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| sort=DataElementSortIndex
| sort=DataElementSortIndex
| limit=500
| limit=500
| default={{DT | something went wrong with this query and it has no data}}
| default=Something went wrong with this query and it has no data - please tell [[Tina Tenbergen]]
| format=table
| format=table
}} }}
}} }}

Revision as of 16:46, 20 June 2019

This template is used by the Data dictionary to help keep data uniformly structured and formatted.

--- This will say something went wrong and that there is no data because here in its definition there are no query criteria - there is nothing wrong with it saying that here.

 DescriptionStart dateEnd date
D ID fieldThe unique identifier/index of records in the Critical Care and Medicine Database.11 July 19881 January 2100
Pat ID fieldThe Pat_ID field contains a unique-per-laptop identifying number for patient ward admissions. See Serial number.11 July 19881 January 2100
Person ID fieldUnique random number id per patient that combines the D_IDs across admissions/encounters.11 July 19881 January 2100
L ICD10 IDUnique identifier of the L_ICD10 table11 July 19881 January 2100
ICD10 codeThe actual ICD10 code.11 July 19881 January 2100
Hospitalization IDNot currently used11 July 19881 January 2100
ClientGUID fieldThe unique person identifier from Cognos.29 August 20221 January 2100
ClientVisitGUID fieldUnique identifier of a hospital admission for a patient for use with multiple encounters and Cognos data.29 August 20221 January 2100
LastName fieldLast Name of patient11 July 19881 January 2100
FirstName fieldLast Name of patient11 July 19881 January 2100
CCI 1 CodeThe unique identifier/index of CCI Procedure's first component in s_CCI_1 table.1 January 20191 January 2100
AgeThe number of years between Date of Birth and the last birthday prior to or on (Admit DtTm otherwise).11 July 19881 January 2100
PHIN fieldThe patient's PHIN .11 July 19881 January 2100
CBCCBC contains the number of CBCs done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
PPIPPI contains manually collected doses of PPI that were given.12 September 201112 May 2014
Px DateThe date/time of a CCI procedure11 July 19881 January 2100
Dx DateThe date/time of an ICD10 diagnosis.11 July 19881 January 2100
CCI 2 CodeThe unique identifier/index of CCI Procedure's second component in s_CCI_2 table.1 January 20191 January 2100
CCI Picklist CodeThe CCI code for and entry in the L CCI Picklist subform, from s_CCI_Picklist table.1 January 20191 January 2100
Date of BirthDate of Birth (DOB) is the data a patient was born.11 July 19881 January 2100
PT PTTPT_PTT contains the number of PTs and PTTs done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198817 March 2017
H2-BlockersH2-Blockers contains manually collected doses of H2-Blockers that were given.24 December 200912 May 2014
Dx Date unknownTrue for Acquired Diagnosis / Complication when Dx Date legitimately missing.11 July 19881 January 2100
Px CountThe type of a CCI procedure (comorbid, admit or acquired)11 July 19881 January 2100
Chart numberThe number used by medical records to uniquely identify a patient's chart; it is different for the same patients at different hospitals.11 July 19881 January 2100
Heparin SQHeparin SQ contains manually collected doses of Heparin SQ that were given.28 November 201113 May 2014
SentDtTm fieldTime the record was last sent.11 July 19881 January 2100
Dx TypeThe type of an ICD10 diagnosis (Comorbid Diagnosis, Admit Diagnosis or Acquired Diagnosis / Complication)11 July 19881 January 2100
FFPFresh Frozen Plasma / FFP contains manually collected doses of FFP that were given.11 July 198831 December 2018
LMWHLMWH contains manually collected doses of LMWH that were given.6 December 201131 December 2011
Start Date fieldDate the record was created on the data collector's laptop; created automatically by CCMDB.accdb.25 February 20111 January 2100
Dx PriorityThe priority of an ICD10 diagnosis, used to rank and group.11 July 19881 January 2100
PlateletsPlatelets contains number of doses of platelets that were given.11 July 198831 December 2018
ER DelayThe ER Delay is the difference between the pre-ER Boarding Loc and first post-ER Boarding Loc, for patients arriving from the ER.11 July 19881 January 2100
Benzodiazepines cont infbenzodiazepines cont inf contains manually collected doses of benzodiazepines cont inf that were given.29 November 201113 May 2014
Start Time fieldTime the record was created on the data collector's laptop; created automatically by CCMDB.accdb.25 February 20111 January 2100
s_dispo.loc_typeThe list provides a broader description of service and/ location of the patient's Previous Location,Pre-admit Inpatient Institution or Dispo field and found useful when providing reports.1 July 20161 January 2100
Dx PrimaryCheckbox that is set to true for a single Admit Diagnosis per ward stay that is the Primary Admit Diagnosis11 July 19881 January 2100
Notes fieldUsed by data collectors to keep notes during collection.11 July 19881 January 2100
Albumin 25pctAlbumin_25pct contains number of doses of 25% Albumin that were given.11 July 198831 December 2018
Opioids cont infopioids cont inf contains manually collected doses of opioids cont inf that were given.6 December 201113 May 2014
Notes field (L PHI)Notes in L_PHI table is used by the data processor to comment on data ad-hoc where needed.11 July 19881 January 2100
Albumin 5pctAlbumin_5pct contains the number of doses of 5% Albumin that were given.11 July 198831 December 2018
Propofol cont infpropofol cont inf contains manually collected doses of propofol cont inf that were given.6 December 201113 May 2014
Px TypeThe type of a CCI Procedure as per CCI Collection, ie admit or acquired11 July 19881 January 2100
Creatinine (labs)Creatinine contains the number of creatinines done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198817 March 2017
Insulin cont infinsulin cont inf contains manually collected doses of insulin cont inf that were given.6 December 201113 May 2014
DC Treatment"DC" for critical care patients if life-support treatment is terminated, blank for all others.11 July 198810 May 2022
Magnesium (labs)Magnesium contains the number of magnesiums done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
Furosemide cont inffurosemide cont inf contains manually collected doses of furosemide cont inf that were given.21 December 20119 May 2014
Mean BPMean Blood Pressure defined by round(((2x Diastolic) + Systolic)) ÷ 3)11 July 19881 January 2100
SGPT ALT (labs)SGPT_ALT contains the number of SGPTs and ALTs done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198817 March 2017
Azolesazoles contains manually collected doses of azoles that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
TroponinTroponincontains the number of troponins done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198817 March 2017
Funginsfungins contains manually collected doses of fungins that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
CXRChest Xrays (CXR) contains the manually counted number of chest xrays (CXR) done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
Antipseudomonalsantipseudomonals contains manually collected doses of antipseudomonals that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
Province fieldProvince in which the patient is registered with health care. If the patient is not eligible for health care, it records the province that they reside in.11 July 19881 January 2100
CT Scan (labs)CT_Scan contains the manually counted number of CT scans done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
Vancomycinvancomycin contains manually collected doses of vancomycin that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
Sex fieldBiological sex of the patient at birth; options are "male" and "female".11 July 19881 January 2100
Angio coronary fieldAngio coronary contained the manually counted number of coronary angiograms done during a stay in our unit, or on the way there.11 July 19883 April 2017
Fluoroquinolonesfluoroquinolones contains manually collected doses of fluoroquinolones that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
Angio others fieldAngio_others contained the manually counted number of non-coronary angiograms done during a stay in our unit, or on the way there.11 July 19883 April 2017
Carbapenemscarbapenems contains manually collected doses of carbapenems that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
Registry Patient TypeService of the attending physician for medicine data, and the type of admit diagnosis for critical care patients.1 April 19979 May 2018
EchocardiogramContains the number of heart ultrasounds (echocardiograms) a client has had during an admission to our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
Vanco alternativesvanco alternatives contains manually collected doses of vanco alternatives that were given.11 July 19881 January 2100
Abdominal ultrasoundContains the number of abdominal ultrasounds a client has had during an admission to our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
3rd generation cephalosporins3rd generation cephalosporins contains manually collected doses of 3rd generation cephalosporins that were given.20 October 201111 March 2013
Sputum C+SContains the number of any sputum specimens (including endotracheal secretions) sent for "culture and sensitivity" for bacteria or fungus.11 July 198817 March 2017
Ceftazidimeceftazidime contains manually collected doses of ceftazidime that were given.2 January 20128 March 2013
Blood cultureContains the number of blood cultures a patient has had during an admission to our unit.17 March 2017
Tigecylinetigecyline contains manually collected doses of tigecyline that were given.21 July 201226 August 2012
Urine CSUrine_CS contains the number of any urine specimens sent for "culture and sensitivity" for bacteria or fungus.11 July 198817 March 2017
Spare1spare1 contains manually collected doses of spare1 that were given.8 December 20128 December 2012
Arterial blood gas (labs)ABG contains manually collected arterial blood gas counts.11 July 198831 December 2018
Spare2spare2 contains manually collected doses of spare2 that were given.8 December 20128 December 2012
Spare3spare3 contains manually collected doses of spare3 that were given.8 December 20128 December 2012
Venous blood gas (labs)VBG contains manually collected venous blood gas counts.11 July 198831 December 2018
R Filter FieldCritical care patients on a long term ventilator (LTV).11 July 19881 January 2019
PentaspanPentaspan contains the number of doses or Pentaspan that were given while in the unit.12 June 2014
Spare4spare4 contains manually collected doses of spare4 that were given.8 December 20128 December 2012
MRI (labs)MRI contains the manually counted number of MRIs done during a patient's stay in our unit.11 July 198831 December 2018
Spare5spare5 contains manually collected doses of spare5 that were given.8 December 20128 December 2012
VoluvenVoluven contains the number of doses or Voluven that were given while in the unit.11 July 198812 June 2014
Spare6spare6 contains manually collected doses of spare6 that were given.8 December 20128 December 2012
Postal Code fieldThe patient's postal code.1 January 20121 January 2100
AaDO2The patient's Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference level in .11 July 19881 January 2100
LastOpened DtTm fieldDate/Time the record was last closed with the "Close - with updates" button. This will usually be the last time the collector updated the record.14 April 20161 January 2100
Pre acute living situation fieldInfo about the living situation of the patient prior to the current hospitalization.1 July 20161 January 2100
Pre-admit Inpatient Institution fieldThe most recent previous inpatient location of patients who were already inpatients elsewhere and who have been under medical care continuously before coming to our unit.1 July 20161 January 2100
Previous Location fieldThe most recent previous physical location (with #exceptions) of a patient before arriving at the collection location.1 July 20161 January 2100
Previous Service fieldThe most recent "originating service" which sends the patients to their current service location.1 July 20167 September 2022
Off ward fieldChecked/true if the patient who meets the Definition of a Medicine Laptop Admission or Definition of a Critical Care Laptop Admission spent any time in a bed that is not at their actual collection location between "Arrive DtTm" and Dispo DtTm. The patient must be covered by the attending of the service of the home unit that is credited with the "off ward" designation.1 July 201629 January 2020
Service/Location fieldLegacy field replaced by Boarding Loc and Service tmp entry1 July 20161 January 2100
Dispo fieldThe Dispo field contains information about what happens to the patient at the end of their admission.1 July 20161 January 2100
Visit Admit DtTm fieldThis field is used only as an identifier to combine data from the same hospitalization and should not be used as a date.1 January 20031 January 2100
Accept DtTm fieldFirst Service tmp entry DtTm for pts who came from the ER department only1 July 201622 April 2022
Accept DtTm missing fieldcheckbox is checked/true when no Accept DtTm is documented for a patient who came from from the ER.1 July 201622 April 2022
Arrive DtTm fieldFirst non-ER Boarding location date and time, or start of ( Service Location) for legacy records.1 July 201622 April 2022
Dispo DtTm fieldDate and time when the patient changed status from what is documented in Service/Location field to Dispo field..1 July 20161 January 2100
Transfer Ready DtTm fieldDate and time the intent to discharge a patient to a lower level in the Level of care hierarchy was documented.1 June 199915 October 2020
TR info status fieldCross-check field that will contain data if Transfer_Ready_DtTm field is empty5 May 201615 October 2020
Ap SapsSysBP field 11 July 198813 May 2014
ADL BathingNeed for help with bathing; component of ADL.1 October 20031 January 2100
ADL DressingNeed for help with dressing; component of ADL.1 October 20031 January 2100
ADL ToilettingNeed for help with toiletting; component of ADL1 October 20031 January 2100
ADL TransferingNeed for help with transferring; component of ADL1 October 20031 January 2100
ADL ContinenceControl of urination and bowel movements; component of ADL1 October 20031 January 2100
ADL FeedingNeed for help with feeding; component of ADL1 October 20031 January 2100
Admit Type for APACHE IIThe Admit Type for APACHE II is a way to classify patients' surgical status and one of the elements used to generate the APACHE score.11 July 19881 January 2100
Chronic Health APACHESpecific chronic pre-existing conditions used for APACHE score.17 February 2022
TemperatureThe patient's Temperature level in °C.11 July 19881 January 2100
AP Sys BP FieldAp_SysBP is the systolic blood pressure.11 July 19881 January 2100
AP Dias BP FieldAp_DiasBP is the diastolic blood pressure.11 July 19881 January 2100
HRThe patient's Heart Rate level in beats/min.11 July 19881 January 2100
RRThe patient's respiratory rate level in breaths/min.11 July 19881 January 2100
AP Eye fieldThe eye component of the Glasgow_Coma_Scale.11 July 19881 January 2100
AP Motor fieldThe motor component of the Glasgow_Coma_Scale.11 July 19881 January 2100
AP Verbal fieldThe verbal component of the Glasgow_Coma_Scale.11 July 19881 January 2100
FiO2FIO2 is the fraction of inspired oxygen[1] in the gas mixture breathed by the patient.11 July 19881 January 2100
GCS sedated fieldField does not contain any relevant data.22 September 201615 June 2021
PO2PO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen in the patient's arterial blood.11 July 19881 January 2100
PCO2PCO2 (or PaCO2) is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the patient's arterial blood in mmol/L.11 July 19881 January 2100
PHThe acidity or basicity of the patient's arterial blood.11 July 19881 January 2100
Serum CO2The patient's Serum CO2 level in mmol/L.11 July 19881 January 2100
NaThe patient's Sodium level in mmol/L.11 July 19881 January 2100
KThe patient's Potassium level in mmol/L.11 July 19881 January 2100
HCTThe patient's hematocrit level in percentage.11 July 19881 January 2100
WBCThe patient's White Blood Count level in x109/L.11 July 19881 January 2100
Creatinine (APACHE)The patient's level in .11 July 19881 January 2100
ARF (APACHE)The ARF checkbox is checked/true if patient is in Acute Renal Failure as per the APACHE definition.11 July 19881 January 2100
R Completetrue when patient registry data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
ADL Completetrue when patient ADL data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
RecordStatus fieldstatus of the data in the record. Possible values are complete, sent, questioned and vetted.24 April 20131 January 2100
Ap CompleteTrue when patient APACH II data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
Labs CompleteTrue when patient Labs data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
Tmp CompleteTrue when patient Tmp data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
Como CompleteTrue when patient comorbid diagnosis data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
Diag CompleteTrue when patient diagnosis data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
Pharm CompleteTrue when patient pharmacy diagnosis data is complete1 January 200031 December 2100
RecordFree choice use by collectors to help collection, this field has no consistent meaning.1 January 190031 December 2100
LastChanged DtTm fieldLast time the record was closed with the "Close - with updates" button6 January 202131 December 2999
Pharm Vitamin K antagonists fieldTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Heparin cont infTrue if a continuous infusion of Heparin was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Direct thrombin inhibitorsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm HeparinoidsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Factor Xa inhibitorsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Dopamine cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Dobutamine cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Norepinephrine cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Epinephrine cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Phenylephrine cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Vasopressin cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Milrinone cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm Paralytics cont infTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm corticosteroidsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm amphotericin BTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm macrolidesTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 201217 March 2013
Pharm 1st or 2nd generation cephalosporinsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20127 August 2013
Pharm 4th generation cephalosporinsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 201228 February 2013
Pharm antistaph penicillinsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 201219 February 2013
Pharm aminoglycosidesTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20125 March 2013
Pharm influenza drugsTrue if influenza drugs were given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm bosentanTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm viagra-type vasodilatorsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm special upper GI bleeding agentsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm amiodaronesTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm anti-TB drugsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm statinsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm PPITrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm H2 blockersTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm furosemideTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm heparin sqTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm LMWHTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm benzodiazepinesTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm opioidsTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm propofolTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100
Pharm insulinTrue if drug in field name was given1 January 20121 January 2100