Service/Location field

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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: Service_Location
CCMDB Label: Service Location
CCMDB tab: Dispo
Table: L_Log table
Data type: number
Length: long integer
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 2016-07-01
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 40

Encodes which program a record is part of.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

Collection Instruction

When entering from CSS or "Add Patient with Serial Helper" button, or in Patient Viewer Tab Dispo, under Service/Location field select the generic site/program entry:

ICU Bed Borrow

  • When a service borrows a bed in another unit/ward but still follows them the Service Location should be the location where the patient would have been had there been enough beds/space for them. example. ACCU patient, followed by ACCU service but physically located in CICU, service location=ACCU. The Boarding Loc in the Tmp will identify that they are "borrowing" a bed in CICU. If this patient is then transferred to their normal unit, ACCU, add this location as a Boarding Loc in the tmp, this would be a single profile. If the patient was NOT followed by ACCU but by CICU, see ICUotherService for instructions on how to collect.
  • second example- HSC MICU often overflows or borrows a bed in SICU, but MICU follows them, the Service/Location would be HSC MICU, the Boarding Loc would reflect the real physical location HSC SICU, and the Service tmp entry should be HSC Critical Care Medicine. If the patient is later transferred to HSC MICU, this location would be added as a Boarding Loc, this would remain a single profile. However, iF the Service changes to an SICU service and they take over care, then a new profile would be started showing the new Service Location and the new Service tmp entry and Boarding Loc

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Minimal Data Set

This entry is part of the Minimal Data Set. Special collection instructions apply, see that page for more info.


The field is populated with options from the s_dispo table.

Adding a new service/location entry

* the name for a service location must be no longer than 8 characters, ie 3 for the hosp identifier, an underscore, and at most 4 for the local identifier   

The Service/Location field is one of the components that make up the D_ID field when a record is sent. That field has a length of 18. For 5 digit identifiers:

Retiring an available Service/Location field entry

Sometimes a ward may close or change names, or we may stop collecting somewhere. In that case, an entry for Service/Location needs to be made unavailable by editing the s_locations_allowed_collection table.

If a location is no longer available on a laptop records with that location can't be set to "complete". So, if we transition from one location to a new one, we need to get collectors to change the locations for all existing records to the new one, and change the number to using the new number series. Another option might be to keep old location available, at risk of manual mistakes and continuing to use the old location, and of location-number Pool mix-ups. Either way, needs to be planned.

"Can we remove the items that are no longer Service/Locations, Previous Locations, Pre-admit Inpatient Institutions or dispo locations from the dropdowns?"

We can and will remove them, but that can only happen once no more laptops use them. We will need to keep track of this and then remove them when ready. If I removed them now, then any box that currently has them enter would misbehave.

SQL query of what is currently available   
SELECT s_dispo.location_name, s_dispo.Site,, s_dispo.inpatient, s_dispo.previous_location, s_dispo.s_location, s_dispo.dispo
FROM s_dispo
WHERE (((s_dispo.Site)>"") AND (( AND ((s_dispo.inpatient)=True)) OR (((s_dispo.Site)>"") AND (( AND ((s_dispo.previous_location)=True)) OR (((s_dispo.Site)>"") AND (( AND ((s_dispo.s_location)=True)) OR (((s_dispo.Site)>"") AND (( AND ((s_dispo.dispo)=True));
  • query of what is currently used: query z_s_dispo_inactivatable

Data Use / Purpose

This essentially only encodes which program and site a record belongs to. It has additional meanings in legacy data, see Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry.

Used to categorize/stratify the distribution of patients across program and site when reporting summary statistics.

Integrity checks

Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)

Query check minimal data set incompleteCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Check function location NE dispoCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Check function previous NE LocationCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Check function preAdmit NE LocationCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Query s tmp ABO TEE checksCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Query send check centralized is ownerCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Query s tmp EuroSCORE II checksCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Query s tmp Boarding Loc no borrow but entryCCMDB.accdbretired
PL SameCHART Site Diff PHINCentralized data front end.accdbimplemented
Link suspect mismatch pre inpt ours incomplete queryCentralized data front end.accdbimplemented
Link_suspect_not_same_visitAdmitDtTm queryCentralized data front end.accdbimplemented
Reconnect check orphans queryCentralized data front end.accdbimplemented
Link_suspect_visitAdmitDtTm_mult_to-from-home queryCentralized data front end.accdbready to implement

Log / legacy

This field is subject to Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry. However, we still need it because of how we decided to collect patients at HSC and STB CC.

The concepts that used to be stored in this are essentially now stored as:

This field is part of the 2016 Time and Place changes and corresponds to to the old Location field, resp L_Log.R_Location.

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