View table: DataIntegrityChecks
Table structure:
- Summary - Wikitext
- Status - Text
- App - Page
- Timing - Text
- ImplementationDate - Date
- Coding - Text
- Firmness - Text
- L_Problem - Boolean
- Backlogged - Boolean
This table has 197 rows altogether.
Page | Summary | Status | App | Timing | ImplementationDate | Coding | Firmness | L Problem | Backlogged |
Can't check ICD10 ARF vs APACHE ARF (edit) | Can't have ESRD and acute renal failure |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | always | not feasible to implement | hard check | Yes | No | |
Check Accept Loc Park (edit) | if Previous Location = <your hospital> ER (parked) and Pre-admit Inpatient Institution = "NA / not applicable" then there must be a Accept_Loc_park entry. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-01-21 | query ''s_tmp_Accept_Log_Park_prev_no_tmp'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check Accept Loc Park (edit) | if there is an Accept_Loc_park entry, then the Previous Location must be <your hospital> ER (parked) and Pre-admit Inpatient Institution must be "NA / not applicable" |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-01-21 | query ''s_tmp_Accept_Log_Park_tmp_no_prev'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check AcceptDtTm entered or missing checked (edit) | Either Accept DtTm field must have content or Accept DtTm missing field must be checked. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | complete | function Validate_Accept_DtTm() | hard check | Yes | No | |
Check APACHE physiological variable high low (edit) | an APACHE physiological variable is extremely high or low |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2008-01-01 | functions ''validate_x'', function ''Min_Max_Checker'' | hard check and soft check | Yes | Yes | |
Check BRR/XBR vs cardiac arrest dx (edit) | If there is an Admit Diagnosis or Acquired Diagnosis of at least one of: then there has to be a BRR collection entry. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | always | query ''s_tmp_BRR_DX_inconsistent'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check CRF vs ARF across multiple encounters (edit) | If a patient had a comorbid of CRF in any previous admission then ARF can not be an admit or complication in subsequent admissions. |
declined | Centralized data front end.accdb | complete | not entered | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check duplicate patient (edit) | there are no duplicate entries for the same patient ward admission on the laptop at send time |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | functions ''has_multiples()'' and ''overlap()'' and query ''Check_pt_multiples'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | ||
Check eliminated dx (edit) | disallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminated |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-06 | check_eliminated_dx | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check function location NE dispo (edit) | Service/Location field can't be same as Dispo field |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-12-31 | location_NE_dispo() which calls query ''Check_Location_NE_Dispo'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Check Function Panelling admit transfer same (edit) | If patient has Panelling or Discharge Planning as Admit Diagnosis then Arrive DtTm field must be equal to Transfer Ready DtTm field. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2012-01-18 | function ''Panelling_admit_transfer_same'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Check function preAdmit NE Location (edit) | Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field can't be same as Service/Location field |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-12-31 | function preAdmit_NE_Location() | hard check | Yes | No |
Check function previous NE Location (edit) | Previous Location field can't be same as Service/Location field |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-12-31 | function previous_NE_Location() | hard check | Yes | No |
Check function Validate First name (edit) |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | always | 2008-01-01 | function ''Validate_First_name'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Check function Validate Last name (edit) |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2008-01-01 | function ''Validate_Last_name'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check Function Validate PostalCode (edit) | Validates that Postal Code field only contains characters in format allowed for a postal code |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-03-24 | Function ''Validate_PostalCode'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Check function Validate Pre Acute Living Situation (edit) | can't be blank |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-05-12 | function Validate_Pre_Acute_Living_Situation | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Check if awaiting code is primary dx then Transfer Ready DtTm must be equal to Arrive DtTm (edit) | If an ICD10 code in Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer is Primary Admit Diagnosis/Dx Primary then Transfer Ready DtTm must equal "Arrive DtTm" |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | always | query check_ICD10_PrDx_Awaiting_but_not_transferReady | hard check | Yes | No | |
Check Inf Antibiotic resistance must have pathogen or Infection with implied pathogen (edit) | every dx in Category:Antibiotic resistance must have a dx in Category:Infection with implied pathogen or in Category:Pathogens as Combined ICD10 codes. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-17 | query ''check_ICD10_Inf_Antibiotic_resistance_must_have_pathogen'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check Inf Infection with implied pathogen must not have a pathogen combined code (edit) | every dx in Category:Infection with implied pathogen must not have a dx in Category:Pathogens as Combined ICD10 codes. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-17 | query ''check_ICD10_Inf_Infection_w_implied_must_not_have_pathogen'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Check organ donors must be dead (edit) | organ donors must be deceased |
not feasible | CCMDB.accdb | soft check | Yes | Yes | |||
Check pre acute consistent (edit) | consistency of Pre acute living situation; Dispo; Postal Code and Previous Location |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | complete | query '''check pre acute consistent''' | soft check | Yes | No | |
Check Sub PharmCheck (edit) | Every CC record has to have at least one pharmacy record (possibly all zeros), and the number of drug days can't be GT LOS, |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2012-01-01 | Sub ''PharmCheck'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Check VAP acquired only first encounter (edit) | VAP should only be Acquired Diagnosis on the first encounter. |
declined | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | not entered | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes (edit) | Some dxs can't be Dx Types Primary Admit Diagnosis, Comorbid Diagnosis, Admit Diagnosis or Acquired Diagnosis |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | complete | hard check | Yes | Yes | ||
Date of Birth (edit) | The minimum age allowed is 10, the maximum age allowed is 120. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2008-01-01 | function ''Validate_DOB'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Function Dispo Chronological() (edit) | Checks that the registry times are in a sensible chronological order. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | always | 2016-05-25 | Function Dispo_Chronological() | hard check | Yes | No |
Function long LOS() (edit) | LOS/Length of Stay should not be unlikely long based on historical LOS for a given ward (Service/Location field). |
needs review | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2014-01-01 | Function long_LOS() | soft check | Yes | No |
Function PHIN same as Chart (edit) | implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2008-01-01 | hard check | Yes | Yes | |||
Function Transfer Ready DtTm vs status (edit) | If Transfer_Ready_DtTm is blank, TR_info_status must not be; if TR_info_status has content, Transfer_Ready_DtTm must be blank. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-05-01 | function ''Transfer_Ready_DtTm_vs_status'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Function Validate Chart (edit) | validates the Chart number:
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2008-01-01 | Function ''Validate_Chart'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Function Validate Dispo (edit) | doesn't allow empty |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-05-01 | function ''Validate Dispo'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Function Validate PHIN (edit) |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2008-01-01 | hard check | Yes | Yes | ||
Function Validate Pre admit Inpatient Institution (edit) | validates Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field:
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2016-05-12 | Function ''Validate_Pre_admit_Inpatient_Institution'', [[Check function preAdmit NE Location]] | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Function Validate Previous Location (edit) | validates Previous Location field:
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2016-04-13 | Function Validate Previous Location | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Function Validate previous service (edit) | Validates Previous Service field: can't be empty/blank |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | always | 2016-05-01 | function ''Validate_previous_service '' | hard check | Yes | No |
Function Validate Province (edit) | Validates the Province field:
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2008-01-01 | function ''Validate_Province'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Function Validate Transfer Ready DtTm (edit) | doesn't allow violation of function Transfer_Ready_DtTm_vs_status |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-05-01 | function ''Validate_Transfer_Ready_DtTm'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Link suspect dead then alive query (edit) | Used in Correcting suspect links to find records where an earlier record with that PHIN was listed as dispo field deceased, but a later entry then shows up. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''Link suspect dead then alive'' | hard check | No | No | |
Link suspect mismatch from ours incomplete query (edit) | Used in Correcting suspect links to find records where a later record with that PHIN has a Previous Location entry corresponding to one of our sites as per the s_dispo table.real_collection table, but an earlier corresponding entry doesn't exist for that location. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | ''Link_suspect_mismatch_from_ours__incomplete'' query | hard check | No | No | |
Link suspect mismatch pre inpt ours incomplete query (edit) | Checks for patients where Pre-admit Inpatient Institution is one of ours but we don't have a corresponding record. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''Link_suspect_mismatch_pre_inpt_ours__incomplete'' | soft check | No | No | |
Link suspect mismatch pre inpt should be ours incomplete query (edit) | What is description |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | ''link_suspect_mismatch_pre_inpt_should_be_ours__incomplete'' query | hard check | No | No | |
Link suspect mismatch to ours incomplete query (edit) | Used in Correcting suspect links to find records where an earlier record with that PHIN has a dispo entry corresponding to one of our sites as per the s_dispo table.real_collection, but a later corresponding entry doesn't exist for that location. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''Link suspect mismatch to ours incomplete '' | hard check | No | No | |
Link suspect negative transit time query (edit) | Used in Correcting suspect links to find records where an earlier record for a patient with that PHIN has a Dispo DtTm that is later than the next record's Admit DtTm. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | ''link_suspect_negative_transit_time'' query | hard check | No | No | |
Link suspect not same visitAdmitDtTm query (edit) | Checks for records that are likely part of the same admission but have different Visit Admit DtTm field. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | ''Link_suspect_not_same_visitAdmitDtTm'' query | soft check | No | No | |
Link suspect transfer ready before arrive date (edit) | Checks for records that have Transfer Ready DtTm field is before Arrive_DtTm field. |
retired | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | 2020-02-21 | query ''Link_suspect_transfer_ready_before_arrive_date'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Link suspect transfer ready greater than dispo (edit) | Checks for records that have Transfer Ready DtTm field is greater than Dispo DtTm field. |
retired | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | 2020-02-21 | query ''Link_suspect_transfer_ready_greater_than_dispo'' | hard check | No | No |
PL 2Phin Fake or Blank (edit) | Finds blank PHINs and those entered to meet function Validate_PHIN so Data Processor can apply PseudoPHIN via Generating PseudoPHINs. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''PL_2Phin_Fake_or_Blank'' | hard check | No | No | |
PL Chart 9 Digit (edit) | Finds any chart numbers that have >8 digits. This would usually mean someone confused a PHIN and a Chart number |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''PL Chart 9 Digit'' | hard check | No | No | |
PL Diff Phin SameLN FN DOB (edit) | Checks that there are no likely matches of this patient with a different PHIN (ie typos) |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''PL Diff Phin SameLN FN DOB'' | soft check | No | No | |
PL SameCHART Site Diff PHIN (edit) | A record with this Chart number already exists for this service/Location and it has a different PHIN. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''PL SameCHART Site Diff PHIN'' | hard check | No | No | |
PL SamePhin Diff DOB Sex (edit) | Another record exists with the same PHIN but a different Date of Birth, Sex |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query ''PL_SamePhin_Diff_DOB_Sex'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
PL SamePHIN Site Diff chart (edit) | Another record exists for this site with the same PHIN and a different Chart number. |
implemented | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | query PL_SamePHIN_Site_Diff_chart | soft check | Yes | No | |
Query cardiac arrest throughout admission (edit) | Any patient who is admitted to ICU from Med or another ICU with a #Cardiac Arrest dx should have one in their immediately preceeding Med or ICU record also. |
needs review | Centralized data front end.accdb | complete | NDC_cardiac_arrest_across_encounters | hard check | Yes | No | |
Query check AIDS vs HIV (edit) | A record can not have both AIDS (disease due to HIV) and HIV infection, asymptomatic |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | always | 2018-11-06 | query check_AIDS_vs_HIV | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check ApARF CRF (edit) | ARF (APACHE) and CRF - Chronic Renal Failure can not be coded together for the same patient. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | always | query ''Check_ApARF_CRF '' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query Check BL TR combiner null (edit) | Checks that all Boarding Loc / Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry pairs have a non-null combiner integer. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2022-07-13 | Query check_BL_TR_combiner_null | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI component 1 and 2 compatible (edit) | Component CCIs must have compatible component 1 and component 2 |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''Check_CCI_component_1_and_2_compatible'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI Component duplicates (edit) | No duplication of CCI Component Px_Type, Px_Date |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''check_CCI_Component_duplicates'' | hard check | No | Yes |
Query check CCI Component no admin entries (edit) | There must be no No procedure entered/Blank procedure entry in CCI Component. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''check_CCI_Component_if_no_admin_entries'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI Component unfilled (edit) | CCI Component entry with missing px, Px_Type or Px_Count |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''check_CCI_Component_unfilled'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI CRRT vs Tmp (edit) | If CCI CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) exists there should be a tmp CRRT entry and vice versa |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-11-06 | query ''check_CCI_CRRT_vs_Tmp'' | hard check | No | Yes |
Query check CCI Date (edit) | Px Date must be sensible when compared to first Service tmp entry and Dispo_DtTm |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''check_CCI_Date'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI each count vs LOS (edit) | Confirm that a Category:Labs Imaging count is not unreasonably high |
needs review | CCMDB.accdb | complete | query ''check_CCI_each_count_vs_LOS'' | soft check | Yes | No | |
Query check CCI from OR no CCI (edit) | If from OR or PACU, must have at least 1 CCI Procedure other than No procedure performed |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-18 | query ''check_CCI_from_OR_no_CCI'' | hard check (not allowed) or soft check (allowed, but give error; in CFE this means it has to go into the ... table, and cross checks have to consider that table) | Yes | Yes | |
Query check CCI ICD10 Dialysis no Dx (edit) | If a profile has one of the #Dialysis CCI Items there should also be one of the #Dialysis qualifying Dxs. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-10-27 | query ''check_CCI_ICD10_Dialysis_no_Dx'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI if no then none (edit) | If No procedure performed in CCI Picklist there must be no other entries in CCI Picklist or CCI Component |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-01-20 | query ''check_CCI_if_no_then_none'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI InExtubation consistent (edit) | Any marked TISS Item T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) or in T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) must have at least one marked TISS item either in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) |
retired | Centralized data front end.accdb | always | not entered | soft check | Yes | No | |
Query check CCI must have entry (edit) | There must be at least 1 CCI entry in L_CCI_Picklist table (which might be No procedure performed) |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-11-12 | query ''check_CCI_must_have_entry'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI Picklist duplicates (edit) | No duplication of CCI Picklist Px_Type, Px_Date, Px_Count |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''check_CCI_Picklist_duplicates'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI Picklist if no admin entries (edit) | There must be no No procedure entered/Blank procedure entry in CCI Picklist. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2023-02-08 | query ''check_CCI_Picklist_if_no_admin_entries'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI Picklist unfilled (edit) | CCI Picklist entry with missing px, Px_Type or Px_Count |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-14 | query ''check_CCI_Picklist_unfilled'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI TISS CAM positive vs Dx (edit) | Checks that each T9 - CAM positive (TISS Item) goes with an ICD10 code from Category:Delirium |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | always | query ''check_CCI_TISS_CAM_positive_vs_Dx'' | hard check | Yes | No | |
Query check CCI TISS discontinuous ETT (edit) | T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) should start with an T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) and end with an T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item). |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-11-10 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_discontinuous_ETT'' | soft check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI TISS if no then none (edit) | If No TISS Item (TISS Item) in CCI Picklist there must be no other entry from TISS Item List in CCI Picklist, and vice versa |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | incomplete | 2021-01-20 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_if_no_then_none'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI TISS Intubation vs Intubated (edit) | Any marked TISS Item in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) must have the T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) on the same date. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | always | 2021-01-28 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_Intubation_vs_Intubated'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI TISS matching BoardingLoc time (edit) | If the Px Date component of a CCI Picklist has a time, then there must be a corresponding Boarding Loc entry |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | incomplete | 2021-09-15 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_matching_BoardingLoc_time'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI TISS NrDays GT LOS (edit) | There are more TISS Item Px_Dates than there are days between the first Service tmp entry and Dispo DtTm |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | incomplete | 2021-01-21 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_NrDays_GT_LOS'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check CCI TISS NrDays LT LOS (edit) | There are more TISS Item Px_Dates than there are days between the first Service tmp entry and Dispo DtTm |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-01-21 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_NrDays_LT_LOS'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI TISS Pharm Vasoactive (edit) | Compare Vasoactive drug IV continuous-single (TISS Item)/T14 - Vasoactive drug IV continuous-multiple simultaneous (TISS Item) against Pharmacy entries for vasoactive drugs. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-03-31 | query check_CCI_TISS_Pharm_Vasoactive | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI TISS spont breath no tube (edit) | A patient with T19 - Spontaneous breathing via ETT without PEEP/CPAP, with or without supplemental O2 (TISS Item) must also have (T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) or T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)) |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | always | query ''check_CCI_TISS_spont_breath_no_tube'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check CCI TISS time means must be two (edit) | If certain Px Dates have a time component, then there should also be a matching CCI Picklist without the time |
declined | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2023-05-04 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_time_means_must_be_two'' | soft check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI TISS Vented without mechanism (edit) | Any marked TISS Item T18 - Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) has to have (T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) or T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)) for the same date. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-01-28 | query ''check_CCI_TISS_Vented_without_mechanism'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI vs LOS count days component (edit) | Confirm that CCI Collection Mode or CCI Component CCI collect count days items don't have a count > LOS. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2022-02-10 | query ''check_CCI_vs_LOS_count_days_component'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check CCI vs LOS count days picklist (edit) | Confirm that CCI Collection Mode for CCI Picklist CCI collect count days items don't have a count > LOS. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2022-02-10 | query ''check_CCI_vs_LOS_count_days_picklist'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check cooling vs arrest (edit) | Due to our definition of Targeted Temperature Management (TTM) that code can only be used if there is a Cardiac arrest dx |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-06 | query check_cooling_vs_arrest | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check dispo lower acuity than location (edit) | check for patients going to lower level of care (based on S dispo table.acuity_level) but without Transfer_Ready_DtTm; Check will launch an error but allow no date, ie it's just a reminder, see Level of care hierarchy. |
retired | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2016-06-06 | query ''check_dispo_lower_acuity_than_location'' and function ''Transfer_Ready_DtTm_vs_Location_vs_Dispo'' | soft check | Yes | Yes |
Query check dx primary lowest priority (edit) | The dx with Dx Primary checked should be one of the group of Combined ICD10 codes with the lowest Dx Priority. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-10-01 | query ''check_dx_primary_lowest_priority'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check dx primary not exactly one (edit) | There has to be exactly one dx per patient with Dx Primary checked, and it has to be an Admit Diagnosis |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | always | 2018-10-01 | query ''check_dx_primary_not_exactly_one'' | hard check | No | Yes |
Query check eliminated CCI Comp (edit) | disallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminated |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-05 | query ''check_eliminated_CCI_Comp'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check eliminated CCI Pick (edit) | disallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminated |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-05 | query ''check_eliminated_CCI_Pick'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check eliminated ICD10 (edit) | disallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminated |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-05 | query ''check_eliminated_ICD10'' | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check has transfer ready date or checkbox (edit) | Each Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry has to have either a dttm, or its checkbox checked. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2021-02-03 | query check_has_transfer_ready_date_or_checkbox | not entered | Yes | No |
Query check hernia type vs complication (edit) | any abdominal hernia complication dx must have an abdominal hernia type dx coded. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-06 | query check_hernia_type_vs_complication | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check ICD10 awaiting has Transfer Ready DtTm (edit) | Any patient who has code in Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer has to have a (Transfer Ready DtTm or Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry) on a different day than their Dispo DtTm. |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | Query ''check_ICD10_awaiting_has_Transfer_Ready_DtTm'' | hard check | Yes | No | |
Query check ICD10 chronic vent acute resp failure (edit) | Chronic dependence on mechanical ventilator should not be coded with Respiratory failure (insufficiency) NOS, acute |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | 2018-11-24 | query check_ICD10_chronic_vent_acute_resp_failure | hard check | Yes | Yes | |
Query check ICD10 CLI vs CCI CentralLine (edit) | Checks for critical care patients who have a Iatrogenic, infection, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CVC-BSI, CLI) but no T17 - Central venous catheter (TISS Item). |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2023-05-02 | query ''check_ICD10_CLI_vs_CCI_CentralLine'' | hard check | Yes | No |
Query check ICD10 Comorbids Dx present (edit) | All complete patients must have at least one ICD10 entry for Dx Type Comorbid Diagnosis, which might be No Comorbidities (ICD10 code). |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-11-12 | query ''check_ICD10_Comorbids_Dx_present'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check ICD10 Comorbids NoComo code but others (edit) | If No Comorbidities (ICD10 code) is entered, there must really be no other comorbidities coded |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-11-12 | query ''check_ICD10_Comorbids_NoComo_code_but_others'' | hard check | Yes | Yes |
Query check ICD10 date (edit) | Acquired Diagnosis / Complication must have Dx Date or Dx Date unknown, other Dx Type must have neither, and must be Admit DtTm<Dx_Date<Dispo_DtTm |
implemented | CCMDB.accdb | complete | 2018-10-01 | query ''check_ICD10_date'' | hard check | Yes | No |