Data Integrity Checks
There must not be apostrophes in the comment field as they would mess with Julie's data analysis.
ACCU borrow, ACP Status Collection for LAU, ACP Status collection in ICU, Accept Loc Park, AcceptDateSource, Alias ID collection, Allied Health Consults, Arrest Witnessing, Assisted Living, Automatic Generation of TMP entries, Bed Census Data Processing Instructions, Bed census.mdb, File:BedCensusAnnouncement Letter May 2012.pdf, BedHeldEnd DtTm, Boarding Loc, CCU Service Tracking, CRRT Project, Cardiac Arrest Cooling Protocol, Catheter09, Catheter09 Wednesday, November 25, 2009, Catheter09 Wednesday, October 28.09, Check Accept Loc Park, Check pre acute consistent, Chronic Health Facility, Comfort Care, Creating a new project article, Data Integrity Checks, Data definition for contributing factors for the Overstay2 project, Decubitus Ulcer Study, DeviceUse Study, File:Discharge Planning Screening Tool.pdf, ER Wait, Early ID study, Entity–attribute–value model of the L Tmp V2 table, EuroSCORE II, EuroScore, File:Form Individual Site Bed example .pdf, File:Form Site Bed Data Summary.pdf, Function TmpChecker, H1N1, IABP project, ICUotherService, IICU consult, Influenza tracking, Influenza treated, L TmpV2 multi-entry clean-up, L TmpV2 table, LAU LTC consult, LAU OT/PT consults, LAU Public Trustee, LAU collection readmission data, Legacy Processing Instructions Bed census.mdb, List of Factor affecting data quality, List of diagnoses affecting Overstay Project, List of diagnoses affecting Overstay Project (pre-ICD10), Medical Incompetency tracking, Moves for Medicine, Overstay Predictor Diagnosis Code Used, Overstay Predictor Project, Overstay Predictor Project Algorithm, Overstay Predictor Project Collection Instructions, Overstay Project Start Stop dates, Overstay roles and responsibilities, Overstay2 Overview, Overstay2 Score and Colour generation in CCMDB, Overstay2 colour, Overstay2 data processing and reporting in CFE, Overstay2 module, Overstay2 processes on the units to reduce overstay, Overstay2 scoring model, Overstay2 timeline, Parked in ER tmp entry, Patient Viewer Tab Tmp, Peer Audit, Peer Audit Partners, Personal Care Home, Pre-2017-07-30 Overstay Predictor Project Collection Instructions, Programmer-Peer Audit output problem table, Template:Project, Project ABO TEE, Project AHC, Project Borrow arrive, Project Consults data, Project Discharge Documentation, Project Legacy Co-managed, Project Legacy HSC CCU Loc, Project MR, Project Overstay2, Projects, QA Infection, QA Infection CLI, QA Infection VAP, QA Septic Shock, Query cardiac arrest throughout admission, Query check CCI CRRT vs Tmp, Query check overstay no colour, Query check overstay not entered, Query check overstay pt from our med, Query check tmp 2 BL TR S same tm, [[Query check tmp BedHeld... further results]]
hard check
query s_tmp_apostrophe_in_comment
Uses L Problem table:
not relevant for this app
Implementation Date:
Property "DICRelatedConcepts" (as page type) with input value "Query check tmp BedHeld... further results" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Implementation date would have been before this, but that is when a tweak is mentioned in logs. .