
(T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures1.HV
(T) Appendix1.NV
(T) Arm, NOS1.TZ
(T) Arteries of Leg, NOS1.KG
(T) Artery with Vein, NOS1.KY
(T) Artery, NOS1.KV
(T) Axillary Lymph Nodes1.MD
(T) Back, NOS1.SJ
(T) Blood Vessels, NOS1.KZ
(T) Bone Marrow1.WY
(T) Bone, NOS1.WX
(T) Brain1.AN
(T) Brain's Meninges, Dura, Subarachnoid, Ventricles1.AA
(T) Breast1.YM
(T) Bronchi1.GM
(T) Cardiac Atrium1.HM
(T) Cardiac Conduction System1.HH
(T) Cardiac ventricle1.HP
(T) Carotid Artery1.JE
(T) Central Nervous System, NOS1.AZ
(T) Cervix1.RN
(T) Circulatory System, NOS1.LZ
(T) Cochlea1.DM
(T) Cornea1.CC
(T) Coronary Arteries1.IJ
(T) Coronary Vessels, NOS1.IL
(T) Cranial Bones1.EA
(T) Cranial Nerves1.BA
(T) Diaphragm1.GX
(T) Digestive System, NOS1.OZ
(T) Ear, NOS1.DZ
(T) Elbow Joint1.TM
(T) Esophagus1.NA
(T) External Ear1.DA
(T) Eye, NOS1.CZ
(T) Facial Bones1.EG
(T) Female Genital Tract, NOS1.RZ
(T) Femur1.VC
(T) Finger1.UJ
(T) Gallbladder, Bile Ducts1.OD
(T) Glottis, Larynx, Related Structures1.GE
(T) Heart, NOS1.HZ
(T) Hip Joint1.VA
(T) Humerus, Radius, Ulna1.TK
(T) Interatrial Septum1.HN
(T) Interventricular Septum1.HR
(T) Intervertebral Disc1.SE
(T) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes1.MG
(T) Intracranial Vessels1.JW
(T) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes1.MF
(T) Joints of Fingers, Hand, NOS1.UL
(T) Jugular, Subclavian, Arm veins1.JU
(T) Kidney1.PC
(T) Knee Joint1.VG
(T) Large Intestine1.NM
(T) Leg, NOS1.VZ
(T) Lens1.CL
(T) Lip1.YE
(T) Liver1.OA
(T) Lung1.GT
(T) Lymph Nodes of Extremity1.MK
(T) Lymphatic System, NOS1.MZ
(T) Male Genital Tract, NOS1.QZ
(T) Mediastinum1.GW
(T) Mitral Valve, Related Structures1.HU
(T) Muscles of Chest, Abdomen, NOS1.SY
(T) Muscles or Soft Tissues of Head, Neck1.EQ
(T) Musculoskeletal System, NOS1.WZ
(T) NOS94
(T) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx1.FK
(T) Nerves of Arm1.BM
(T) Nerves of Ear1.BD
(T) Nerves of Lower Trunk, Leg1.BT
(T) Nervous System, NOS1.BZ
(T) Nose1.ET
(T) Other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine, NOS1.JX
(T) Other or Unknown Part of Body1.^^
(T) Ovary, Fallopian Tube1.RB
(T) Pancreas1.OJ
(T) Paranasal Sinuses1.EY
(T) Parathyroid Glands1.FV
(T) Pelvic Bones1.SQ
(T) Penis, Scrotum1.QE
(T) Pericardium1.HA
(T) Peripheral Nerves, NOS1.BX
(T) Pituitary Region1.AF
(T) Pleura1.GV
(T) Prostate1.QT
(T) Pulmonary Artery1.IM
(T) Pulmonary Vein1.IN
(T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures1.HT
(T) Respiratory System, NOS1.GZ
(T) Retina1.CN
(T) Rotator Cuff1.TC
(T) Scalp1.YA
(T) Shoulder Joint1.TA
(T) Skin, NOS1.YZ
(T) Small Intestine1.NK
(T) Soft Tissue and Muscle of the Hip and Thigh1.VD
(T) Soft Tissue of Arm, NOS1.TX
(T) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS1.SZ
(T) Soft Tissue of Foot or Ankle1.WV
(T) Soft Tissue of Leg, NOS1.VX
(T) Soft Tissue of Orbit, Eyeball1.CP
(T) Soft Tissue of Wrist, Hand1.UY
(T) Spinal Cord, Spinal Canal, Meninges1.AW
(T) Spleen1.OB
(T) Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula1.SL
(T) Stomach, Pylorus1.NF
(T) Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, Brachial, Arm Arteries1.JM
(T) Surgically Constructed Sites in Digestive and Biliary Tract1.OW
(T) Surgically Created Sites in Urinary Tract1.PV
(T) Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)1.EL
(T) Testis, Related Structures1.QM
(T) Thoracic Aorta1.IC
(T) Thoracic Cavity, anything inside, NOS1.GY
(T) Thoracic Duct1.MM
(T) Thoracic Vessels, NOS1.JY
(T) Thymus1.GK
(T) Thyroid Gland1.FU
(T) Tibia, Fibula1.VQ
(T) Toe1.WL
(T) Tonsils, Adenoids1.FR
(T) Tooth, Gingiva1.FD
(T) Total Body1.ZZ
(T) Trachea1.GJ
(T) Tricuspid Valve, Related Structures1.HS
(T) Tympanic Membrane1.DF
(T) Ureter, Bladder or Urethra1.PM
(T) Urinary System, NOS1.PZ
(T) Uterus and Surrounding Structures1.RM
(T) Vagina1.RS
(T) Vein, NOS1.KX
(T) Veins of Abdomen, Legs1.KR
(T) Vena Cava1.IS
(T) Vertebral Bones1.SC
(T) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum, Gluteal Region1.KT
(T) Vulva or Perineum1.RW
(T) Wrist Joint1.UB
AXR (abdominal plain X-ray)3.OT.10.VA
Alcohol, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Amniocentesis (non-imaging diagnostic)5.AB.02
Angiogram, aortic (any part of aorta)3.ID.10.V^
Angiogram, artery NOS (except specifically coded)3.KV.10.VX
Angiogram, cerebral (including vertebral arteries)3.JM.10.V^
Angiogram, coronary (diagnostic cardiac catheterization)3.IP.10.V^
Angiogram, pulmonary artery (pulmonary arteriogram)3.IM.10.V^
Angiogram, vein3.KX.10.VC
Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting)1.IJ.50.GQ-OA
Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting)1.IJ.50.GQ-BD
Arterial catheterization, any location1.KV.53.HA-FT
Arthrocentesis, diagnostic2.WZ.71
BMT (Bone marrow transplant or transfusion)1.WY.19
BiPAP, CPAP, NIV, own ventilator (Mechanical ventilation, noninvasive)1.GZ.31.CB-ND
Biopsy (endoscopic)71.b^
Biopsy (non-endoscopic)71
Blank procedure entryX3X3
Blood gas, arterial2.ZZ.13.RE
Blood gas, venous2.ZZ.13.RA
CAM positive (TISS Item)T9
CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Immunotherapy)XW043C3
CPR within past 24 hrs (TISS Item)T11
CPR, cardiac resuscitation1.HZ.30r
CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device)1.PZ.21.HQ-BS
CT of chest with PE protocol (CT angiogram of pulmonary vessels)3.JY.20
CVC placement, any location1.IS.53.^^-LF
CXR (plain film)3.GY.10.VA
Cannabis/cannabinoids, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Capsule Endoscopy2.0Z.29
Cardiac CT or Cardiac CT angiogram (with or without coronary arteries)3.IP.20
Cardiac MRI3.IP.40
Cardiac electrophysiology study2.HZ.24.GP-KM
Cardiac nuclear scan (e.g. MUGA)3.IP.70
Cardiac stress test (any kind)2.HZ.08
Cardioversion (EXCLUDE defibrillation-we are not tracking)1.HZ.09
Central venous catheter (TISS Item)T17
Cesarean section delivery (therapeutic)5.MD.60
Chest tube, left in place1GV.52.HA-TK
Closure of fistula86
Cocaine, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Computerized Tomography (CT)20
Construction, Reconstruction84
Control of Bleeding13
Defibrillator, insertion1.HZ.53.GR-FS
Drainage, Evacuation52
ECHO (echocardiogram of heart)3.IP.30
ECMO, VV1.LZ.37.GP-QM.vv
ECT (Electroconvulsive shock therapy to brain)1.AN.09
EEG (electroencephalography)2.AN.24
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)2.OE.70.BA
ETT Present (TISS Item)T22
Excision with Reconstruction, Replacement90
Excision, Resection87
HD (Hemodialysis)1.PZ.21.HQ-BR
Hallucinogen, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
ICP monitor (Placement of implanted, invasive intracranial pressure monitoring device)2.AN.28.JA-PL
IV hyperalimentation (TISS Item)T36
IVIG (IV administration of immunoglobulin)8.ZZ.70
Implantation of Internal Device53
Induction of labor (therapeutic)5.AC.30
Insertion of ETT (TISS Item)T40
Inspection, Exploration (endoscopic)70d.b^
Inspection, Exploration (non-endoscopic)70d
Intermittent hemodialysis (TISS Item)T32
Intracranial pressure monitoring (TISS Item)T10
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item)T18
Isolation, infectious7.SC.70.SA
LP (lumbar puncture, diagnostic)2.AX.13
Nephrostomy placement1.PE.52
No TISS Item (TISS Item)T1
No codable procedure done in ORX4
No procedure enteredX1
No procedure performedX2
Non-invasive CPAP or BIPAP (TISS Item)T21
Nuclear Imaging70i
Opioid/narcotic, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
PD (Peritoneal dialysis)1.PZ.21.HP-D4
PFT (pulmonary function test)2.GZ.21
Pacemaker insertion, permanent1.HZ.53.GR-NK
Pacemaker insertion, temporary1.HZ.53.GR-NN
Paracentesis (diagnostic)2.OT.52
Patient is on isolation (TISS Item)T38
Peripheral arterial line (TISS Item)T16
Peritoneal dialysis (TISS Item)T34
Pharmacotherapy, thrombolytic agent35.HA-1C
Planned extubation (TISS Item)T28
Postpartum surgical repair (therapeutic) -- incl episiotomy5.PC.80
Procure, Harvest, Obtain for Further Use58
Prone positioning7.SC.01.TP
Psychoactive substance NOS, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Pulmonary arterial line (TISS Item)T15
Radiation Therapy27
Release, Decompression72
Removal of Foreign Body56
Right heart catheterization, in cardiac cath lab2.HZ.28.GP-PL
SVD (Spontaneous vaginal delivery)5.MD.^^
Sedative or hypnotic, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Sleep Study (Polysomnogram, done in Miseracordia Sleep lab)2.AN.59
Solvent (organic, inhaled or ingested), chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Stimulants incl methamphetamine, chronic abuse/dependence/addiction
Supp O2 through any device, delivered via nose, mouth, ETT or trach (TISS Item)T20
Suppression of labor (therapeutic) - incl via pharmacologic tocolytics5.LD.32
Surgical removal of extrauterine pregnancy (therapeutic)5.CA.93
Suturing of cervical os (therapeutic)5.AC.80
Swan-Ganz (Pulmonary Artery Flotation) Catheter placement2.IM.28
TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt)1.KQ.76.GP-NR
TPN (Total parenteral nutrition)1.LZ.35.HH-C6
Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)1.ZX.06
Termination of pregnancy pharmacologic (therapeutic)5.CA.88
Termination of pregnancy surgical (therapeutic)5.CA.89
Thoracentesis (diagnostic)2.GV.52
Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)T23
Tracheostomy creation1.GJ.77
Transfusion of PRBC1.LZ.19.HH-U1-J
Transfusion of albumin1.LZ.35.HH-C5
Transfusion of plasma products1.LZ.19.HH-U2-J
Transfusion of platelets1.LZ.19.HH-U4-J
Unplanned extubation (TISS Item)T29
Urodynamics study (cystometrogram, done by urology lab)2.PM.58
Vasoactive drug IV continuous-multiple simultaneous (TISS Item)T14
Vasoactive drug IV continuous-single (TISS Item)T13