| HasLegacyExplanation | HasLegacySuccessor |
"No Transfer Date" in Medicine | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes. See TR info status field. | TR info status field |
2020 COVID unit transition | We no longer have special rules for coding COVID units. See COVID_Designated_Ward for details. | No successor was entered |
2020-10 COVID unit collection | We no longer have special rules for coding COVID units. See COVID_Designated_Ward for details. | No successor was entered |
2022-08 sending issues | Fixed bug | No successor was entered |
2nd to Drug OD/ETOH Intox/Withdrawal (Toxic Encephalitis) | | |
3rd generation cephalosporins | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
A-V Fistula insertion | | |
AAA Repair | | |
ABD-Major Vascular- POST OP | | |
ABD-Ruptured Viscus-NON POST OP | | |
ABD-Ruptured Viscus-POST OP | | |
ABD-Uncomp - POST OP | | |
ABD-Uncomp-NON POST OP | | |
ACCU borrow | rolled up in successor | Boarding Loc |
ACP C | legacy project | |
ACP Status collection in ICU | Collection for this project stopped 2016-12-31 | xxx |
AIDS (old code) | | |
ALL | | |
ALS | | |
AML | | |
ARDS | | |
ARF | pre-ICD10 | No successor was entered |
ARF (Diagnosis) | | |
ARI | | |
ASA | | |
ASD | | |
AVR Repair/Replace | | |
Abdominal Perineal Resection | | |
Abdominal ultrasound | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Aborted GI Procedure | | |
Aborted Procedure 2nd to Complications | | |
Aborted Vascular Procedure | | |
Abscess Drainage-Neck | | |
Acalculous Cholecystitis | | |
Accept DtTm field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Accept DtTm missing field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Accept Loc Park | no longer necessary now that we enter service and location differently | PatientFollow Project |
AcceptDateSource | Project finished | |
Ace Inhibitors OD | | |
Acetaminophen OD | | |
Achalasia (Esophagus) | | |
Active Treatment | discontinued data | No successor was entered |
Acute Abdomen NYD | | |
Acute Glomerulonephritis | | |
Acute Hydrocephalus | | |
Acute Pancreatitis | | |
Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) | | |
Acute coronary insufficiency | | |
Adding dropdown functionality to temporary studies | This was proposed at some point but since then there have been many tweaks to tmp and we seem to have figured out how to do drop downs. Taking out of potential changes. Can always put it back if still an issue. | No successor was entered |
Admit From & Discharged To | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes. | Previous Location field and Dispo field |
Admit date and time | Created_AdmitDtTm query | Created_AdmitDtTm query |
Adrenal Insuff - Addison's Disease | | |
Adrenal gland CA | | |
Adrenalectomy | | |
Adult failure to thrive | implementation | |
Afibrinogenemia | | |
Aggregator.mdb | became obsolete with the introduction of CFE | CFE |
Albumin 25pct | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Albumin 5pct | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Alcohol use | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis | | |
Alcoholic Liver Disease | | |
Allergic reaction | | |
Alveolar Proteinosis | | |
Aminophylline (Theophylline) | | |
Amiodarone Lung | | |
Amyloidosis | | |
Anaphylactic Shock | | |
Anasarca | | |
Anastomotic Failure-Bowel | | |
Anastomotic Failure-Gastric | | |
Aneurysm | | |
Angio coronary field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. no longer collected | No successor was entered Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting); Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting) |
Angio others field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. no longer collected | No successor was entered Category:Angiogram |
Angiogram other | | |
Angioplasty | | |
Ankylosing Spondylitis | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy 2nd to Trauma | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy 2nd to hypoglycemia | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy 2nd to other | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy Hanging | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy Post Arrest | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy Post OP | | |
Anoxic Encephalopathy Postictal | | |
Anti Thrombin III Deficiency | | |
Antibiotic Resistant Organism (old) | Changed with move to ICD10/CCI. | Antibiotic Resistant Organism |
Anticonvulsant | | |
Any GI scope | | |
Any medication any route (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Aortic Enteric Fistula Repair | | |
Aortic Insufficiency | | |
Aortic Stenosis | | |
Aortic dissection post angioplasty | | |
Aortic-tracheal Fistula Closure | | |
Aorto-iliac Bypass Graft | | |
Aortofemoral bypass grafting | | |
Ap SapsSysBP field | Collection stopped long ago and field has been eliminated from table. This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered xxx |
Aplastic Anemia | | |
Appendectomy | | |
Appendicitis | | |
Arrest | Old dx coding system | No successor was entered |
Arrest Legacy Data/Codes | they were integrated. Historical information only | Arrest |
Arrest Witnessing | It was determined that the data could be found elsewhere. The values were never added to s_tmp table. | |
Arrive DtTm field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Arsenic poisoning | | |
Art/Ven Embolus/Thrombus | | |
Arterial Embolect/Thrombect | | |
Arterial blood gas (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Artery Perforation Post Angioplasty | | |
Artificial openings NOS care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Ascending Cholangitis | | |
Aspergillus spp | This is pre-ICD10, new is Aspergillus | Aspergillus |
Asthma | | |
Asthma-Severe | | |
Awaiting/delayed transfer to any other care facility outside Winnipeg other than home or LTC/PCH | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Awaiting/delayed transfer to home | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Awaiting/delayed transfer to lower acuity site in Winnipeg other than home or LTC/PCH | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Awaiting/delayed transfer to other acute care facility in Winnipeg | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Axillofemoral bypass grafting | | |
B12 Anemia | | |
BIPAP at 2300 (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
BIPAP/CPAP Task | discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI 2019-01-01 | BiPAP, CPAP, NIV, own ventilator (Mechanical ventilation, noninvasive) |
BOOP (Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia) | | |
BP Control-Post Op | | |
BRR | Will be included in ICD10 | Targeted Temperature Management (TTM) |
Banding Esophageal Varices | | |
Barbiturates | | |
Batch Append Logbook | xxx | xxx |
Bed holds | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Bedside nurse education for TISS28 | Bedside nurses are no longer doing TISS28 | nothing |
Bentall Procedure | pre-ICD10 | No successor was entered |
Benzodiazepines cont inf | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Betablocker OD | | |
Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy | | |
Biliary Tree Cancer | | |
Biopsy (GU/OR) | | |
Biopsy - Other - code not available | was old diagnosis coding situation | Biopsy (endoscopic), Biopsy (non-endoscopic) |
Bladder Cancer | | |
Blindness 2nd to Methanol OD | | |
Blood Products in Labs | These are no longer collected in labs, but are instead collected as part of CCI. | Converting Lab Counts to CCI |
Blood culture | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Blood gas, arterial | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Blood gas, venous | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Bone Cancer | | |
Bone Marrow Biopsy | | |
Bone Marrow Transplant | | |
Botulism | | |
Bowel Cancer | | |
Bowel Obstruction | | |
Bowel Resection | | |
Bradyarrythmias | | |
Brain Biopsy | | |
Brain CA | | |
Brain Stem Hemorrhage | | |
Brain Stem Hemorrhage 2nd to other causes | | |
Brain Stem Hemorrhage post STK or TPA infusion | | |
Brain Stem Hemorrhage post angiogram | | |
Braindead | | |
Brainstem Hemorrhage-NON POST OP | | |
Breast Cancer | | |
Bronchial Injury- POST OP | | |
Bronchial Injury-NON POST OP | | |
Bronchial thermoplasty | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Bronchitis | | |
Bronchopleural Fistula | | |
Bronchoscopy/Laryngoscopy | | |
Bulimia | | |
Bullous Lung Disease | | |
Burns | | |
Bursa Drainage | | |
C-Spine Trauma - NO cord injury | | |
C-Spine Trauma+cord injury | | |
C-spine Fracture | | |
CABG | | |
CAP-Community Acquired Pneumonia | | |
CBC | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
CCMDB Cleaner.mdb | Moved on to Centralized data front end.accdb | Centralized data front end.accdb |
CCMDB Diagnosis Code List | This is for the old coding schema that has been retired; see ICD10 Diagnosis List instead. | ICD10 Diagnosis List |
CCMS | xxx | xxx |
CCMS.exe | xxx | xxx |
CCU Service Tracking | was replaced as part of 2016 Time and Place changes | Previous Service field |
CJD-Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease | | |
CLL | | |
CML | | |
CON ICU Collection Guide | June 25, 2019, ICU unit was closed.
- June 3, 2019, ER unit converted to Urgent care
| |
CON MICU | June 25, 2019, unit was closed. Last discharge June 24.19 | |
COPD | | |
COVID Designated Ward | no longer tracking, see above | No successor was entered |
CRF - Chronic Renal Failure | | |
CRRT Project | project over | No successor was entered |
CT Scan (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
CV Bleeding NYD | | |
CVA 2nd to OTHER | | |
CVA-Cerebral Vascular Accident | | |
CXR | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Calculus Cholecystitis | | |
Cancer - Primary Site Unknown | | |
Carbon Monoxide | | |
Carcinomatosis (Lung) | | |
Cardiac Contusion | | |
Cardiac Septal repair | | |
Cardiac ablation | | |
Cardiac injury- POST OP | | |
Cardiac valve- past HX of disease or replace | | |
Cardiogenic Shock | | |
Cardiomyopathy | | |
Cardiovascular Other | | |
Cardioversion | | |
Cardioversion (TISS Item) | Not currently collected item no longer collected | No successor was entered |
Care of drainage tubes (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Carotid Endarterectomy/bypass | | |
Castleman's Disease (Lymphoprolific Disease) | | |
Catheter09 | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Caustic Esophageal Injury | | |
Ceftazidime | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Celiac Disease | | |
Central Line Related Blood stream Infection (CLR-BSI) | | |
Central Line Tracking | Was moved into Category:TISS28 | T - Central Venous Catheter at 2300 (TISS Item) |
Central Pontine Myelinolysis | | |
Central Venous Catheter at 2300 (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Centralized backup.bat | Process was changed. | Pull down centralized data.vbs and Push up centralized data.vbs |
Cerebral AVM | | |
Cerebral Angiogram | | |
Cerebral Artery Vasospasm | | |
Cerebral Edema | | |
Cerebral Infarct Cause NYD | | |
Cerebral Palsy | | |
Cervical Myelopathy | | |
Cervix Cancer | | |
Cesarean Section | | |
Check Accept Loc Park | Concept has not been collected since 2020-10-15, retired the cross checks 2022-04-21 when I noticed they were still idling. Ttenbergen 15:30, 2022 April 21 (CDT) | PatientFollow Project |
Check BRR/XBR vs cardiac arrest dx | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
Check Duplicate Task Entries | Collection of Tasks Elements was discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | No successor was entered |
Check Function Panelling admit transfer same | Retired and replaced as part of moving to ICD10 codes | Check if awaiting code is primary dx then Transfer Ready DtTm must be equal to Arrive DtTm |
Check Isolation Px vs Isolation Dx | Collection of Tasks Elements was discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | No successor was entered |
Check ORDx | Patients primary admit diagnosis no longer has cross-requirements to them coming from OR/RR | |
Check Renal Tasks | Collection of Tasks Elements was discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | No successor was entered |
Check Trauma codes without subcodes | old code check | Query check ICD10 mechanism vs trauma |
Check organ donors must be dead | There was a desire to cross-check organ donation against brain death. This will be impossible going forward because Organ donor (organ/tissue donation by the donor) includes live donors. We did implement the related check query check_ICD10_dx_implying_death_must_have_appropriate_dispo, though. | query check_ICD10_dx_implying_death_must_have_appropriate_dispo |
Chest Physio (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Cholecystectomy | | |
Chronic Alcohol Abuse | | |
Chronic Drug Abuse | | |
Chronic Health APACHE | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Chronic Pancreatitis | | |
Chronic Stable Angina | | |
Churg-Strauss Syndrome | | |
Classification of Angina | | |
Cleft Palate repair | | |
Clinical Practice Management (CPM) | They won't give us this, might was well forget about it. | No successor was entered |
Closure Wound Dehiscence | | |
Closure of Colostomy | | |
Closure of Perforated Bowel | | |
Coagulopathy 2nd to Liver Failure | | |
Coarctation of Aorta- Repair | | |
Cocaine OD | | |
Code Purple | Code Purple was used at Victoria General Hospital when the hospital was over census and additional beds were opened up to manage the situation. | Boarding Loc |
Colectomy | | |
Colostomy | | |
Colostomy care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Coma NYD | | |
Comfort Care | This concept is now essentially a twin of Palliative care, so collection no longer needed. | Palliative care |
Compartment Syndrome | | |
Complication of anticoagulation therapy | | |
Concussion\Contusion | | |
Confusion/Delirium | | |
Congenital Diseases | | |
Congestive Heart Failure | | |
Conn's Syndrome | | |
Cook's Cath Insertion | | |
Cor Pulmonale | | |
Coronary Angiogram | | |
Coronary Atherectomy | | |
Coronary stent insertion | | |
Craniotomy-Non Traumatic | | |
Creatinine (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Critical Care Vital Signs Monitoring | The project is no longer active. | |
Crohns Disease | | |
Crosschecking data with Manitoba Health | Manitoba Health stopped providing this data | No successor was entered |
Cystectomy | | |
Cystic Fibrosis | | |
Cystitis (Bladder Infection) | | |
Cystoscopy | | |
Cystostomy care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
D & C | | |
DC Treatment | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. stopped collection in Medicine | No successor was entered various tmp and dx codes relating to palliative care and End-of-life related data |
DIC | | |
DX tag | | |
Data collection log form | no longer needed with updated processes such as using EPR and PatientFollow Project. | No successor was entered |
Data collector's binder | no longer use the binder | No successor was entered |
Death-Etiology Unclear | | |
Debridement - Cardiovascular | | |
Debridement-Abdominal | | |
Decreased Loc NYD | | |
Defibrillator Implant | | |
Definition of a Critical Care Laptop Admission | xxx | xxx |
Delivery by caesarean section | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Dementia | | |
Depressive episode without major depressive disorder | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Dermatomyositis | | |
Desensitization (ASA, Antibiotic, Plavix) | | |
Diabetes | | |
Diabetes Insipidus | | |
Diabetic Enteropathy | | |
Diabetic Ketoacidosis | | |
Diagnosis Unknown | | |
Diagnostic Data available in the Critical Care and Medicine Database | pre-ICD10 | No successor was entered |
Dialysis Tasks | discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | CCI PD (Peritoneal dialysis), HD (Hemodialysis) and ICD10 Renal dialysis care, including dialysis itself |
Diaphragm Resection | | |
Diaphragm- NON POST OP | | |
Diaphragm-POST OP | | |
Diaphragmatic Paralysis | | |
Diffuse axonal injury | | |
Digoxin | | |
Direct admit | Used to have special instructions, but with collection instructions as of 2022-02 this is now collected just like everything else. No more special instructions. | Previous Location, Previous Service, Pre-admit Inpatient Institution |
Disseminated Infection | | |
Diverticulitis | | |
Downs Syndrome | | |
Drainage Hepatic Abscess/Bleed/Fluid | | |
Drainage Other Abscess/Bleed/Fluid | | |
Drainage Pancreatic Abscess | | |
Dressings 2 or less (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Dressings 3 or more (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Drug Toxicity for Immunosuppressives | This is about the old codes... there is no specific new code, but see Past history of immunosuppressive drugs or corticosteroids. | |
Dysphagia - NYD | | |
ECIP | They are really just a special case of a Critical Care patient whose only Boarding Loc entry is that site's ER. See Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry, 2020-10 EMIP changes. | Boarding Loc |
ECMO | Code was split in two, and then each were moved to a CCI procedure code. | ECMO, VV, ECMO, VA |
ECMO Veno-arterial | | |
ECMO Veno-venous | | |
EChart | eChart's terms of use don't allow us to use it for data collection. | No successor was entered |
EDIS GRA S4 decant for ER-patients | No longer done, but not sure since when... | No successor was entered |
ENT infection - WITH airway obstruction ( Laryngitis, Mono, Peritonsillar abscess etc) | | |
ENT infection - WITHOUT airway obstruction ( Laryngitis, Mono, Peritonsillar abscess etc) | | |
ER Wait | Existing data was copied into Arrived DtTm field so this data can be ignored. Now calculated from Boarding Loc entries | ER Delay |
ESBL or MRO | old pathogen code | Resistance to antimicrobials, extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL), Resistance to antimicrobials, vancomycin, Colonized with organism (not infected) |
ETT unscheduled extubations | replaced when we started TISS 28 | T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) |
Early ID study | project was complete | No successor was entered |
Echocardiogram | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Eclampsia | | |
Electrical Shock Injury | | |
Emergency Surgery (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Emphysema | | |
Empyema - NON POST OP | | |
Empyema - POST OP | | |
Endocarditis | | |
Endocarditis-Prosthetic Valve | | |
Endoscopy (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Enterocutaneous Fistula | | |
Epidural Catheter Insertion | | |
Epidural Cranio - NON POST OP | | |
Epidural Cranio - POST OP | | |
Epidural hemorrhage | | |
Epiglottis | | |
Erdheim-Chester Disease | | |
ErrorFinder.exe | xxx | xxx |
Escharotomy | | |
Esophageal Dilatation | | |
Esophageal Fistula | | |
Esophageal Injury- POST OP | | |
Esophageal Injury-NON POST OP | | |
Esophageal Stricture | | |
Esophageal Surgery | | |
Esophagitis | | |
Esophagitis due Infection | | |
Esophagus Cancer | | |
Ethylene | | |
Etiology NYD | | |
Etoh OD/Intoxication | | |
EuroScore | We stopped doing it. See also EuroSCORE II | No successor was entered |
Excision of Myxoma | | |
Excision, Resection, radical | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Excision, Resection, total | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Exploratory laparotomy | | |
Extremity - Fracture /Amp and vasc-NON POST OP | | |
Extremity - Fracture /Amp and vasc-POST OP | | |
FFP | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Facial Fracture -NON POST OP | | |
Facial Fracture -POST OP | | |
Failure to wean -Non-Post-Op | | |
Failure to wean -Post-Op | | |
Fasciectomy | | |
Fe Deficiency Anemia | | |
Fem-Pop Bypass Graft | | |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | | |
Fever NYD | | |
FirstName field | we used to change names around for consistency but stopped doing this. | use rules above |
Flail Chest | | |
Food Poisoning | | |
Fournier's gangrene (fulminating tissue infection of perineum) | | |
Friedreich's Ataxia | | |
Fulminant Hepatic Failure | | |
Function Dispo Chronological() | Change to replace Accept DtTm with first Service tmp entry, and Arrive DtTm with first Boarding Loc | various cross checks against Boarding Loc and Service tmp entry |
Function Validate previous service | field Previous_Service was retired | No successor was entered |
Furosemide cont inf | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
GCMS | xxx | xxx |
GCMS.exe | xxx | xxx |
GCS sedated field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
GH-EMIP | GRA_EMIP was the location entry for EMIP at the Grace. With PatientFollow Project EMIPs are no longer part of any location concept. | No successor was entered |
GH-N5 | instructions superseded | 2020-10 COVID unit collection |
GH-OVER | No longer collected | |
GH-S3 | | |
GH-W3 | No longer collected | GRA S3 |
GI Ulcer | | |
GI Ulcer Embolization | | |
GRA ER use as borrow location | This used to result in a bunch of GRA CC specific info, but as of Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry it is really just a special case of boarding, so the remaining info should no longer be important. | Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry |
Gastric Lavage (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Gastric Pull-up | | |
Gastro/Hepato jejunostomy | | |
Gastroenteritis | | |
Gastrostomy care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Gender identity disorder | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Genitourinary-NON POST OP | | |
Genitourinary-POST OP | | |
Glossectomy/Partial | | |
Glutaric Aciduria | | |
Graft vs Host Disease-Post BMT | | |
Green Field Filter Insertion/ IVC Filter | | |
Green sheet | Legacy March 1 2021 (Stopped collecting and distribution to ICU's. HSC ICU as per Dr Bojan Paunovic,they will make their own) | No successor was entered |
Green sheet completeness manual audit | no more Green sheets. | No successor was entered |
Green sheet use Survey Nov 2013 | no more Green sheets. | No successor was entered |
Greensheets.mdb | No more green sheets, and this had not been used for a long time even before. | No successor was entered |
Guillain–Barré syndrome | | |
H1N1 | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
H2-Blockers | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
HAP-Hospital Acquired Pneumonia | | |
HD (Hemodialysis) | Previous reporting of HD after Kidney Transplant | No successor was entered |
HIPEC - Hyperthermic IntraPeritoneal Chemotherapy | | |
HIV+ | | |
HMORT | No more TMSX, and this field did not really transition. | Dispo field, but not really |
HSC CCU | HSC_CCU closed | No successor was entered |
HSC D4 COVID | temporary ward use done | 2020 COVID unit transition |
HSC D5 Pre COVID | 2020-03 HSC COVID unit transition | No successor was entered |
HSC EMIP | HSC_EMIP was the HSC location entry for EMIP. | No successor was entered |
HSC H4H | Ward moved to HSC_B2, see 2020-04 HSC COVID unit transition for details. | HSC_HOBS |
HSC ICU workload splitting | No longer due to change to PatientFollow Project | PatientFollow Project |
HSC Nursing Home Ward | Unit closed 2017-10-31 | |
Hanging | | |
Head and neck CA | | |
Height and weight | Collecting this is not practical since height is often not measured at all. | No successor was entered |
Hematology Other | | |
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome | | |
Hemophilia | | |
Hemothorax | | |
Hemothorax (iatrogenic) | | |
Heparin SQ | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Hepatic Encephalopathy | | |
Hepatic Portal Vein Thrombosis | | |
Hepatorenal Bypass Graft | | |
Hepatorenal Syndrome | | |
Hepatosplenomegaly NYD | | |
Hernia | | |
High dose chemotherapy as primary admit | | |
Homelessness | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Hospital previous | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes. See Previous Location field. | 2016 Time and Place changes, Previous Location |
Hourly Vital Signs (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Huntington's Disease | | |
Hydronephrosis | | |
Hyperchloremia | | |
Hyperglycemia 2nd to Steroids | | |
Hyperkalemia K Greater Than 6.5 | | |
Hyperlipidemia | | |
Hypernatremia NA Greater Than 160 | | |
Hypertension | | |
Hyperthermia | | |
Hyperthyroidism | | |
Hypocalcemia Ca Less Than 1.8 | | |
Hypogammaglobanemia | | |
Hypoglycemia-noninsulin Induced | | |
Hypoglycemics (oral or insulin) | | |
Hypokalemia K Less Than 2.5 | | |
Hyponatremia NA Less Than 120 | | |
Hypotension 2nd Mediastinal Shift | | |
Hypotension NYD (not due to shock or post op) | | |
Hypothermia | | |
Hypothyroidism (old code) | | |
Hypovolemic/Hemorrhagic Shock | | |
Hysterical Reaction | | |
IABP project | Discontinued as part of moving to CCI/ICD10, moved to IABP from CCI Picklist | IABP |
ICH 2nd to STK or TPA infusion | | |
ICH 2nd to anticoagulation | | |
ICH 2nd to cerebral aneurysm | | |
ICH 2nd to other causes | | |
ICH Post Operative | | |
ICU 2nd to hypertension | | |
ICU Master Data Collection LOG.pdf | no longer used | No successor was entered |
ICU Var 3 - Overflow | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes, and later the retirement of the off ward field. | Boarding Loc |
ICU Var 5 - Overflow | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes and later the retirement of the Off ward field. | Boarding Loc |
ICU Var 6 - AMA | Legacy info as of 2016-07-01. This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes. See Dispo field | xxx |
IHSS | | |
IICU consult | project ended | No successor was entered |
ITP | | |
IVC Filter Thrombosis | | |
Iatrogenic 2nd to Narcotics/Sedatives | | |
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | | |
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis-Mild | | |
Ileocolonic Fistula | | |
Ileostomy care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Iliac Femoral Bypass Graft | | |
Immunological problems | | |
Immunosuppressive drug, adverse effect | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Impella-percutaneous VAD | | |
Implanted device NOS, adjustment/management | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Import Log | No longer importing anything into TMSX or even using it. | |
Imprisonment/incarceration | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Incentive Spirometry (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Incision and Drainage - soft tissue abscess | | |
Infected Graft Resection | | |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease | | |
Influenza tracking | 2017/8 flu season ended; we collect this differently than the requestor so future collection makes no sense.STOPPED for 18/19 season. | Influenza in ICD10 |
Influenza treated | Peak flu season 2017/8 ended, and we collect this different than the requestor. STOPPED for 2018/19 flu season. | Influenza in ICD10 |
Inhalation therapy (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Inoperable Cancer Procedure Aborted | | |
Installation of External Appliance | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Instructions for exporting data using MCHP Export.accdb | old process | see above |
Insulin Shock | | |
Insulin cont inf | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Interleukin infusion monitoring | | |
Interstitial Nephritis | | |
Interstitial Pneumonitis | | |
Intra Abdominal Bleed | | |
Intra-abdominal organ NOS, traumatic laceration/rupture | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Intraabdominal Abscess - non-post-op | | |
Intraabdominal Abscess - post-op | | |
Intracardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Failure | | |
Intracerebral Aneurysm (non rupture or leaking) | | |
Intracerebral hemorrhage | | |
Intracranial/subdural or epidural abcess or septic intracanial throm | | |
Intratracheal suctioning (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Iron | | |
Ischemic Bowel | | |
Isolation-Task | discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | Isolation, infectious |
Joint NOS, contracture | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Kidney Cancer | | |
L Como table | We now collect this data in L ICD10 table. In Legacy TMS Data.mdb this table contains legacy data from before Conversion from our old diagnosis schema to ICD10/CCI | L ICD10 table |
L_Dxs table | We now collect this data in L ICD10 table. In Legacy TMS Data.mdb this table contains legacy data from before Conversion from our old diagnosis schema to ICD10/CCI | L ICD10 table |
L Green | table has not been used in a long time. | No successor was entered |
L_Hospitalization table | This page describes a currently unsupported process. Part of it might be implemented, but it isn't being used or checked. | xxx |
L_Labs_Flowsheet table | These are no longer collected in labs, but are instead collected as part of CCI. | Converting Lab Counts to CCI |
L_PCH table | This page describes a currently unsupported process. Part of it might be implemented, but it isn't being used or checked. | xxx |
L_Person table | This page describes a currently unsupported process. Part of it might be implemented, but it isn't being used or checked. | xxx |
L Pharm | Very old process, but the fact data is in here | L_Pharm_Flowsheet for counted drugs and L_Log for y/n drugs |
L-Spine trauma NO cord injury | | |
L-Spine trauma+cord injury | | |
LMWH | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
LOS Medicine per ward stay | no longer use with PatientFollow Project | LOS Medicine per hospital admission |
LOS Per Record | Change during move to PatientFollow Project | see above on this page |
LTV | Pre-ICD10 coding, discontinued | Chronic dependence on mechanical ventilator |
Lab Collection Process | Converting Lab Counts to CCI | CCI Collection |
Lab Downloading Backlog Medicine | no more labs downloading | DSM Lab Extract |
Lab Specimen Collection (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Lab collection for elimination | process changed | S AllLabsTable Ver2 |
Lab.dat | xxx | xxx |
Labs - Legacy Article | The collection process and data structure were changed repeatedly. | Labs data |
Labs collected list | Collection of these items was moved into CCI | Converting Lab Counts to CCI |
Lactic Acidosis NYD | | |
Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (Histiocytosis X, Eosinophilic granulomatosis) | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Laryngectomy | | |
LastName field | we used to change names around for consistency but stopped doing this. | use rules above |
Lateral Medullary Syndrome | | |
Left Vent Cardiac Aneurysm | | |
Left Vent cardiac Rupture | | |
Left Ventricular Aneurysm Repair | | |
Legacy Content | | |
Legacy Data Collection Worksheet | there should no longer be pre-collection on paper, collection should go straight into laptop in the appropriate field or Notes field | Notes field |
Legacy Drugs Collected 2012 Jan - 2012 March | Various changes happened after that see Pharmacy collection#Legacy Info for summary of changes over time | Pharmacy collection |
Legacy Drugs Collected Jan1.12toSept.12 | Various changes happened after that see Pharmacy collection#Legacy Info for summary of changes over time | Pharmacy collection |
Legacy Drugs before 2012 | Various changes happened after that see Pharmacy collection#Legacy Info for summary of changes over time | Pharmacy collection |
LegacyContent | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Leukemic Infiltrates | | |
Line Insertion only as Primary reason for admit | | |
Link suspect transfer ready before arrive date | Query retired because we no longer use Transfer Ready DtTm field, and because this can and will be done in CCMDB.accdb by query check_transfer_DtTm_during_admission for the new Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry. | query check_transfer_DtTm_during_admission |
Link suspect transfer ready greater than dispo | Query retired because we no longer use Transfer Ready DtTm field, and because this can and will be done in CCMDB.accdb by query check_transfer_DtTm_during_admission for the new Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry. | query check_transfer_DtTm_during_admission |
List of Diagnoses we didn't code in old schema | The list is different in ICD10, see List of ICD10 Diagnoses we don't code. | List of ICD10 Diagnoses we don't code |
List of diagnoses affecting Overstay Project | no more overstay as of October 1, 2019 | No successor was entered |
Lithium OD | | |
Liver Abscess | | |
Liver Biopsy | | |
Liver Cancer | | |
Liver Resection | | |
Liver Transplant | | |
Liver Transplant-Rejection | | |
Liver dialysis | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Liver laceration post procedure | | |
Liver-NON POST OP | | |
Liver-POST OP | | |
Location field | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes. | Service/Location field |
Log (disambiguation) | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Lower GI Bleed | | |
Lung Cancer | | |
Lung Collapse | | |
Lung Contusions | | |
Lung Lavage | | |
Lung Transplant Surgery | | |
Lupus Anticoagulant | | |
Lupus cerebritis | | |
Lupus pneumonitis | | |
Lymphoma | | |
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis | | |
Lysis of Adhesions | | |
MB Health Tool.mdb | Manitoba Health stopped providing data for this. | No successor was entered |
MERFF Syndrome | | |
MRI (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
MU | xxx | xxx |
MVR Repair/Replace | | |
Magnesium (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Mainstem Bronchus Mucous Plug | | |
Major Blood Loss Intraop | | |
Major Vascular-NON POST OP | | |
Malathion | | |
Malignant Hypertension | | |
Malignant Neuroleptic Syndrome | | |
Manitoba Health "Conditioner" | MB Health data stopped | MB Health Tool.mdb |
Manitoba Health Crosschecking Background | MB Health stopped providing data. | No successor was entered |
Manitoba Health Crosschecking Reconciling Returned Data | MB Health stopped providing data. | No successor was entered |
Manitoba Health Crosschecking Sending Data | MB Health stopped providing data. | No successor was entered |
Manitoba Health Match Indicator Guideline | MB Health data exchange was stopped | No successor was entered |
Manitoba Health Registry System | We used to tie into this to validate our data but aren't any more. To some degree, Cognos EPR Report has taken over that role. | Cognos EPR Report |
Mapping Database Diagnosis Codes to APACHE II (old) | This was how it was done before ICD10. | APACHE Comorbidities in ICD10 codes |
Marc Silva | Mark has moved on and we no longer use that process; leaving page because it sounds like we may be working with Mark on a different project soon. | |
Marfan Syndrome | | |
Massive-Post Op Bleeding | | |
Mastectomy | | |
Maxillofacial Reconst Surgery | | |
Measurement of urinary output (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
MedTMS Setup | TMSX and MedTMS are legacy | Centralized data front end.accdb |
Mediastinal Hemorrhage | | |
Mediastinitis/abscess | | |
Mediastinoscopy | | |
Mediastinum CA | | |
Medical Assistance In Dying (old) | | |
Meningitis | | |
Meningoencephalitis | | |
Mesenteric Angiogram | | |
Mesenteric Artery Graft | | |
Mesenteric Infarct/Thrombosis | | |
Methanol | | |
Mitral Insufficiency | | |
Mitral Stenosis | | |
Mitral Valve Prolapse | | |
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease | | |
Monoclonal Gammopathy | | |
More than 5 liters IV fluid per day (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Moves for Medicine | We stopped doing it. | Boarding Loc |
Multiple Myeloma | | |
Multiple OD | | |
Multiple Sclerosis | | |
Mural Thrombosis | | |
Muscle deconditioning | | |
Muscular Dystrophy | | |
Myasthenia Gravis | | |
Myelodysplasia NYD | | |
Myelofibrosis | | |
Myocardial infarction | | |
Myocarditis | | |
Myopathy | | |
Myotonic Dystrophy | | |
NYD | | |
Near Drowning | | |
Neck Injury Airway-NON POST OP | | |
Neck Injury Airway-POST OP | | |
Neck Injury vascular- POST OP | | |
Necrotizing soft tissue infections (necrotizing fasciitis, myonecrosis, gas or clostridial gangrene etc.) | | |
Need for medical isolation | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Nephrectomy | | |
Nephrostomy / Stent | | |
Nephrotic Syndrome | | |
Neurodevelopmental disorder | | |
Neurofibromatosis | | |
Neurological Problem Other | | |
Neuromuscular Disease NYD | | |
Neutropenia | | |
Neutropenic Enterocolitis | | |
Non Cardiac Chest Pain incl. NYD | | |
Non Fulminant Hepatic Failure | | |
Non Malignant Ovarian Cyst | | |
Nonalcoholic Liver Disease | | |
Nonketotic Hyperosmolar State | | |
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID), overdose/toxicity | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Nontraumatic Bladder Perforation | | |
Noonan syndrome | | |
Not an Infection (ICD10 pathogen alternative) | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
OAK MICU | September 20, 2019, unit closed. Last discharge September 19.19 | |
Obesity | | |
Obstetrical Imaging NOS (diagnostic imaging) | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Obstetrical Ultrasound (diagnostic imaging) | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Obstructive Uropathy | | |
Occluded Graft | | |
Oct 2017 Vic Med bed change over | October 27, 2018, we no longer collect in this location | |
Off ward field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Ogilvie Syndrome | | |
Old TISS28 SAS Instructions | No longer doing this in SAS | No successor was entered |
Oophorectomy | | |
Open Lung Biopsy | | |
Opioids cont inf | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Oral Resection | | |
Ordering Collection forms | stopped all forms late 2020 and early 2021 | No successor was entered |
Organ Donor | legacy portion of page | |
Orthopedic Procedures-Other | | |
Osteomyelitis | | |
Other Bleeds/Skull | | |
Other Cardiovascular Procedures | | |
Other CollVasc Diseases | | |
Other Collagen Vascular Diseases | | |
Other Congenital heart Problem | | |
Other Endocrine Problems | | |
Other GI OR | | |
Other GI/GYNE problems | | |
Other Genitourinary Biopsy | | |
Other Genitourinary OR | | |
Other Gi/Gyne Problems | | |
Other Head/Neck-OR Procedures | | |
Other Hematol. Malignancy (histiocytosis) | | |
Other Hemoglobinopathies | | |
Other Hemolytic Anemia's | | |
Other Medical Problem | | |
Other Metabolic Encephalopathy | | |
Other Metabolic problems | | |
Other OR Procedures | | |
Other Procedures (GI) | | |
Other Procedures (GU) | | |
Other Procedures (other) | | |
Other Procedures (pulm/thoracic) | | |
Other Psychological Disturbance | | |
Other Renal Problems | | |
Other Severe Skin Conditions | | |
Other Trauma | | |
Other Tumors | | |
Other cardiovascular problems | | |
Other inflammatory bowel diseases | | |
Other overdose | | |
Other respiratory problems | | |
Output for TMSX and MedTMS | No more TMSX | |
Ovary Cancer | | |
Over sew gastric ulcer | | |
Overstay Predictor Project | no more overstay as of October 1, 2019 | Project Overstay2 |
Overstay Predictor Project Algorithm | no more overstay | No successor was entered |
Overstay Predictor Project Collection Instructions | we stopped Overstay | Project Overstay2 |
Overstay Project Start Stop dates | Stopped everywhere as of October 1, 2019 | No successor was entered |
Overstay roles and responsibilities | early document, not how it goes any more. | No corresponding old article |
P-Op Resp Failure | | |
PDA Pending.mdb | stopped being relevant when we moved to CFE, keeping page only because program still in archive | No successor was entered |
PHI copy automation | This process would lock up occasionally preventing collectors from sending. So, we stopped the scheduled task that ran this every 5 minutes. We were initially going to review this to make it work again, but with COVID a desktop scheduled task became entirely impractical anyway. As of 2022-08 we are hoping for Shared Health to provide either interim functionality on the Automation PC or maybe an actual solution to our storage requirements that doesn't need this. See also Transition to Database Server. | No successor was entered |
PPI | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
PT PTT | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pacemaker insertion (TISS Item) | Not currently collected decided to stop duplicate collection during Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist | No successor was entered Pacemaker insertion, temporary, Pacemaker insertion, permanent |
Pain Control - non post op | | |
Pain Control - post op | | |
Palliative Service | | |
Pancreas Cancer | | |
Pancreas Translpant Rejection | | |
Pancreatectomy/debride/cyst | | |
Pancreatic abscess | | |
Panelling or Discharge Planning | | |
Papillary Muscle Rupture | | |
Paracentesis | | |
Paralytic Ileus | | |
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia | | |
Parathyroidectomy | | |
Parked in ER tmp entry | This is no longer collected as a tmp entry, see Parked in ER | Parked in ER |
Parkinson's | | |
Past history of Covid-19 infection | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pathological Fractures | | |
Patient copier button | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
Peer Audit move csv to X bat | Peer audit is long done | No successor was entered |
Pelvic Abscess | | |
Pelvic Bleed | | |
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease | | |
Pelvic Ruptured Viscus- POST OP | | |
Pelvic Ruptured Viscus-NON POST OP | | |
Pelvic Uncomplicated | | |
Pelvic Vascular-NON POST OP | | |
Pelvic Vascular-POST OP | | |
Pelvic exenteration | | |
Pelvic-Boney Fracture-Non Post Op | | |
Pelvic-Boney Fracture-Post Op | | |
Pending Julie | stopped being relevant when we moved to CFE, keeping page only because program still in archive | No successor was entered |
Pentaspan | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. hospitals' stopped using thus we stopped collecting. | No successor was entered |
Percutaneous Feeding Tube | | |
Perforation-Bowel Nontraumatic | | |
Perforation-Esophageal | | |
Perforation-Gastric-non traumatic | | |
Pericardial Effusion | | |
Pericardial Tamponade | | |
Pericardial Tap/Window | | |
Pericardiectomy | | |
Pericarditis | | |
Pericutaneous Nephrolithotomy | | |
Peripartum Problems | | |
Peripheral Angiogram | | |
Peripheral Neuropathy | | |
Peripheral Vascular Disease | | |
Peritonitis | | |
Permanent Pacemaker Failure | | |
Permanent Pacemaker Insertion | | |
Pharm 1st or 2nd generation cephalosporins | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharm 4th generation cephalosporins | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharm aminoglycosides | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharm antistaph penicillins | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharm macrolides | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharmacotherapy, antineoplastic agent, whole body | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharmacotherapy, immunostimulant, whole body | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharmacotherapy, immunosuppressive, whole body | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pharmacy.dat | xxx | xxx |
Pharmacy.mdb | The Pharmacy collection data is now stored in Centralized_data.mdb. | L_Pharm_Flowsheet table in Centralized_data.mdb |
Pheochromocytoma | | |
Phlebotomy | | |
Physical rehabilitation care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pituitary Insufficiency | | |
Pituitary gland CA | | |
Platelets | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Pleural Effusion | | |
Pneumatoceole Drainage | | |
Pneumoconiosis | | |
Pneumomediastinum -NON Post OP | | |
Pneumonia Etiology not clear | | |
Pneumonitis 2nd Chemical Aspiration | | |
Pneumonitis NYD | | |
Pneumothorax | | |
Pneumothorax (iatrogenic) | | |
Polyarthritis | | |
Polycystic Kidney Disease | | |
Polycythemia Rubra Vera | | |
Polymyositis | | |
Polyps | | |
Portacaval shunt | | |
Post BMT Veno Occlusive Disease | | |
Post Infarct Angina | | |
Post Lung Transplant Problem | | |
Post OP Bleeding | | |
Post OP Bleeding - GI | | |
Post OP Bleeding -other | | |
Post OP Bleeding Renal | | |
Post OP Bleeding Return to-OR | | |
Post OP GU Hemorrhage | | |
Post OP Surg Wound Infection | | |
Post Trauma | | |
Post Traumatic Quadriplegia | | |
Postal code collection | moved to Postal Code field | Postal Code field |
Postpartum Hemorrhage | | |
Postpartum problems other | | |
Potts Disease | | |
Pre OP Admission Pulmonary | | |
Pre OP admission-other | | |
Pre op Admit-Cardiovasc Patient | | |
Pre-2017-07-30 Overstay Predictor Project Collection Instructions | Was replaced with a newer version | Overstay Predictor Project Collection Instructions |
Pre-OP Admit - Research Patient - Cardiovascular | | |
Preleukemia | | |
Preop Admission GI | | |
Previous Cardiac Transplant | | |
Previous Service field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Primary Systemic Vasculitis | | |
Project Borrow arrive | Changed collection to more general Boarding Loc | Boarding Loc |
Project Discharge Documentation | abandoned during planning | No successor was entered |
Propofol cont inf | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Proposed Notes field default | We tried to implement this but could not reach consensus from collectors. We implemented anyway but since most would just delete the content we eventually stopped automatically populating this to save collectors the step of deleting this. | |
Proposed future changes to Location and Transfer Ready and related fields | For legacy reasons, we collect general location info in Boarding Loc, Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry and Service tmp entry info in the L TmpV2 table. We had discussed moving this info into different tables, but the data is deeply integrated and the change would be substantial, so it was decided not to proceed with this. | No successor was entered |
Prostate Cancer | | |
Prostatectomy-open or TURP | | |
Prosthetic Valve Dysfunction | | |
Pseudomembranous Colitis (C-DIFF) | | |
Psychosis | | |
Pt Monitored while on Dialysis | | |
Pulmonary Embolus | | |
Pulmonary Hemorrhage | | |
Pulmonary Hypertension | | |
Pulmonary Renal Syndrome | | |
Pulmonary Valve Insufficiency | | |
Pulmonary-Renal Syndrome | | |
Purulent Pericarditis (septic effusion) | | |
Pyelonephritis (Kidney Infection/Abcess) | | |
Pyloroplasty | | |
Pyoderma Gangranosum | | |
QA Infection | was replaced by Central Line Related Blood stream Infection (CLR-BSI) / VAP as part of move to ICD10 | |
QA Infection CLI | was replaced by Central Line Related Blood stream Infection (CLR-BSI) as part of move to ICD10 | Central Line Related Blood stream Infection (CLR-BSI) |
QA Infection VAP | was replaced by VAP as part of move to ICD10 | VAP |
QA Septic Shock | Tmp project ended | No successor was entered |
Quadraparesis-Post OP | | |
Quadriplegia-post polio | | |
Query Check Renal IncompatibleDxs | retired as part of move to ICD10. | Query check ICD10 ESRD vs ARF |
Query NDC Pacemaker acquired vs TISS | see #log | No successor was entered |
Query NDC TISS CCI endoscopic | No longer collecting Endoscopy (TISS Item), so nothing to check | No successor was entered |
Query NDC Trach Dx TISS | etired when we stopped TISS forms, see | Query check_ICD10_trach_dxs_consistent |
Query NDC VAP no TISS | was declined, so legacy | No successor was entered |
Query NDC zCRRT CCI Px but no TISS | CRRT Project done | CRRT |
Query NDC zCRRT TISS but no CCI Px | CRRT Project done | CRRT |
Query NDC zCRRT TISS no tmp | CRRT Project over | CCI CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) |
Query NDC zCRRT tmp no TISS | | |
Query TISS Errors NrTISSDays NE LOS | deleted as part of Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist | No successor was entered |
Query TISS Errors TISS date out of admission | Now entered in CCMDB.accdb directly, and a set of queries for CCI and TISS and LOS take care of it there. | Query check CCI TISS NrDays GT LOS; Query check CCI TISS NrDays LT LOS, Query check TISS each day |
Query TISS Errors duplicate Items | Done in CCMDB.accdb now | query check_CCI_Picklist_duplicates |
Query TISS Errors missing days | no more TISS28.mdb | Query check_TISS_each_day |
Query TISS Errors vent vs vent2300 | no longer collecting Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs (TISS Item) so nothing to check | No successor was entered |
Query check ApARF CRF | retired as part of moving to ICD10 | Query check ICD10 ESRD vs AP ARF |
Query check dispo lower acuity than location | no longer checked as per Eliminating distinction between different ward types | No successor was entered |
Query check trach dx task | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
Query s tmp ACP | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
Query s tmp QAInf LT 48 hrs after admit | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
Query s tmp QAInf basic | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
Query s tmp QAInf dx no tmp | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
Query s tmp QAInf tmp no dx | Check using old DX coding schema | Query check cooling vs arrest |
R Filter Field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
RN Accompanied Trip (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Radical Neck Dissection | | |
Radioactive Iodine TX-total isolation required | | |
Registry Patient Type | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Renal Arterioplasty/Graft/Bypass | | |
Renal Artery Stenosis | | |
Renal Calculi/ severe Renal Colic | | |
Renal Coding Considerations (old) | These are so different in ICD10 that we made a new page: ICD10 Guideline for Renal Coding | ICD10 Guideline for Renal Coding |
Renal Insufficiency-moderate (Cr greater than 240) | | |
Renal Transplant | | |
Renal Transplant Problems | | |
Renal dialysis care, including dialysis itself | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Renal insufficiency-mild (creatinine 160-240 mmol) | | |
Resection of Infarcted Myocardium | | |
Respiratory Failure | pre-ICD10 | |
Respiratory failure 2nd anaphylaxis | | |
Respiratory failure 2nd to Neuromuscular Disease | | |
Respiratory failure 2nd to multiple sclerosis | | |
Restrictive Lung Disease | | |
Retained Secretions/Mucous Plug/Atelectasis | | |
Retinal Repair | | |
Retroperitoneal Bleed | | |
Rewire Sternum | | |
Rhabdomyolysis (Myoglobinemia) | | |
Rheumatic Heart Disease | | |
Rheumatoid Arthritis | | |
Rib or sternum fracture | | |
River Ridge Transition Care Environment | River Ridge Transition Care Environment (TCE) closed 2019-Apr-28 | None |
Ruptured Chordae Tendinae | | |
Ruptured Ectopic pregnancy | | |
Ruptured Renal Artery | | |
S AllLabs | Very old process, but the facet/dropdown data is in here | L Labs Flowsheet |
S Drugs | Very old process, but the facet/dropdown data is in here | L Pharm Flowsheet |
S Locations | We moved to a different data structure for collection locations | s_dispo table |
S_charlson_dxs table | no longer a separate list in ICD10 | Charlson Comorbidities in ICD10 codes |
SAH - Subarachnoid - POST OP | | |
SAH 2nd to cerebral aneurysm | | |
SAH 2nd to other causes | | |
SAH Post Operative | | |
SAH Subarachnoid-NON POST OP | | |
SAPS BP Field | no longer collected | No successor was entered |
SAPS II | We stopped collecting this in 2006 | No successor was entered |
SGPT ALT (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
SIADH | | |
SLE | | |
SOFA scoring | Discussed with Allan and decided to no longer consider making this change. Leaving discussion in case it ever comes back up again. | No successor was entered |
STB B5 | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
STB B5old | Location name changed around over time | |
STB CCU | no more ccu | STB_ACCU |
STB CICU | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
STB E6 B | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
STB EMIP | This was the location entry for EMIP at St Boniface. With PatientFollow Project EMIPs are no longer part of any location concept. | No successor was entered |
STB Medicine workload splitting | Pre-PatientFollow_Project info; likely this whole page can be deleted once the last patient collected the old way is discharged. How these were split doesn't affect future interpretation of the data, so we don't need to keep the info once no longer relevant to how to collect. | PatientFollow_Project |
STB SICU | This location is no longer collected. Records are now collected as STB_MICU. | STB_MICU |
SVC Obstruction Syndrome | | |
Sandy Kroeger | the reference to this person for this instruction is no longer recognized in eHealth | what is the successor page? |
Sarcoidosis | | |
Scanner | Stand-alone scanner was retired | |
Scleroderma | | |
Scrotal Debridement | | |
Sedatives/Antidepressants | | |
Seizures | | |
Sepsis (SIRS due to infection, without acute organ failure) | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Septic Abortion/Chorioamnionitis | | |
Septic Arthritis | | |
Septic Prosthetic Device | | |
Septic Shock | use new definition in Shock, septic | Shock, septic |
Septic Shock Order Set | Tmp project ended | No successor was entered |
Septic Thrombus/Thrombophlebitis | | |
Septicemia/Bacteremia/Fungemia | | |
Septo-rhinoplasty | | |
Service Sending to ICU | tmp project made permanent as Previous Service field | Previous Service field |
Severe Carotid Stenosis | | |
Severe Frostbite | | |
Severe Malnutrition (Cachexia) | | |
Severe Sepsis | | |
Short Gut Syndrome | | |
Sickle Cell Anemia | | |
Significant bleed (iatrogenic) | | |
Skin Cancer | | |
Skin grafting/Debridement | | |
Sleep Apnea Syndrome | | |
Small Bowel Adhesions | | |
Small Bowel Fistula Revision | | |
Small/Large Bowel Fistula | | |
SmartPump Audit | xxx | xxx |
Smoke Inhalation | | |
Sneezing | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Soft Tissue Abscess | | |
Soft Tissue Infection (includes Cellulitis) | | |
Spare1 | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Spare2 | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Spare3 | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Spare4 | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Spare5 | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Spare6 | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Spina Bifida | | |
Spinal Compression | | |
Spinal Cord Cancer | | |
Spinal Cord Infarct | | |
Spinal Epidural Abcess Drainage | | |
Spinal Shock | | |
Spine Decom. / Fusion | | |
Spleen-NON OR | | |
Spleen-POST OP | | |
Splenectomy | | |
Splenic Infarct | | |
Spontaneous breathing via ETT without PEEP/CPAP, with or without supplemental O2 (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Sputum C+S | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Staghorn Calculi | | |
Stapling of Bullous Rupture | | |
Status Asthmaticus | | |
Sternotomy | | |
Stomach Cancer | | |
Stroke 2nd to central line | | |
Subarachnoid hemorrhage | | |
Subdural Hematoma - NON POST OP | | |
Subdural Hematoma - POST OP | | |
Subdural hemorrhage | | |
Substantial IV diuretics (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Sudden cardiac death (and died) | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Surgery for Post OP GI Bleeding | | |
Survey about deleting files after sending | 2013 survey | No successor was entered |
Survive / Expired | Old way to collect this concept, was moved into Dispo field as part of 2016 Time and Place changes | Dispo field |
T-Spine Trauma NO cord injury | | |
T-Spine Trauma+cord injury | | |
TAA Repair | | |
TASKS 1 audit.mdb | This was the file to store task audit data for the Peer Audit. | xxx |
TCA (Tricyclic) | | |
TENS - Toxic Epidermal necrolysis | | |
TIA's (Transient Ischemic Attacks) | | |
TIPS - Transjugular Intraheptatic Porto Systemic Stent | | |
TISS Form (TISS28) | Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist | TISS28 Collection Guide |
TISS General Info | No explanation was entered | No successor was entered |
TISS at 2300 Hours | no more Critical Care Vital Signs Monitoring | none |
TISS form audit | We got enough information to realize that the units don't fill this out well enough for them to take it over without our checks. | No successor was entered |
TISS28 Data.mdb | TISS is now collected as part of CCI, so collected in CCMDB.accdb and stored in CFE / Centralized data.mdb. | CCMDB.accdb / CFE / Centralized data.mdb |
TISS28 Form Completion Survey 2013 | TISS no longer done by ward nurses, so this is no longer relevant. | No successor was entered |
TISS28 Form.pdf | no longer used | Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist |
TISS28 Legacy Guide for Paper Form Collection | Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist | TISS28 Collection Guide |
TISS28 collection & scanning Survey April 16, 2013 | TISS no longer done by ward nurses, so this is no longer relevant. | No successor was entered |
TISS28 collection Survey January 7, 2013 | TISS no longer done by ward nurses, so this is no longer relevant. | No successor was entered |
TISS28 data and collection problems | No longer relevant Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist rather than relying on unit staff filing in forms. | Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist |
TISS28.accdb | No more TISS28 Form Scanning after Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist | Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist |
TISS28.accdb Change Log | TISS is now collected as part of CCI, so collected in CCMDB.accdb and stored in CFE / Centralized data.mdb. | Change log |
TMSX and MedTMS | We stopped using TMSX as of May 19, 2014. | Centralized data front end.accdb |
TR info status field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
TScanReader.exe | No more TMS | TISS28 |
TTP | | |
Tachyarrythmias | | |
Tasks 1.mdb | TASKS.mdb was an Access database containing Tasks Elements collected by the Medicine Program. See that page for more info. | |
Tasks Elements | discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | see individual task pages for successor codes |
Tasks vs iTISS | discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | ICD10/CCI |
Teleform | TISS no longer collected on paper forms; Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist | Change to collect TISS data in CCI Picklist |
Temporal Arteritis | | |
Temporary Pacemaker Insertion | | |
Tentorial Herniation | | |
Testicle Cancer | | |
Tetanus | | |
Thoracentesis/Pleurocentesis | | |
Thoracic-Major Vascular- POST OP | | |
Thoracotomy | | |
Thorcoplasty/For Pulmonary Air Leak | | |
Thrombocytopenia | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion (CARDIAC) | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion (PULMONARY EMBOLUS) | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion (REGIONAL) | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion (STROKE) | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion-Cardiac | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion-Pulmonary Embolus | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion-Regional | | |
Thrombolytic Infusion-Strokes | | |
Thymus Cancer | | |
Thymus Resection | | |
Thyroid Storm | | |
Thyroid gland CA | | |
Thyroidectomy | | |
Tigecyline | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
TmpV2 1.mdb | The Pharmacy collection data is now stored in Centralized_data.mdb. | L TmpV2 table in Centralized_data.mdb |
Tobacco use | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Tobacco use/abuse, chronic | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Toluene (glue) | | |
Total Hysterectomy | | |
Total Scrotectomy | | |
Total/Partial Gastrectomy | | |
Toxic Megacolon | | |
Toxic Shock Syndrome | | |
Toxicity-ETOH/Drug-Resp.fail. | | |
Trach Task | discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI. | CCI Tracheostomy creation and ICD10 Tracheostomy, has one, Tracheostomy care and various tracheostomy complications |
Tracheal Dilatation | | |
Tracheal Stenosis/Stricture | | |
Tracheal/esophageal resection | | |
Tracheobronchitis | | |
Tracheoesophageal Fistula | | |
Tracheostomy | | |
Tracheostomy Site Infection | | |
Tracheostomy care | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Tracheostomy tube at 2300hrs (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) | pre-ICD10 | No successor was entered |
Transfer Delay (Critical Care) | xxx | No successor was entered |
Transfer Ready Access database | This article refers to a legacy project, this was not pursued further. | No successor was entered |
Transfer Ready DtTm field | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Transfer Register | This article explains how to use EPR Reports to generate a list of patients we might be collecting. The process is no longer generally used for anything, replaced by Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients. | Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients |
Transfer-for Organ Transplantation | | |
Transfusion Coagulopathy | | |
Transfusion Reaction | | |
Transfusion of WBC | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Transfusion of stem cells | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Transfusion of whole blood | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Transmandibular-Oral/Peritonsillar abscess drain | | |
Trauma + NO significant injury | | |
Trauma post-op vs non post-op | from old dx coding schema, and there is no counterpart in ICD10/CCI | No successor was entered |
Traumatic Paralysis 2nd to Spinal Subdural Bleed | | |
Treatment of metabolic acidosis or alkalosis (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Tricuspid Insufficiency | | |
Tricuspid Valve Replacement | | |
Troponin | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Tube Feed Spillage Intra-Abdominal | | |
Tube feeds (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
Tumor Lysis Syndrome | | |
Two or more IV Meds (TISS Item) | Not currently collected | No successor was entered |
UPL code table | Pre-ICD10 | Pathogens |
Ulcers - Decubitus only | | |
Ulcers - Diabetic foot only | | |
Ulcers - Lower Extremity & other | | |
Uncontrolled Epistaxis (nosebleed) | | |
Uncontrolled Hypertension | | |
Uncontrolled bleeding require Tranfus/OR | | |
Unstable angina | | |
Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest | | |
Update of D ID exclude service/location | The reasons to do this are no longer valid. | No successor was entered |
Upper Airway Obstruction | | |
Upper GI Bleed | | |
Upper Urinary Tract-NON POST OP | | |
Upper airway obstruction 2nd anaphylaxis | | |
Upper airway obstruction 2nd angioneurotic edema | | |
Upper urinary Tract-POST OP | | |
Urine CS | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Uterus Cancer | | |
VAD - Ventricular Device Assist insertion | | |
VAP - Ventilator Associated Pneumonia | | |
VIC EMIP | we no longer collect in this location | |
VIC MICU | September 29, 2017, unit was closed. Last discharge September 28.17 | |
VIC N3F | Collection stopped | No successor was entered |
VIC N4 | 2018-Jan-12, we no longer collect in this location | |
VIC N4C | October 27, 2018, we no longer collect in this location | |
VIC N5 | 2017-Oct-01, we no longer collect in this location | |
VIC N5C | October 27, 2018, we no longer collect in this location | |
VIC S3 | We no longer collect in this location | |
VIC S4 | We no longer collect in this location | |
VIC S5 | We no longer collect in this location | |
VMU | xxx | xxx |
VRE, ESBL and MRO Colonization | | |
VSD | | |
Vagina Cancer | | |
Vagotomy | | |
Validation against Patient Registry Data | Now that data comes from Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients it should really be up-to-date. | Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients |
Valvuloplasty | | |
Var 1 - Admit-from Ward | was eliminated as part of 2016 registry data change. | Previous Location field |
Var 2 - Discharge-to Ward | This data was replaced as part of the 2016 Time and Place changes. | Dispo field |
Vasc Graft Abscess Drainage | | |
Vasc. Graft Infection | | |
Vascular Embolization - any type (i.e. coiling, balloon cath, etc.) | | |
Vascular access device, insertion/adjustment/management | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Venous blood gas (labs) | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Ventricular Drain (insert or remove) | | |
Ventriculitis | | |
Violent 2nd to dementia | | |
Viral Hepatitis | | |
Viral carditis | This is a legacy diagnosis, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Voluven | This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Von Willebrand Disease | | |
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia | | |
Ward admission log forms | We no longer check the forms and instead rely on EPR Reports now. | EPR Reports |
Weber Christian Disease | | |
Wegener's Granulomatosis / Granulomatosis with polyangiitis | | |
When to code a patient as post-op | no longer relevant in CCI | CCI Collection |
Whipple's Procedure | | |
Whole body warming - incl extracorporeal warming of blood | This is a legacy procedure, its stop date is in the past. | No successor was entered |
Wireless networking | This used to be non-trivial, but is available everywhere now. | No successor was entered |
Witnessed Cardiac Arrest | | |
Wound Dehiscence | | |
s_AP_Chronic table | Chronic Health APACHE no longer collected | Change for Apache Chronic to ICD10 from separate variable |
s_PCH table | This was never fully implemented because we can't get the relevant data. | xxx |
s_Pathogens table | old facet table for dx data | Pathogens in S ICD10 table |
s_TISS_Report table | contains documentation about the reports and queries in that db file, out of date and not used. | |
s_locations_allowed_collection table | Table s_locations_allowed_collection table was a table used to restrict which Service/Locations should be available on a laptop based on work allocation. It became irrelevant when we stopped allocating by unit, and was finally removed 2023-11-03 as part of Change to having each collector collect both programs on the same laptop. | Query s_serviceLocation_local |